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How often do you take your kids to the movies?

How often do you take your kids to the movies?  

  1. 1. How often do you take your kids to the movies?

    • Never
    • 1 - 2 times a year
    • 3 - 5 times a year
    • 5- 10 times a year
    • We love the movies, over 10 times a year

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I voted 3-5 times a year, but we only go during the summer. We are lucky to have a great drive-in close by. Adults are $5 and the dc are free. Add in a $5 pizza from Little Caesars and we are set! The drive-in even has a nice playground. We park on the front row where we can keep an eye on dd, sit back, and enjoy the evening.

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We love to go to the theater but OUCH! It costs a fortune for three at adult prices and one child, plus one or two parents. And honestly, there's not many more than one or two a year that seem worthy of that expense. Or that we can all agree on!


It is a good activity to do with a kid one on one, though.

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i voted never, and then i realized, that's not quite true. in the summer, when there are free movies, we see one. last year it was kit: an american girl. i never feel like new movies are worth it to me. there is so much innuendo and so many crude jokes i just can't stand it. we have a family movie night every week at home and we get plenty of old movies that are just great. i should add my kids are from 2-12.

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I took my kids to see Food Inc last week- does that count? I dont think they would count it :)


I took dd to see Alice in Wonderland last month, and we will see the new Twilight movie when it comes out. I am presuming there will be one or two other movies in the year we will see- but not necessarily. They go with their friends nowadays.

We tend to go on a schoolday when its something we have all loved- like Harry Potter or Twilight.

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I take the kids to the movies quite often, but I was a film major in college, and I love seeing just about anything on the big screen. It helps that we have a dollar theater in town, otherwise I would never be able to afford it. As far as previews, I always arrive late, so that my kids do not have to see them. I find many of the previews to be highly inappropriate.

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I voted 5-10 times a year. I usually take my kids to see Harry Potter on opening day. I might have a girls' day with dd and go to the movies. We also might go to the $1 movies once or twice. However, most of the movies we go to are at the drive in, which is much cheaper. It's $7-8 a car plus we bring our own food.

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Mine are all older now -- 20, 16, almost 15. I rarely go to the movies with them anymore, although they do go several times a year, so that's how I voted. Oldest ds has a friend who is an assistant manager at a movie theater and gets them passes on a regular basis. They wouldn't go so often if we had to pay full price for all of them, though.

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I voted for never, which is not technically true since they've been to one movie in their entire lives.


We're not anti-tv or anti-movie; it's just expensive, and for what we pay to get in and have snacks, we could have bought the DVD and cheaper snacks and the ability to pause/watch again.

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It's somewhere between never and 1-2x a year. I think my almost 12-yos have been to the movies in a theater about 5x??


This year they've seen HP6, the only HP movie they've seen in a theater. My younger dd hasn't been to any movies this year.


I love the movies, but there's a lot of swill out there, especially for kids. The good stuff I ususally just wait till it's on DVD - I'll agree with everyone else who says it's expensive!

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