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Could use some encouragement and prayer...

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I am on the first day of a two week low-iodine diet. I had been diagnosed with thyroid cancer and need to deplete my body of iodine so that any remaining thyroid cells not taken out with surgery will "suck up" the radioactive iodine they will be giving me in a few weeks. Then I will be quarantined from my family for 5 or 6 days. I am afraid of the radioactive iodine. From what I'm reading at reputable cancer and thyroid cancer sites, there is no guarantee this will work 100% or that it won't recur - even decades later. It's like this huge black cloud over me. I also have guilt that I can't handle thyroid cancer when others have worse cancers. I have no family or friends nearby to talk to.


DH keeps telling me to be positive and stop dwelling - that it's not good for me. I just keep looking at my girls and then my eyes well up. Anyhow, this is the first day of a long process and I just can't seem to get into the flow. I've been reading the Psalms. I am not usually so negative.

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I have a dear friend who survived thyroid cancer 9 years ago -- you. can. do. this. Any cancer sucks, IMHSHO, so no guilt allowed ;) ! What I love about the Psalms is that they are honest -- especially the ones where David is crying out to God that what he's going through is not fair, not right, and undeserved. Cry to God. It's OK. Then read the second 1/2 of the psalm -- when David realizes that God is righteous and in control. Trust in him.



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A friend of mines daughter had thyroid cancer over 12 years ago just before she was getting married. She has not had a recurrence after the surgery and radiation and has had a beautiful son and daughter. Be encouraged. David remembered what the Lord had done for him when he was down, out and oppressed and was encouraged by that. Keep reading the Psalms. They are the place of encouragment for all of us. I will pray for you to feel His embrace and loving kindness in this season of your life. This hasn't surprised Him! :grouphug:



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Thank you all so much. I have made it through most of this day and have been feeling your prayers! The Lord is so gracious and I know it will get better. Staying in Psalms for awhile!


Just remember, that the cancer and the diet are affecting you. When my friend was untreated, she was sooooo tired. Then when she was on the diet, she was even more tirred. Her hormones were all wonky [medical term :tongue_smilie:] and it affecter her quite a bit. Please go easy on yourself. Trust in God and cling to Him. Will be praying.


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It's like this huge black cloud over me. I also have guilt that I can't handle thyroid cancer when others have worse cancers.


Of course it would be a black cloud. I'd lose plenty of sleep and have many horrible "Oh my" moments all day long. I can promise you people "with worse cancer" would not begrudge you your fears and misery.


My Rx is a lot of hugs.


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I am on the first day of a two week low-iodine diet. I had been diagnosed with thyroid cancer and need to deplete my body of iodine so that any remaining thyroid cells not taken out with surgery will "suck up" the radioactive iodine they will be giving me in a few weeks. Then I will be quarantined from my family for 5 or 6 days. I am afraid of the radioactive iodine. From what I'm reading at reputable cancer and thyroid cancer sites, there is no guarantee this will work 100% or that it won't recur - even decades later. It's like this huge black cloud over me. I also have guilt that I can't handle thyroid cancer when others have worse cancers. I have no family or friends nearby to talk to.


DH keeps telling me to be positive and stop dwelling - that it's not good for me. I just keep looking at my girls and then my eyes well up. Anyhow, this is the first day of a long process and I just can't seem to get into the flow. I've been reading the Psalms. I am not usually so negative.


Oh, yeah, been there, done that back in 2002 and again in 2003... so I know exactly what you are going through. My hubby just kept saying, "Everything is going to be all right." You know what, that simple thing was so helpful.


There is a particular stressfulness with the isolation of RAI, so don't feel guilty. It makes you feel icky to have to be away from everyone. But it is just a process, and you will get through it. Hang in there. God bless!

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What I love about the Psalms is that they are honest -- especially the ones where David is crying out to God that what he's going through is not fair, not right, and undeserved. Cry to God. It's OK. Then read the second 1/2 of the psalm -- when David realizes that God is righteous and in control. Trust in him.




This is beautiful and so well said. I want to add too that even Jesus cried out to his Father. We are human and God knows that. Don't feel guilty - feel human and allow God to carry you right now. *hugs and prayers*

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It is scary.... do go easy on yourself.


Sil and cousin's fiancee both had this and are fine, but it does make you so tired while you go through it.


I'll be praying that you are healed and gain strength, and that you will have peace and God's comforting arms around you through this time.


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Praying for you and your family! God will strengthen you to walk down this road.


Can you gather some favorite music, books, and DVD's for while you're away from your family? These may help to make the 5-6 days in quarantine go more quickly. Maybe even find some special (easy) projects for your girls to do while they wait?

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A heartfelt thank you to all of you wonderful women! I would not have made it through yesterday in one piece without you. :grouphug:


Can you gather some favorite music, books, and DVD's for while you're away from your family? These may help to make the 5-6 days in quarantine go more quickly. Maybe even find some special (easy) projects for your girls to do while they wait?


This is a good idea! I tend to be a procrastinator but have been talking to the girls today about the three of us cooking and freezing beforehand (they both love to cook). Ideas came pouring out of them. Oldest is doing some "summer school" but I will definitely stock up on some art/craft things for younger dd. I am definitely going to get some DVD's to watch, planning on reading Scripture, and some "homeschooling towards college" type books. Dh has tons and tons of music on computer in our room. So it's all good.


Thank you all!

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A friend just went through the same treatment. She was tired, and then even more tired during isolation, but it helped the days go faster when she slept.

There were 2 really hard parts for her: the diet and being away from her family. I gave her a recipe for oven baked french fries and homemade ketchup that helped her a lot. And she talked to her young girls (4 and 6) as much as she could on the phone.

She is feeling great now, only a couple months later!!!


You can do this! Attitude is INCREDIBLY important in the healing process of the body - so lean on your faith, and know that you are supported in that. You are NOT alone if you are praying.

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