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Please pray for my uncle--URGENT

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My aunt died 2 weeks ago today of cancer-- she was only 44. My uncle is really taking this very hard. :crying:I live in Wyoming and he is in Michigan and I can not be there (we are VERY close) He just called here and was crying so hard I could hardly understand him.:crying: I have never heard him like that. He is taking this harder than anybody expected. I am really worried about him and the kids. Him especially- he told me tonight he really does not see a point in living anymore-- I told him he has to be there for his kids. I am at a loss :crying::crying: Please please PLEASE lift him up in prayer. His name is Paul- her name is Tammy. They also have 5 kids- Pauly 21, Casey 19, LeeAnn 17, Kaitlyn 13 and Ben 7. Please keep them in your prayers. This has completely devestated them... :crying:

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Prayers for all.


Can you call a suicide help line and ask them for advice? It would be nice to have someone for you to talk to for guidance in this situation.


Is the oldest child mature enough to help his dad get into counseling ASAP. It sounds like he could really use some help right not.

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Prayers for all.


Can you call a suicide help line and ask them for advice? It would be nice to have someone for you to talk to for guidance in this situation.


Is the oldest child mature enough to help his dad get into counseling ASAP. It sounds like he could really use some help right not.



His oldest has not been home :glare: He decided to take his sorrow out by drinking it away :glare: I am googling a suicide hotline number now. Thank you. I am so lost-- This is killing me to see him like this because we are so close-- have been since I can remember- even living in another state for 2 years we still talk all the time. I hate seeing him like this. I have been trying to get ahold of somebody to go visit him but with it being almost 2am in Michigan people are not answering their phones:confused:

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Was your aunt receiving hospice care (at home or a facility)? The hospice who helped my dad during Mom's last weeks gave him a lot of information about dealing with his loss---local groups, a phone line to call 24hr, printed material, websites, and such.


If hospice was involved, perhaps you could contact them.


I'm really really sorry. Cancer stinks.

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Saying a prayer here.

Does he have clergy?


He does- I left a message this morning. I am going to call back in 40 mins if I dont hear from anybody by then.



Was your aunt receiving hospice care (at home or a facility)? The hospice who helped my dad during Mom's last weeks gave him a lot of information about dealing with his loss---local groups, a phone line to call 24hr, printed material, websites, and such.


If hospice was involved, perhaps you could contact them.


I'm really really sorry. Cancer stinks.


She was involved in hospice. Infact she went into the facility 28 hours before she died. It was strange- because she told my uncle it would be before the weekend was up:001_huh: She said that Saturday when she went it and died sunday morning :crying:


I am calling them now! Thank you I didnt even think of that!

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I am so sorry. I am glad you are calling his pastor though. Hopefully he will be able to help. He is probably totally overwhelmed not only with her death but also all that is left on his shoulders now such as the total raising of their children.

I am praying for him, his children, wisdom for ones around him AND you, sweet friend.:grouphug:

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I am so sorry. I am glad you are calling his pastor though. Hopefully he will be able to help. He is probably totally overwhelmed not only with her death but also all that is left on his shoulders now such as the total raising of their children.

I am praying for him, his children, wisdom for ones around him AND you, sweet friend.:grouphug:



Thank you so much!! :001_smile:

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