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Does anyone else have dc that won't eat rice?

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I think rice comprises at least 50% of our meals not to mention the majority of the world eats it in some form. My dds will not touch the stuff no matter what kind, plain or spiced up, etc. My ds will eat anything put in front of him. The only time my oldest dd will eat rice is in creamy chicken wild rice soup. I just don't get it. I crave rice cooked in various ways all the time. Maybe I should have an only rice week....:glare:.

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Mine do not care for it a great deal either. I did fix some brown rice recently with a meal that they did eat and I was shocked. I can't remember the rest of the meal, but I do know that they gobbled up that rice! Oh wait, I think I did some chicken in the crockpot and simply put a can of cream of mushroom soup over it. They used the gravy on the rice. Normally I fix noodles for them. This time I did not.


I personally can't do rice often so we use noodles or couscous more.

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Well, this is a timely thread! I've been so frustrated with my ds for not eating rice. It doesn't matter how I fix it, he won't eat it.


And my daughter wants nothing to do with potatoes unless they're fried.


I hate food battles.:glare:

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The rest of us love rice. I can be frustrating for me because it is one of the few things that my ds with allergies can eat with us. Sometimes I make rice anyway and then feel bad because dh has less to eat than everyone else. He does at least tolerate flavored rice. I prefer plain white rice, especially with gravy. Some foods just go better with rice IMO. I find that I don't prepare those foods very often because I don't want to eat them with anything else.

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LOL, the only way we ever ate it when I was a kid was with butter and sugar on it. :ack2: And it was the bagged, instant stuff.


Now, I love it in any form (well, not with butter and sugar). Only half of my kids like it, and that's usually with soy sauce or something like that on it.

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I am so encouraged to find that I am not alone! I keep telling the dc that we may end up living somewhere where rice is the main staple or that with grocery prices increasing that rice will be ever more present on the dinner plate....but nothing seems to change their minds.

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