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So, we have no job... in two weeks

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Hey There,


We weren't expecting this... but in about two weeks... my husband's job is over. He's kinda like "fired" but they want the rest of his ideas. SO, they've offered 2-4 weeks to kinda "wrap it up" and then a bonus... it they're happy.


Basically, he's scrambling for that "one job" that he hopes is out there! He has one interview that was already scheduled...


He's a great guy!! A great Engineer..... (mechanical by schooling, and he's done design work for the last few years...)


So... there's my "bummer" but I know that God is in control, and that all of this is temporary. Course, it would be nice to have another job, before our credit is ruined...



If anyone wants to pray... we could use some extra prayers...

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About 8 months after we moved here, my husband was fired. We dont have much savings and he immediately began making phone calls to start free lancing. He is a video engineer. It has been a walk of faith. That first year, the next job came only when the last one stopped. Each job could be a few days, or a few weeks; so we did a lot of praying and began to see God putting things in front of us - like stepping stones. We are at the point where even when there is nothing on the horizon (like most of last year) we know He will provide.


It can be scary, trust in the Lover of your soul! :grouphug:

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:grouphug: Dh lost his job last summer after something similar -- we saw it coming, but it seemed like there were an awful lot of projects they wanted him to do before he left. We have had the tremendous good fortune of having several wonderful (non-job) opportunities come our way since then. I hope that it all works out for you as well.

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Thanks for the prayers! I've never had a job situation change... when it didn't change for the "better." My mom is so sweet; she lives about a mile from us and said that there's no reason that they couldn't move, too! My dad's job is portable and our ties are stronger than her ties to this community. Thank God for Parents who value our relationship!

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We're praying here, too. My husband lost his job a few years ago and never did find another one that paid what his old one paid. He is freelancing now, much happier, and I'm now the main wage earner at the moment. We prayed that God would provide a job but he's provided so much more than that -- opportunities for freelance work, a job for me that pays well while I work primarily at home, and close relationships between us and our children. I'm so glad to hear that your parents are so supportive -- hopefully, that will help you and your family get through this.





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Praying here too. :grouphug:


We have been in that exact position for several months now. Dh is free-lancing here and there. As of right now we are still eating and having a roof over our heads. We can only trust HE will provide. Lately, I've been chanting to myself that God is bigger than all this. Thinking of you!

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