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A HUGE mature tree just fell in our back yard . . .

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I was out front and heard what sounded like a firecracker. I turned around to see one of our trees going down. Actually, it was just about 1/3 of it. My kids ALWAYS play under that tree. I ran around to the back yard and started yelling my kids' names, praying that nobody was under it. Nobody answered, so I assumed the worst. Thank God, they were all inside.


It's pulled electric/cable lines out of our house and we're waiting for the electric company to get here. They take the branches away - thank God!


Now, I just hope we won't lose that tree. I LOVE that tree!!


And, when will this sick to my stomach feeling go away???? I was SO scared I'd lost a couple of kids under that tree. I can't stop crying!





It's now been over 10 hours and our power company has NOT come. We had the police out here (we're in a small town and they like to respond to these things because there was the possibility of a fire). He noticed that our power pole was tilting as a result of our tree falling on it.


I emailed our local news station about the situation (live wire on our ground after 9 hours). They called me within 10 minutes and said they were calling our energy company. I got a call back another 10 minutes later - suddenly, the power company has a work order and they'll be here within the hour!!! We'll see if that happens. It's already been 40 minutes.


Here are some pictures:






Here's the power line pole at the back of our property. See the angle???




That's the 1/2 tree that fell. The house is our neighbor's.




See the wires?????

Edited by Jennifer in MI
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You might also want to call the local tree folks - the rest may need to come down, and better to have professionals do it, than for Mother Nature to do it.


We had half of a mature tree on the street in front fall into the street and smash a neighbor's van. Hours later, as all the neighborhood watched, the other half fell...on our house.

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You might also want to call the local tree folks - the rest may need to come down, and better to have professionals do it, than for Mother Nature to do it.




:iagree:It is probably too damaged to stand for long and could be dangerous.


Sorry. I get attached to my trees, too.

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We're definitely calling tree people. I never thought that the other part could fall today!!! Nobody is going out in the back yard for a while.


We're also going to have our other trees inspected. I'm just so sad. It was my favorite tree and if it has to come down, it will change the entire landscape of the back yard:(

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You might also want to call the local tree folks - the rest may need to come down, and better to have professionals do it, than for Mother Nature to do it.


We had half of a mature tree on the street in front fall into the street and smash a neighbor's van. Hours later, as all the neighborhood watched, the other half fell...on our house.


:iagree:It is probably too damaged to stand for long and could be dangerous.


Sorry. I get attached to my trees, too.


I encourage you to seriously consider the advice given here. I understand not wanting to get rid of the tree. So sorry.

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Heavens! So glad that everyone is okay - now you just need to get over the fright and shock!


We had someone here yesterday looking at a tree at the outer limits of our yard, and sadly, it has to come down.


Take deep breaths -- and again, so glad that you are all fine!:001_smile:

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Breathe in, breathe out. Repeat.


The stinking electric company hasn't come yet. It's been about two hours. They KNOW we have a downed wire (actually two of them). They told us that we were on the priority list because we're across the street from a school. Some priority.


Anyway, they're sending a tree company out after they turn off the electricity to that wire. We'll ask them what has to happen with that tree.


I was just thinking the other day about how sad I'd be if we ever lost one of our huge trees. How stupid is this? I cannot stop crying. I'm SO thankful that the kids were safe. But, I LOVE that tree. And, it has a nest of robins in it that we've been watching.

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I was just thinking the other day about how sad I'd be if we ever lost one of our huge trees. How stupid is this? I cannot stop crying. I'm SO thankful that the kids were safe. But, I LOVE that tree. And, it has a nest of robins in it that we've been watching.


Not stupid at all. It takes so long for a tree to grow and they are such a signal about changing seasons and the progress of our lives. I love our trees and still look longingly at spots where two of them died and had to be cut out. I would say get a new one planted as soon as possible so it can get started growing. It is still early in the season and a years worth of growth makes a big difference.

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It's now been over 10 hours and our power company has NOT come. We had the police out here (we're in a small town and they like to respond to these things because there was the possibility of a fire). He noticed that our power pole was tilting as a result of our tree falling on it.


I emailed our local news station about the situation (live wire on our ground after 9 hours). They called me within 10 minutes and said they were calling our energy company. I got a call back another 10 minutes later - suddenly, the power company has a work order and they'll be here within the hour!!! We'll see if that happens. It's already been 40 minutes.


Here are some pictures:






Here's the power line pole at the back of our property. See the angle???




That's the 1/2 tree that fell. The house is our neighbor's.




See the wires?????

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Thank you!!! I pray we can keep it. I just love that tree!


Another update - the power company sent out ONE guy in a pickup truck. He came to the front door and says, "I hear you have a branch interfering with your wires." My 14 yo d.s. says, "Um, yeah. Come look!" Power man goes to the back yard and sees it and says, "Woah!!!"


They obviously hadn't believed me when I told them it wasn't really just a branch!!! Anyway, he said on the phone, "I need a tree trimming crew - a BIG one immediately. This family has been waiting since 9:30 am!!"


They aren't here yet. But, they are going to be here soon. I'm sure my neighbors won't be happy about the chainsaws at 10 pm.

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I can relate, Jennifer!

Three days ago, I was in the garage just puttering when I heard a creaking, cracking, and then a crashing! I saw one of the trees on the path between the rectory and the rest of the church property come down--wasn't windy or anything! Not as branch-y as yours, just a pine, but about 35 feet tall!

We've lost so many trees this year due to the weather.


I'm glad no one was hurt in your case (none here, either). Trees are symbols, aren't they? Like childhoood to me--hard to see them go.:grouphug:

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Oh, my! You and your poor neighbors. "Hello, DTE! We have LIVE wires down in our back yard!" Obviously, they don't get the potential liability on their hands. And it's not like we've had a storm today that has kept crews busy.


Even though it is so late, if they have secured the area before morning, you'll feel a little better.

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I can relate, Jennifer!

Three days ago, I was in the garage just puttering when I heard a creaking, cracking, and then a crashing! I saw one of the trees on the path between the rectory and the rest of the church property come down--wasn't windy or anything! Not as branch-y as yours, just a pine, but about 35 feet tall!

We've lost so many trees this year due to the weather.


I'm glad no one was hurt in your case (none here, either). Trees are symbols, aren't they? Like childhoood to me--hard to see them go.:grouphug:


Oh man!! That must've been scary to see. And, yes. They are symbols. This guy told us it is going to have to come down.


On the news they said mature trees should be inspected yearly. Anything can make a tree fall over. Some trees like pecan trees, prune themselves. That looks and sounds scary. I am glad no one was hurt.


We will from now on!! I had NO idea.


Oh, my! You and your poor neighbors. "Hello, DTE! We have LIVE wires down in our back yard!" Obviously, they don't get the potential liability on their hands. And it's not like we've had a storm today that has kept crews busy.


Even though it is so late, if they have secured the area before morning, you'll feel a little better.


You're familiar with DTE then!? They have been horrible through this. We've been contesting a bill with them since January. We were gone for the entire month of January. Heat turned down to 40, gas off, everything unplugged, etc. The bill was a LOT higher than our December bill (like $200 more - just for gas!!!) when we had company most of the month. They've been horrible through that too. They know they have a monopoly.

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Wow, I can't imagine. Our property (small city lot) is just as important as our home. That would be like a garage falling down to me. :001_huh:


I am so sorry the electric company blew you off. I hope you are all resting now.



How unsettling. You need to put a picture of chicken little for your avatar now. You will be looking for the sky to be falling for a while I fear. :svengo:

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And, when will this sick to my stomach feeling go away???? I was SO scared I'd lost a couple of kids under that tree. I can't stop crying!


Wow Jen! I'd be afraid for my kids too! That was a huge part of the tree that came down.


I hope the electricity is all worked out by now!

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Same sort of thing happened in our yard a few years back.Totally destroyed our solid cedar playscape the kids were always playing on. Turns out our dog was out in the back and she bolted right thru her Invisible Fence and was found by a kind passerby on a busy street nearby. My DD was beside herself til we recovered the dog. The dog wouldnt go out on windy days for the longest time. I didnt blame her.

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Turns out our dog was out in the back and she bolted right thru her Invisible Fence and was found by a kind passerby on a busy street nearby. My DD was beside herself til we recovered the dog.


That's the trouble with those things. A frightened dog can bolt through it and then not be able to get home because once they calm down, they want to avoid the shock from the fence. They've bolted through it in their fright, but then won't cross back.

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Here's a little story to help you feel better realizing it could have been worse!




Wow. Those pictures are amazing!!!!


Thank you. I guess I need to focus more on the positive. We were all okay. It's just so hard looking out back. It was one of my favorite places. So shady - protected by those trees.


The guys who came out last night and took branches off the power lines said that we were incredibly lucky. If any of the other branches had fallen, we'd have had a TON of damage. As it was, it barely touched our house.


Wow, I can't imagine. Our property (small city lot) is just as important as our home. That would be like a garage falling down to me. :001_huh:


I am so sorry the electric company blew you off. I hope you are all resting now.



How unsettling. You need to put a picture of chicken little for your avatar now. You will be looking for the sky to be falling for a while I fear. :svengo:


Wow Jen! I'd be afraid for my kids too! That was a huge part of the tree that came down.


I hope the electricity is all worked out by now!


The wires are still lying on the ground.


Same sort of thing happened in our yard a few years back.Totally destroyed our solid cedar playscape the kids were always playing on. Turns out our dog was out in the back and she bolted right thru her Invisible Fence and was found by a kind passerby on a busy street nearby. My DD was beside herself til we recovered the dog. The dog wouldnt go out on windy days for the longest time. I didnt blame her.


Scary!!!! We have a playscape too. I can't imagine how big that tree must've been!!!

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You're familiar with DTE then!? They have been horrible through this. We've been contesting a bill with them since January. We were gone for the entire month of January. Heat turned down to 40, gas off, everything unplugged, etc. The bill was a LOT higher than our December bill (like $200 more - just for gas!!!) when we had company most of the month. They've been horrible through that too. They know they have a monopoly.


Oh, yikes on that bill! We're very familiar with DTE and their "wonderful" response times. We live in a semi-rural portion of their service area & over the last 10 years that we've been here, we've had several outages that took 2-3 days time to restore service. One of them wasn't storm related, which means their resources weren't stretched at the time, yet it still took at least 2 days to get service restored. Since we depend on our well for water, not to mention all the other electric needs, we have a generator to keep us going when that happens. We'll wait up to 8 hours if it's not frigid cold outside before firing up the generator; it seems we usually use it at least once a year.

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We had something similar once, except it was a mostly dead tree (and smaller than yours). It took out the power lines, actually yanking the boxes from our house and our neighbor's. The utilities wouldn't do anything until WE had the tree removed. And of course we had to wait on the insurance folks with all that too ... and let them wrestle with our neighbor's insurance ... the tree was ours, but there was damage on both sides, and our neighbors were NOT happy. (To be fair, we weren't aware the tree was that dead till after the fact.) It caused hard feelings, a lot of mess and expense, and quite a bit of time without power.


Did I mention this was just as we returned home from our honeymoon, and it was wet and cold and miserable and I was horribly sick at the time too? Right before a major holiday with company and everything?


At least I didn't have to worry about kids...


So sorry you're going through this ... hope it all gets cleared up soon! And save those photos just in case you need 'em.

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Oh, yikes on that bill! We're very familiar with DTE and their "wonderful" response times. We live in a semi-rural portion of their service area & over the last 10 years that we've been here, we've had several outages that took 2-3 days time to restore service. One of them wasn't storm related, which means their resources weren't stretched at the time, yet it still took at least 2 days to get service restored. Since we depend on our well for water, not to mention all the other electric needs, we have a generator to keep us going when that happens. We'll wait up to 8 hours if it's not frigid cold outside before firing up the generator; it seems we usually use it at least once a year.


Wow!!!! Kind of makes you mad that you had to pay for a generator for a service that should be expected. Doesn't it???? Grrrr. . . .


My parents just called me. They are friends with the head of the electric company in their town in western MI. He said that if there is a report of a wire down, they send someone out within THIRTY minutes!!! 30!!! He will assess the amount of damage and call for whatever equipment is necessary. The equipment will be there within THIRTY minutes!!! 30!!!! Maybe we need to move.


We had something similar once, except it was a mostly dead tree (and smaller than yours). It took out the power lines, actually yanking the boxes from our house and our neighbor's. The utilities wouldn't do anything until WE had the tree removed. And of course we had to wait on the insurance folks with all that too ... and let them wrestle with our neighbor's insurance ... the tree was ours, but there was damage on both sides, and our neighbors were NOT happy. (To be fair, we weren't aware the tree was that dead till after the fact.) It caused hard feelings, a lot of mess and expense, and quite a bit of time without power.


Did I mention this was just as we returned home from our honeymoon, and it was wet and cold and miserable and I was horribly sick at the time too? Right before a major holiday with company and everything?


At least I didn't have to worry about kids...


So sorry you're going through this ... hope it all gets cleared up soon! And save those photos just in case you need 'em.


Oh my gosh!!!!! Wow. I'm so sorry you went through that. Our local company was required to send a tree trimming company to cut away the branches over the wire. The guys who came last night were awesome and cut it to the tree. But, that was a service they have to provide. We will have to have the rest of the tree removed with the assistance of our insurance company.


How are your relations with your neighbors now?





I called DTE today at 7:30 am and asked when we could expect help getting the wires off the ground. (After apologizing to the neighbors for the late-night chainsaw fest in our back yard!!) They had NO idea. Nobody had been assigned to it yet.


I wrote an email to our councilperson for our city today with pictures. I wrote because I wanted her to help out in the long term. I want better electric/gas service!! She made some phone calls and a guy showed up here at 9:20 am!!!! Our electric lines are off the ground.


BUT, he re-attached them to our house in a way that is against code!!!!! The wire rests against our vent from our kitchen. What the heck????

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Praise God indeed!!! What a scarey experience. Hope everything can get back to normal soon.:grouphug:


Thank you! A number of people who have been to our house recently have said that God's hand was on that tree. It totally missed everything structural. It killed a basketball hoop and a pitchback. But, it bent an iron plant hanger off our privacy fence and the fence was untouched. It hit our roof, leaving leaves there, but didn't cause damage. It left a branch in our new gutters, but didn't damage them. Our neighbor was out in his back yard doing work and it didn't touch him (barely). So many things. I am humbled.

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we had some sort of friends turn up one evening, and announce they had come for a holiday and are going to camp. they wanted to set up their tent under a big tree. we wouldn't let them, and made them set up out in the open. ( we were still recovering from the shock of having someone turn up like that).

The 'friends thought we were funny, ( and I think they thought we were unfriendly). but that tree feel down that night. It was a huge tree. they would have been killed!

They were grateful in the morning!

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Yikes! I hope they repair the repair soon!


Our neighbors ... well, things got a little better over time (they were nice people basically, and so are we). I never figured out which insurance company won, and I still don't want to know. That's what they're paid for.


We've since moved, and so have they. Come to think of it, we had a major tree fall here too! Just missed hitting anything critical, like yours ... knocked some stuff over but didn't damage the fence, didn't break the playset, landed between the phone and cable lines ... and did NOT fall toward the house as one would've expected (thus smashing me in my bedroom) but away from the house. And no neighborly damage at all. That one was a lucky one! We had the rest of that tree removed fairly promptly after, and some others trimmed just in case. Didn't want a repeat of either episode!


I love trees so much ... but they don't seem to go well with houses, sometimes. Need more room for their roots, and the utilities trim them out of balance, and all that stuff. Makes me sad, all the nature we ruin. (Still grieving over the havoc our utility company wreaked on our back privacy foliage this week. Sigh.)

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