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About lswatson111304

  • Birthday 01/15/1984

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    Sewing, Photography
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  1. Yes!! I have been in freakout mode all week. I feel a little better this evening!
  2. (((HUGS))) I'm only 26, and DH is 30, but he says he is done. I'm taking the praying route. I know his reasons, and I understand, and logically he is right, but my heart and my body want another. So I'm going to pray for God to open this door, and DH's heart. Or, to put me at peace, if this is not His will.
  3. I'm terrified of tornadoes for some reason! Yet I'm so fascinated by them! Glad you are all ok!
  4. Maybe she is a reputable breeder that happened across this litter from someone that didn't know how to care for them? I know that if I knew how to properly care for puppies and someone I knew didn't and asked me for help, I would. I could be naive though.
  5. :D Ahh! Me too! I live in a "doublewide" actually its a single wide with additions! We love our hound dogs, and we had an opossum on our porch before that my friend tried to hit with a frying pan! Gotta love it! To the OP, yes, every day. I can't wait for my Mansion!
  6. I've never owned a beagle, but I have owned a lot of Basset hounds. I LOVE them!! The trailing and baying doesn't bother me at all. Though...we live in the country! We no longer have our basset hounds, but we are getting a blood hound next week and I'm super excited! I hope you love your pup and that he is a wonderful addition to your family!
  7. Sounds like it went well. I have only confessed to a few people sadly! I need to post to my FB, but I'm afraid my Dr. Brother is going to have something to say. He always did growing up.
  8. I love all the ideas in this thread! We will be starting our first ever school day soon, and I really hope to remember to make it special, and to start some traditions!
  9. I'm super new around here and came over to get away from some heated stuff in my usual forum, and well..LOL I'm just staying out of certain ones and not reading them!
  10. This is our first year homeschooling and we are doing LHTH with my 4.5 year old DD! I'm so excited. I had read about HOD when I first started looking into HS, and for some reason the past 3 months it escaped my mind! I finally came across it again and I ordered it last night. It wasn't even exactly what I thought I wanted, I was almost settled on MFW, but I clicked order last night on LHTH! I'm very excited to get started!
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