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Game: I have never....

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Most of the things I haven't done aren't appropriate to post.



I've never had plastic surgery, a broken bone, a terminal disease (except life), a manicure, pedicure, hair colored, eyebrows tweezed or waxed, smoked, taken illegal drugs, robbed a bank, stolen a car, cheated on a test, been arrested, been snow skiing, waterskiing, or sailing, or on a snowmobile,

and I've never bathed in yogurt.


Oh my goodness, woman. You need to get out more.


You haven't lived until you've bathed in yogurt.



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After reading this and seeing so many things in this thread that I have done, I'm having a hard time. I'm not going to say which ones, though!


I've never flown a plane and I would probably die of a heart attack if I thought about it too much. Ditto for bungee jumping.


I've never had a mammogram. (Getting time, isn't it?)


I've never driven a motorcycle (but I have ridden one).


I've never been out west (not past TX, anyway).


I've never even seen a Trader Joes, or an IKEA.


I've never cut up a whole chicken.


I've never had anything waxed that wasn't on my face.


I've never had a boy baby.


I've never run a marathon.


Some of those things aren't going to happen, either, but I would like to go out west. And I guess I should get a mammogram one of these days.

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I've never smoked.

I've never had a mocha, latte, expresso and all the rest that I can't pronounce( in fact, I've also never been in a Starbucks).

I've never been further than North Carolina(so all the Disney's are ruled out also)

I've never had raw oysters, I've never had lobsters or crabs.

I've never been to a Trader Joe's but I have been to IKEA.

I've never changed a tire or pumped gas.

I've never mowed my lawn and I don't know anything about gardening either.

I've never ground my own flour or made yogurt.:D

I've never done illegal drugs or got drunk.


Elmeryl(with J12, C9, R7, L7)

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I have done about 90% of the things mentioned in the previous posts...


but I have never




















read the Well Trained Mind. :svengo:



I have read the Well Educated Mind and we use SOTW and the History of the Ancient World, so I can still play here, right???

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I have never:

-been to Ikea or Trader Joes

-had a pedicure or facial (looks like I'm in good company here!)

-bungee jumped

-been out west any further than OK, no further north than KY, no further east than Atlanta, GA

-"officially" used or needed my teaching degree

-had plastic surgery

-had caviar (fish eggs....did I spell that right?) or sushi

-had a mammogram (next year it will happen)

-changed a tire

-been arrested

-had a serious boyfriend besides my hubby

-broken a bone

-been hunting or shot a gun

-cut up a chicken though I've cooked them whole as well as turkeys

-been able to sew from a pattern, though I can make curtains

-been para-sailing, sky diving, or deep sea fishing

-never seen the Pacific or Atlantic Oceans

-seen any of the Lord of the Rings movies nor have I read the books....same with Harry Potter

-never taken dance, gymnastics or any music lessons

-ran a marathon (10K is my limit and I can't run it all)

-been to Seaworld or Busch Gardens

-ground my own flour or made yogurt

-had a home birth or used a midwife


And that's all I can think of! Maybe we should do another post on things we HAVE done!:001_smile:

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I've never painted daisies on a big red rubber ball! :D



Also, I've never eaten snails, and I've never eaten lobster, and I've never sailed a boat (or been out on a sail boat), I've never mowed a lawn.


To go along with this :tongue_smilie:

"I've never sniffed a stink bug"


I've never eaten an oyster, I've never traveled outside the USA.


Edited to add: I have on the other hand run a lawnmower and am the Lawn Master in our house. My dh is gone on deployments to much for me not to be. I really enjoy it. I slap on my ipod and mow away LOL

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I've never returned a library book late. (Please don't hate me!)


I've never attended a professional sports event.


I've never worked at a job that required me to wear a suit or even a tie.


I've never visited the Statue of Liberty or the Guggenheim (although I grew up outside of NYC).


I've never broken a bone.


I've never read Don Quixote.

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Wow, I have done so much that you guys haven't.


I guess I'll have to call myself a pedicure getting, brazilian waxing, trollop who has been to the circus. Twice.;)


See, that's why I wanted to have a list of things we "have" done. Though I haven't had a pedicure or seen much of the U.S., I have had a biniki wax, been snorking off the shores of Cancun, Mexico, and been to a circus and sat on an elephant!:001_smile:

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I've never knitted or quilted anything. :blink:


I've never changed a tire or checked the oil in a car.


I've never gutted a fish or a deer.


I've never played the asphyxiation game or Russian roulette.


I've never wished I may or wished I might.


I've never done donuts in a parking lot or popped a wheelie on a dirt bike.


I've never been to a home school convention.


I've never had plastic surgery or broken any bones.


I've never figured out where Waldo was or where's the beef.


I've never been to Africa, Antarctica, Australia or South America.


I've never been in a coma or clinically dead.


I've never swum with a dolphin or gone skinny-dipping.


I've never read Moby Dick.


I've never been on a cruise or airborne in a helicopter.


I've never scuba dived, sky dived or bungee jumped.

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I've never ... gone skinny-dipping.


Now that's what I call sad.


When my dd#2 was 6, we visited relatives in San Diego. They left us alone in their lushly private backyard one afternoon. Of course we took the opportunity to skinny dip in their pool. As my dd slipped off her suit, she swam about a bit, then turned to me with a big smile. "Mom, I've never felt so alive!" she said.


With a recommendation like that, don't you thing you should try it sometime?

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I have never been downhill sking or ice skating. (I grew up in FL, so not an opportunity for those) But my kids ice skate and love it and we all snow shoe. (This was absolutely essential given the time that snow covers the ground, we live in the mountains, so we didn't go crazy with cabin fever.) Have to have more places to walk/hike than just the roads.


Anj, you have to go to the circus, everyone should. Save up and go to the Ringling Brothers--really the best. I grew up in Sarasota, FL and every year they would do a "dress rehersal" of their new show for the towns people. Sarasota was there winter home. I believe they now consider Venice their winter home. But this was really fun every year! The wonder of the circus is what I remember most.

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Anj, you have to go to the circus, everyone should. Save up and go to the Ringling Brothers--really the best.


You're right. Until this thread I had sort of forgotten that I'd never been and that we hadn't taken the kids yet either. Definitely bumping that one up higher on my "things to do" list. And thanks for mentioning the RB specifically. I was wondering if there was really a significant difference. :)

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