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Game: I have never....

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I've never used illegal drugs.


I've never gone to a nude beach (or a "naturalist resort").


I've never watched American Idol or Survivor. And I'm not planning on it. :tongue_smilie:



On the list of things I'd really like to do but have not: Learn to surf, scuba dive, visit Egypt.

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Also, I've never eaten snails, and I've never mowed a lawn.


These were the ones I was going to say! Like minds think great and all that.


I have never given birth in a hospital, or had an ultrasound during a pregnancy.


I have never been in a limosine,or a helicopter, nor have I seen the inside cab of a big truck- you know, where the trucker sleeps when he is on the road.

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No way! You shock me, Amy! I actually just got off the phone with a friend/colleague and we were planning--a pedicure outing to a cool Chinese foot massage place. They don't speak English, can't explain what they are doing, but apparently it's awesome.


Because you don't want to, or time/family/whatever hasn't made it happen?

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I've never used illegal drugs.


I've never gone to a nude beach (or a "naturalist resort").


Welllllll, I cannot say I have never done either of those, but this next one, I am so with you on!


I've never watched American Idol or Survivor. And I'm not planning on it. :tongue_smilie:



Me neither!!

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I've been to paradise, but I've never been to me......


Girl, you stole my joke. I was frantically scrolling down so I could type


"I've never been to Niece or the isle of Greece. I've never tasted champaigne on a yaught."


But, seriously, I've never mowed a lawn or had a manicure (I have had one pedicure).

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Girl, you stole my joke. I was frantically scrolling down so I could type



Okay, so you just admitted that you're as pathetic as I am because I FRANTICALLY SCROLLED DOWN TOO hoping that no one else had already said that!!!!


Oh man, Mindy. The fun we could have face to face...well, it's just too much to hope for! :D

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Okay, so you just admitted that you're as pathetic as I am because I FRANTICALLY SCROLLED DOWN TOO hoping that no one else had already said that!!!!


Oh man, Mindy. The fun we could have face to face...well, it's just too much to hope for! :D


Next time I make it to New Jersey....we are SO going to have to get together!! :-)

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I never learned how to drive a stick shift.


I never dated anyone other than my husband.




I have never learned to drive a standard transmission either, although it would be helpful since my dh drives a stick shift and this would save us from switching car seats when he wants to take ds with him.


Dh was also my first love! I had never been kissed when he came back from serving in the Navy and started attending the same university where I was a sophomore. We were college sweethearts and married two weeks after graduation.

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I'll give two examples I was just discussing with 15yodd last night.


I have never tried any illegal drug. I haven't had many prescription drugs, either, and, of course, that was only when they were prescribed specifically for me. Actually, I think I've only had antibiotics prescribed. I never felt the slightest temptation to try drugs and was always angry if I learned a friend had. I've just got very strong convictions about that particular issue.


The other issue I have strong convictions regarding is cheating. I have never in my life accepted answers from someone else for schoolwork or a test or had someone else do part of my work. I did give a few kids behind me in class one answer on a German test in high school. Dh was back there, and I was trying to impress him and another boy, or at least make them think I wasn't such a goody-goody.:blush: The guilt over that was horrible! I never could have cheated for myself. This is the one dd couldn't believe. For some reason, my oldest two do not feel this way about cheating. I say they got this from dh's side, though he now regrets that he ever did anything like that and would certainly never cheat in any way now. That's good news, right? If they're like their dad then they'll straighten out eventually? I don't know if my kids have cheated on anything recently, but just knowing that they think it's okay on things that they think don't really matter really bothers me. :mad::( The younger two (13yods in particular) seem to feel honesty in all areas is pretty important.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

Most of the things I haven't done aren't appropriate to post.



I've never had plastic surgery, a broken bone, a terminal disease (except life), a manicure, pedicure, hair colored, eyebrows tweezed or waxed, smoked, taken illegal drugs, robbed a bank, stolen a car, cheated on a test, been arrested, been snow skiing, waterskiing, or sailing, or on a snowmobile,

and I've never bathed in yogurt.

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I have never tried any illegal drug. I never felt the slightest temptation to try drugs and was always angry if I learned a friend had. I've just got very strong convictions about that particular issue.


The other issue I have strong convictions regarding is cheating. I have never in my life accepted answers from someone else for schoolwork or a test or had someone else do part of my work. I did give a few kids behind me in class one answer on a German test in high school. Dh was back there, and I was trying to impress him and another boy, or at least make them think I wasn't such a goody-goody.:blush: The guilt over that was horrible! I never could have cheated for myself.


Ditto, including the giving answers to someone once on a test so that I didn't appear too goody-goody. The chump got a better score than I did on the test. Never did that again!

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I've never had a speeding ticket :auto:, never broken a bone, never taken illegal drugs or cheated on schoolwork (like Prairie Air), never eaten spam or washed out baggies (in reference to another thread :)), I've never had a pedicure, a facial, or a massage, and I've never met anyone in person from these boards! I'm hoping the last one will change eventually! :D

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