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What do you do to relax?

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I'm childless for 2 solid weeks. They've all gone to visit the Grandparents. I haven't been childless in 12 years. :confused: DH has been home for 2 weeks and it still feels strange to have him here...although it's really nice. ;)

I feel like I'm climbing the walls..and it's only day 2. Next week we go on vacation, but this week is filled with lots of time alone during the day(he has work). I wonder if this is what it's going to be like when they all leave? So, what do you do to relax when there's no one around? I feel like I should be doing something, but dh said relax.

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Anything that requires quiet or concentration!

sleep past 5:30!



read more


cook non-kid food

go out to eat with DH

read more

leisurely browse through my favorite used book shop

shop for clothes

watch movies

take my dog for nice long walks

go out to lunch with a friend

stay up later than 9:00

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I would drink a cup of tea while it was still hot.

Then read a big stack of fluffy books like Sookie Stackhouse or the Outlander series.

I'd go hang out at the library or a bookstore by myself for a while.

I'd make myself *adult* food that *I* liked to eat!

And then waste several hours playing Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook. :lol:

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Oh, that would be soooo fun for a week!



Wait. I had that life. Then I decided a family with children had more meaning.






That's the beautiful thing about vacations, just when you really start to miss the little buggers, they come back. *g*

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I'm childless for 2 solid weeks. They've all gone to visit the Grandparents. I haven't been childless in 12 years. :confused: DH has been home for 2 weeks and it still feels strange to have him here...although it's really nice. ;)

I feel like I'm climbing the walls..and it's only day 2. Next week we go on vacation, but this week is filled with lots of time alone during the day(he has work). I wonder if this is what it's going to be like when they all leave? So, what do you do to relax when there's no one around? I feel like I should be doing something, but dh said relax.


Ds has started spending a good chunk of the summer at Grandma's. The first thing I do is take off the bra and pants!:lol: It's very liberating, not to mention cool (temp. wise). I order chick fliks on netflix, eat popcorn, ice cream, candy, junk food, etc. whenever I want (bfast, lunch, dinner). I basically revert back to summer break in jr and sr high! LOl


I might have a few massages, wander around the mall or downtown shops, go to museums that ds wants to just rush through. The first few days are spent solely decompressing though (as in above).


Enjoy your time!

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How fun! I would love to have 2 weeks to myself right about now...


I would:

- sleep in EVERY morning

- have several lunches/dinners with friends

- spend 1/2 day at the spa (for a pedi, facial and massage)

- read, read, read (and then spend a few hours at Barnes & Noble and/or the library stocking up on more books!)

- go to the gym 3-4 times each week

- do an extended juice fast/detox

- go see a chick flick at the movies or watch a few at home

- do some major decluttering


Hope you have a wonderful, thoroughly enjoyable time! :)

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I clean the house. Especially the school room and DD's room, which NEVER get caught up when she's around (maybe it'll be better this next year). Then I get school planned for the coming year. And sometimes I sew, or play a lot of computer games (without interruptions!) and watch movies no one else wants to watch that can't be watched with DD around.

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I'm childless for 2 solid weeks. They've all gone to visit the Grandparents. I haven't been childless in 12 years. :confused: DH has been home for 2 weeks and it still feels strange to have him here...although it's really nice. ;)

I feel like I'm climbing the walls..and it's only day 2. Next week we go on vacation, but this week is filled with lots of time alone during the day(he has work). I wonder if this is what it's going to be like when they all leave? So, what do you do to relax when there's no one around? I feel like I should be doing something, but dh said relax.


I would take a walk in some pretty place, and quietly listen to the Holy Spirit in the breezes.


I would practice being still.


I would let Him prepare my heart for the next part of life's journey, for any changes that are up around the bend.


I would reconnect with Jesus as a Person, as my Lord and Savior, and as a Friend. I would tell Him how much I love Him, and why.


I would express my thankfulness to the Lord for His goodness.


I would thank my husband for being the wonderful husband he is.


I would hug my children when they got back from grandma's house, and then really enjoy who they are.

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Guest momk2000

If I had some alone time, I would probably do some scrapbooking. I am wayyyyyy behind in organizing the family photos.

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I was just saying today that I can not clean this house while people are living in it. So if they all went away, I suppose I would have to clean the house. :glare:


But when I just want to relax while the people are here, well that's why I come here. :001_smile:

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Not to stress anyone out, but time w/out kids is precious & must be prepared for. Before they leave:


1. Declutter.

2. Reorganize furniture.

3. Deep clean.

4. Maybe even shampoo the carpet.

5. Clean out fridge & restock w/ real food.


Then think of all the back-breaking neck-aching projects you'd be tempted to do, &:


1. Organize all your books. Give them Dewey decimal labels. Enter them into Library Thing.

2. Catch up on scrapbooking (or at least develop a 5yr plan).

3. Lesson plans.

4. Errands.

5. Mending.

6. Paperwork/filing/bills.


Now you need to detox/destress/de-dust yourself, so you can be in the right frame of mind:


1. Mani/pedi/facial--either professional or the Walgreens variety, depending upon budget.

2. Spiritual stuff.

3. Lose at least 10lb before they go. You'll enjoy the time more that way.

4. Organize your closet acc'd to outfits, so you'll feel good about how you look & not have to think about what to wear. Seriously. You know when you deep-cleaned you skipped your stuff, because you put everyone else first.

5. Decide the purpose in your life, whether you're living up to your potential, & what you can do *now* to change/progress along your path. Then do it. Register for classes, lose another 10 lb, write the book you've been thinking about, etc.


Finally, think of something truly meaningful for the time away from the dc, so that you have absolutely no regrets, so that when they come home you're not wishing for just one more day to do the one really important thing you forgot. Or never thought of.


Thank goodness my kids aren't going anywhere. I don't think I have the energy for time off!

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OMG I would totally declutter the house! Not having people mess it up as I worked would be a dream come true. Then I'd put up an Ebay auction with all the declutter loot and buy more books. Aaaaah. :)



Yes, this is what I tend to do when I have time on my hands. I love to empty out cupboards, get rid of things, put it all back neatly, take the discarded stuff to the op shops or sell it. Buy more stuff, especially books.


I also like to use time at the beginning of holidays to plan for next year/term, before I have forgotten what school is like and my ideas for after the holidays. I always feel better when I have sorted out school- I can really relax and enjoy my holidays without anything hanging over me.

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ooooh, Thanks! I love Sudoku and Kakuro. I just searched KenKen and I think I've found a fun new time-waster! :D


What is Logic? I searched for it, but of course received a lot of hits on "logic".


This is one you can solve online:




Be sure to read the tips on how to solve and mark the grid. There are lots more, including whole books of them.


The NYTimes website has 6 brand new KenKen puzzles you can solve online each day. Go to the crossword/puzzles link on the left side bar from the www.NYTimes.com site, then click on KenKen. I like to do the 4 by 4 puzzles to warm up, then work my way to the harder puzzles.


I like to pick up a copy of Dell's Math and Logic Puzzles magazine at the grocery store or Barnes and Noble and keep it handy for anytime I have some down time. I even do some while soaking in a bubble bath. I don't enjoy word puzzles nearly as much as math-oriented puzzles, so I don't buy the books with crossword puzzles, word searches, etc.

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Hm. I like to read, write (poems, short stories, articles etc), browse message boards of interest, and I sometimes like to play video or computer games.


I'd also probably make plans with girlfriends to go out and have some girl time, maybe do some shopping, go get a pedicure, etc.


I might catch up on shows/movies I like.


And if I got bored or ambitious I might pick a room or a closet or something to start thoroughly cleaning out or organizing- or rearranging furniture in.

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I found ways to fill my day today. :001_smile: I cleaned the house, did 6 loads of laundry, went to the tanning bed and wash the car for vacation next week. I only have to make it for 2 more days and then hubby and I are out of here. :)

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