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If you use Rod and Staff, what writing program do you use?


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I used only Rod and Staff writing with my oldest dd and plan to repeat that next year with my ds.


We cover the writing lesson in Rod and Staff and then extend that lesson across the curriculum. For example, after outlining is taught in Rod and Staff we use outlining in history and science. After we learn coherence in Rod and Staff, we make sure that all other papers follow that same coherence lesson.


I don't use Rod and Staff in elemantary so I can't comment on the narration and dication.

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I used R&S 3 with dd this year (no grammar last year for ps 3rd :glare:). There isn't much writing until the end of the book. I had her occasionally narrate history and did some spelling dictation, but I don't think she wrote enough.


Next year, if I homeschool, I'll use R&S 4 and add in Writing Strands 3 or 4, depending--probably 3. I will do better on requiring written narrations for history. She keeps a journal by herself and writes to her cousin about once or twice a month, so she is writing, but not nearly enough.


I do think R&S is enough if you follow WTM and write across the curriculum.

Oh, and we will add in outlining of one of the encyclopedias for history next year, too.

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I use R&S. This year the DC are in R&S 3 and R&S 6. We complete all the lessons, but not all of the exercises in each lesson.


Those using 3 also do WWE daily (they are at 2 different levels) and at least 2 narrations a week outside of WWE (usually 1 from science and 1 from history).


My DD who is in R&S6 has completed WWE. She does 1-2 outlines a week from history and/or science, and 1-2 narrations from the same subjects.

Her narrations run about 1 page, her outlines are usually 3 levels.


I started the year adding in Writing Strands but it was so disconnected from the rest of our work that it felt like busy work. I didn't like the assignments and neither did the DC. It felt disjointed to me.


After revisiting the WTM and SWB's writing audios I dropped it with no guilt. I believe her approach is a sensible systematic way to teach writing.


I do have moments when I wonder if this is enough writing, but this is working. My DC can write a paragraph, can summarize and can put coherent sentences together. Their narrations reinforce the history and science lessons and are helping with retention. Everyone is happy, noone hates writing - life is good!

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My oldest dd is only going into 3rd, but we use R&S w/no additional program. Just narration across the curriculum and occasional copywork and dictation. I plan on adding more dictation in 3rd.


Other writing is covered by having a pen pan to whom she writes regularly, a diary she keeps of her own and tons of creative writing she does on her own. She keeps a notebook of stories that she adds to constantly. We have done lessons on haiku w/SOTW and other poetry units from WY2GNTK. We enter the PBS young writers and illustrator's contest each year. That is a big writing project. I did just attend some Andrew Pudewa seminars, and got some new ideas for next year too that I will add.

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I use Rod and Staff and find the writing in it to be sufficient. I did start my oldest 2 with IEW when they were in 5th and 7th. When I did that, it was because I was tired of Rod and Staff for my 7th grader. So, for a change of pace we did IEW and skipped the writing lessons in Rod and Staff. Both of my girls write very well. My ds just started this year in R and S 4, and I think he will benefit greatly as far as writing. However, I will switch him to IEW at some point because I adore IEW and find it very easy to teach. And, being a boy, Mr. Pudewa has some great hints for how to teach a boy who hates to write.

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My dd uses R&S6 for both grammar and writing. I also use SWB suggestions for outlining and narration in other subjects. Plus, dd knows to incorporate what she's learning in R&S to the other subjects. Using this method means that she writes frequently, maybe not lengthy research type papers, but it's effective and efficient. Her thinking process and organizational skills in writing have really improved this year. I still believe R&S is not only an excellent grammar program, but also a great writing program. Just my 2cents.



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My dd uses R&S6 for both grammar and writing. I also use SWB suggestions for outlining and narration in other subjects. Plus, dd knows to incorporate what she's learning in R&S to the other subjects. Using this method means that she writes frequently, maybe not lengthy research type papers, but it's effective and efficient. Her thinking process and organizational skills in writing have really improved this year.


Same here.

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Guest captainpap1

:iagree:The Well Trained Mind recommends R&S English program for writing and grammar first (for the middle grades). All of the other programs are listed if R&S doesn't work well for you or your children. That's all I need to know. Right now, we have started doing the Writing With Ease along with Rod and Staff. My children enjoy working in both R&S and WWE. In chapter 17 WTM, Susan states that R&S is thorough and can easily be used through the middle grades (5th-8th). Chapter 17 is posted on the Well Trained Mind Website and it has a lot of good inforamtion regarding spelling, writing and grammar for the middle years. I agree with what others are saying and will be doing WWE narration exercises (2x per week) as well as narration exercises in Science and History. I use the WWE as a map. Narration is new to me and I do think it is a great way to reinforce the lesson that was just read in Science and History. My children enjoy reading the classical literature recommendations from VP and we choose copywork from these books. We are about to finish Little House on the Prairie. We have dictation in our spelling program All About Spelling (this is a great program) and we will be doing the dictation provided in Writing With Ease. I think the WWE and R&S will work well together and if it becomes too much, we'll decide whether to pursue WWE or R&S for writing through the middle years. We are in the grammar stage right now.

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I used R&S 5 this year with no additional writing program other than basic outlining and narration (narration from literature or history reading, or an outline from history and then maybe a summary from the outline). I will repeat this again this coming year for my rising 5th grader because I think it was sufficient. We almost never write anything for science except short-answer essays. :blush:


For 6th grade I'm continuing with R&S 6, but I'm planning to add in Writing Strands (will cut back or eliminate some R&S writing). Additional writing will hopefully come from History Odyssey Middle Ages 2 (outlining, summaries, etc.).


I know this sounds like overkill, so I'm not planning to do it all!!! I'm just trying to accommodate my older DD who loves to write, but is tired of always having to write about history! :tongue_smilie: Coming up with content is not her problem, but I would like to be able to guide her in expressing herself.

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I have used Rod and Staff English with my boys from 3rd grade through 8th grade. I plan to continue next year when my son is in 9th grade.


in the elementary years, we only use R&S and the writing instructing they provide in their grammar books. In 7th grade, we begin IEW.


It's worked well for us!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel it is an overkill for me to supplement R&S English 3 with WWE 1. I bought these recently and realize that I don't need the whole package of WWE because we do narration naturally across the subjects of history, science, and read alouds already.

The only thing we need to add is copywork and dictation.

I should have not be tempted just because so many people do use WWE. R&S English is working well for us. Ds started with R&S 2.


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I use IEW & R&S for 6th grade ds. I am thinking of moving forward with R&S or CLE for grammar then doing WTM recommendations for writing. I just finished listening to her lectures on writing in the middle grades and it is making complete sense to me now. I am definitely using WWE for 1st grader next year.

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I only used Rod and Staff this year, but found it lacking in the writing area. I bought WWE and have been going through that with my girls. When we're done with WWE, I'm going to move on to Write With the Best with my oldest. We'll only use Rod and Staff for Grammar next year.


With my youngest, I'm going to use PLL and WWE until 3rd grade. Then, I'll switch to Rod and Staff for grammar and keep WWE.




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We don't pratice our dictation and narration with science and history so we added WWE to Rod and Staff. However, if you practiced narration and dictation with those subjects, I would think Rod and Staff would have more than enough writing.

Thanks for posting this.

I think I will give it a try before I give up. I did the Week 11 Day 2 narration with both boys 7.5 and 5.5 just now minus the writing down their "What is one thing you remember?" They are very used to answering and narrating what I asked them to do.

Anyway, I will try the FLL/WWE combo with my younger for sure and maybe let older do it along or the other way round.


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Thanks for posting this.

I think I will give it a try before I give up. I did the Week 11 Day 2 narration with both boys 7.5 and 5.5 just now minus the writing down their "What is one thing you remember?" They are very used to answering and narrating what I asked them to do.

Anyway, I will try the FLL/WWE combo with my younger for sure and maybe let older do it along or the other way round.



I don't use the workbooks, and that may be the overkill you're experiencing. Have you tried just doing your own thing with the teacher's guide?



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