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How much are blueberries in your area?

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they are $25 per kg at a blueberry farm down the road from me. that is a lot cheaper than buying them in the little 100 gram boxes in the supermarket, but still out of my reach.

Not sure exactly how to translate kg into pints or gallons.


Edited to add.

My husband told me it was $15 per kg, not 25. I am sorry for my error.

Edited by melissaL
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They're expensive here...


A good deal for me is $1.50 for one of those little 6 oz. containers (170 grams). 1 pint = 16 oz., so that would mean that I'm paying $4 per pint.


DD2 loves blueberries, so go through 2-3 of those little containers per week...

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There are some farms around here where you can get them but they are sold out every year before they are picked. So I am not sure what that price would be.


Currently, they are 1.48 a pint and sometime over the summer I should be able to get the 5lb box for $5-10 at the store.:001_smile:

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Right now they are running 2.00 - 2.50 a pint in the store. I think there are from the east cost or down south. When the Michigan berries ripen they are usually around 1.50 rarely I can find them for 99 cents a pint. I also get the from the Amish (who get them in bulk from Michigan) where I pay $20-22 for 10 pounds (there are 12 pints from a 10 pound box).


I live on the wrong side of the lake so locally grown berries are hard to find because it's difficult to get them to winter over. Pick your own are $5.00 a pint and at the farmer's market are about $4.00 a pint.


We've got another month before the Michigan ones come though but when they do I buy 50-60 pounds.

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