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How helpful to you was reading The Well Trained Mind? Right now we are very Charlotte Mason/Eclectic. I'm interested in finding out more about classical education. Our library does not have TWTM, or I would have already read it. I have read all they have about CM. Just wondering if it worth me buying, so tell me why you enjoyed it.

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The Well-Trained Mind is the best book I have ever read about homeschooling. If you're interested in classical education, it's a not-to-be-missed resource. :)


:iagree: It's my go-to resource for homeschooling (not including this message board, of course!)

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After going to all the Charlotte Mason conventions in our area for years, reading the original series, devouring the Andreola materials, and striving to teach that way I was still frustrated. I found TWTM at that point, 11 years, ago and never looked back. I have loved TWTM from the beginning. TWTM taught me some very practical things about teaching my children and meeting their needs from K - 12th grade. The Charlotte Mason education style provided some very nice learning for this teacher as well. It just never felt quite right on for me and my kiddos. It was lacking for us.


As to which edition to purchase? That's a tough one. I own the first and the second editions, which are both completely tabbed, marked up, and well read. I keep checking out the third edition from the local library because my hubby said two editions was enough. If I want the third I have to sell the others first. :tongue_smilie:


Happy reading to you.



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It was the difference between feeling like I was operating at 50% clarity to 110%. I feel extremely confident after reading TWTM. It gave clear, precise explanations of why we teach and how we teach every subject for each level of the trivium and why its important to teach to the trivium. It made something that seemed convoluted and unattainable (a classical education for my children having had only a mediocre ps education myself) seem completely within my abilities. I also really liked the style in which she wrote the book. I felt like SWB was right there beside me saying, YOU CAN DO THIS, I'M RIGHT HERE TO HELP YOU!


Do I think this is the best homeshcooling book out there? I don't know, because I haven't read all of them but it is the only one that didn't elicit even more questions in my mind and is the only one I felt worth purchasing instead of borrowing from a friend or the library.

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We stumbled into homeschooling out of necessity. I was really lost. We have a gal that operates a homeschool store out of her home, and we were talking on the phone. I didn't know what I was going to do. I had to do something before the school reported us as truant. She mentioned WTM to me, and I signed it out of the library, she also mentioned other books. I investigated, but WTM really hit home for me. This was how I wanted my kids to learn. It really broke things down into manageable information. Now, I am still overwhelmed and struggling to get all the details worked out, I've only been homeschooling, period, a very short time.My 2 girls have made great progress. WTM is my life line.


SWB has an audio on PHP about Classical education. If you don't want to get the book, the audio should give you a pretty good feel about what it is Classical Education is. Susan is a fantastic speaker, you'll enjoy her, even if you decide that the classical method isn't for you, you will walk away with some ideas that may lend to the way you are comfortable teaching. It is a $3.99 download I believe.

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WTM is the entire reason we are homeschooling, and so inspiring, yet so much practical information! I would recommend the newest edition if you can get it. A must read! Even if I wasn't homeschooling there is so much to get out of this book!

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
How helpful to you was reading The Well Trained Mind? Right now we are very Charlotte Mason/Eclectic. I'm interested in finding out more about classical education. Our library does not have TWTM, or I would have already read it. I have read all they have about CM. Just wondering if it worth me buying, so tell me why you enjoyed it.


We're also very CM here. My two most highly prized homeschool references are WTM and When Children Love to Learn.


The Well-Trained Mind is the best book I have ever read about homeschooling. If you're interested in classical education, it's a not-to-be-missed resource. :)


I agree with this. I'm surprised that your library has multiple books on CM and doesn't have a copy of the WTM. You should consider asking them to order it. If not (and even if they do!), it's more than worth the money you'll spend.

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Maybe you can get it through ILL. However, I can't imagine not owning it. I've read and looked at it soooo many time!! It was a life changer for me.


I only knew unschoolers and eclectic homeschoolers. Then, one day I met a gal who used TWTM. I went over to her house and fell in love with the history and science notebooks her son had made. When I checked the book out from the library and read it - I knew I had to fork out the money and buy my own copy. (It was ALOT of money for me at the time.)


I've learned sooo much over the past 5 years!! I can't imagine schooling any other way. I love CM too. However, I feel TWTM gives me more direction - yet still fosters the love of learning.....and we read awesome books and do alot of hands on activities too.

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it is definitely worth the money. i refer to it and re-read it all the time. It's the best book I've read (that and Teaching the Trivium) about homeschooling and classical education.


one word of caution though...what it does best (IMO), is sketch vision for your homeschooling. it lays out plans and suggestions that, if you don't start when they suggest, may mean that you are way off of their schedule. Some people can feel stressed by this and feel they have to start all over. NOT SO. just pick up where you are, and start from that.

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I have all three editions, but will not loan out my first edition:D. It's highlighted, filled with post-it notes, lists and falling apart from use. Most of my other books are in like new condition. I use this baby over and over, and that is why I recommend it in any edition.

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Did you get enough responses yet? I've never known homeschooling without the WTM, but what I appreciate is that it keeps me focused and undrifting. You can have all the fun you want to (bring in your CM, your nature walks, etc., etc.), but with WTM I know what the SKILLS are that I need to get accomplished, and I have benchmarks. It gives me something to compare our progress to when we're working ecclectically or very out of the box.


If you buy it and don't find it useful long-term, you'll have fabulous resale value. If you buy it and find it helpful, then you have a gem. I say take the plunge. :)

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I am re-reading TWTM right now. When I first started homeschooling I read it and then sold it. It overwhelmed me and in my mind school was like, well, school. Almost 6 years later I am reading it again and it is the reason I am changing some things up.

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The best book on homeschooling ever. Try the library, though, so you can read before you buy. I think it's worth buying, though. I read the first few chapters about twice a year just to remind myself why it's worth it when I'm getting discouraged!

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