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I'm spineless and I hate it!!

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So a meat salesman shows up at my front door today. He starts off with how he was in the area delivering some meat to a neighbor and he has some extra packages in his truck he is willing to give me a "crazy deal" on.


I'm not all that interested but I have a terrible time ever saying no, so I tell him first that I really don't have any extra money. Well he asks if I just have 2 minutes to look at his offer. I say yes reluctantly, like the sucker I am, and he walks off to his truck, I assume to get a brochure or something. I wait at the front door because I'm not about to let him inside the house. Well, he and a compadre...walk up the sidewalk carrying 2 boxes of meat. He asks if he can just show them to me on my kitchen table and walks upstairs. I am kind of panicking inside because now 1-some strange men are walking up my stairs and I can't gumption up the spine to tell them to stop and 2-I have 3 dc inside and I can't believe I'm letting this happen.


So I follow them in and tell them that my dh is downstairs working on the furnace and I'll be right back. Of course, dh was at work, but I didn't want these guys thinking we were alone. I listen to their sales spiel which amounts to buying a big box of premium meat that we don't usually eat for $389. The "crazy deal" is he will give me another box of chicken for $100 instead of the usual $289. Since spending $389 unexpectedly like this is going to destroy my budget, I can't even consider spending another $100. So I figure I'll put it on my credit card, can't find that, I just want them out of my house, so I write them a check and they leave. That's all I wanted, for them to get out of the house. I hate feeling this way about door to door salespeople, I just keep thinking of the character in "The Pursuit of Happiness"....I want to help where I can but the fact is, now I don't have the money to pay some bills. I mean, I can't believe I let this happen.


I didn't want to tell them no because I knew they'd just keep talking and talking and talking and also I didn't know if they'd freak out and kill me...I know, paranoid....but I was so sick to my stomach at this point and I didn't know what to do. I was so relieved when they left that I said, "Thanks for coming over.":confused:


I am sick over this. Now I've got to figure out how to pay the bills that I would've easily paid had I not done this and I have a clear picture of what a wimp I am. WHY DID I OPEN THE DOOR?? I'm thinking of telling my friends to not drop by anymore unless they call first because I won't be answering the door to any unexpected visitors. Why can't I be like everyone else and just say no? Well, the thing is, I can and I must and then teach it to my daughters. This is just pathetic.


Would love advice on how to change and thanks for listening. I know there are plenty of ladies who do not have this problem and I would love some advice!


I'm now off to do my bills....:crying:

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Oh, I'm so sorry! I hate it when I feel like I've been taken adantage of. I would call the number on the brochure and tell them you've changed your mind. They can come and pick up the meat because you are going to stop payment on the check; a $25 stop pmt fee is a better amount to lose in this case. I believe they have a money back guarantee, so maybe you can come at that angle if they give you a problem.


These guys were at my door last week too with the same spiel, "We've order too much...yada, yada, yada." I only opened the door because I thought it was the tile guy for our bathroom remodel. I didn't let them in my house so it was easier to say no. Sometimes if I feel pressured, I go and call my husband to back me up on my decision. I find it easier to say that my DH and I decided that this is not in our budget right now.


I hope you get this worked out.

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I think those same guys came to our house during the summer and they've tried to come back (we didn't buy the 2nd time). I am just the same way but I'm getting better....although I did buy some dead sea salt scrub the last time I was at the mall because the woman wouldn't take no for an answer{{sigh}}. I'm starting to think the reason a lot of people are curt or rude nowadays is because of things like this, they don't want to get talked into buying something. Ugh. I hope your meat is better than ours was...

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Smile, say "No Thank You" and close the door. Repeat as needed.


You can probably still cancel the sale and have your money refunded. Please contact the meat company and tell them you will be returning their product. When they ask why say "I don't want it" and keep repeating yourself: "I don't want this product and I would like to return it." over and over again until they tell you how to return it and cancel the sale. Do not answer any other questions, just stand firm and stick to the script.


You can do this!

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Oh my goodness! That's just awful -- I can't even imagine! I'm so sorry...


All that said, now go stand in front of the mirror and start speaking loudly and firmly, "No. No. I have already said 'no'. No, please leave my home. No. I'm calling the police." Over and over and over again.


Have you told your dh yet? You need him to call the company and demand that they come back and take their meat and give you back your check. He can tell them he's putting a "stop payment" on the check, and they can either come get their meat or not.


This *one* time, let him handle it.


But for heaven's sake, DON'T EVER LET ANYONE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOU LIKE THAT AGAIN. It's criminal. Truly. Just evil. But you don't have to take it.


Practice saying "no". Don't open the door to strangers. And sit down and ask yourself why you feel so guilty and afraid that you would let *strangers* *bully* you letting them into your house and giving them money you don't have. ...


And then go back to the mirror and practice some more. "No." "No, get out of my way." "No."

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I don't know if this applies everywhere, but in the states where I've lived, you have 3 days to cancel any sale that occurs in your home.


I would make sure you have a legally valid reason to stop payment on the check (the 3 day grace period applies, the company has a money-back guarantee, or whatever), because stopping payment on a check over $300 without cause is a criminal offense in some states.

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Just because someone knocks on your door, it does NOT mean you HAVE to answer it. Even if they SEE you look out the window to see who's there, or they see a shadow in your peep hole and know you are there- you do NOT have to open the door. You can just smile and wave back and them, and walk away. And that's what you SHOULD do if a stranger knocks on your door- most times it WILL be solicitor- and you KNOW that you do not stand up to them very well, that you are easily manipulated into buying whatever ridiculous thing they are selling. From now on, just don't answer the door. If you are expecting someone (repair man) and you open the door to a solicitor- just say, "Oh I'm sorry- you have the wrong home. I am expecting someone else. Good Bye." and close the door EVEN if they keep talking. THEY are interrupting YOU, in your HOME. You owe them NOTHING. IF it will help- put up an ABSOLUTELY NO SOLICITING sign, and you can even point to it if you accidentally open the door. Hugs.

And definitely call the company and have them take the meat back.

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Well on the back of the brochure it says no refunds. I just tried calling the number and I get a tone like a fax machine answers. I tried googling "All American Beef and Seafood" and nothing comes up. I googled their phone number and address and get different businesses....a pizza business and a locksmith.


I think I'm going to be sick.

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This is just terrible!! I know a bit how you feel as I've been intimidated into purchasing something I didn't really want before. Luckily for me, I've learned since then to stand up for myself and that time the people weren't inside my house!


I agree with:



Have you told your dh yet? You need him to call the company and demand that they come back and take their meat and give you back your check. He can tell them he's putting a "stop payment" on the check, and they can either come get their meat or not.


This *one* time, let him handle it.


I would have Dh stand up for you on this one and put this situation behind you. I know what you must be going through and if Dh is okay with doing it, having him deal with it will likely get the resolution you need (refund for the beef) without more guilt and stress on your part.

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Well on the back of the brochure it says no refunds. I just tried calling the number and I get a tone like a fax machine answers. I tried googling "All American Beef and Seafood" and nothing comes up. I googled their phone number and address and get different businesses....a pizza business and a locksmith.


I think I'm going to be sick.


(((Julpost))) I'm really sorry you're going through this!!!

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Honey, I'm so sorry!! I just hate that caved-in feeling that you're having right now. And, yes, I've been there. You asked for suggestions on how to change, so I'll focus on those.


The only way to change is to practice. You practice in the mirror (literally...so you can get used to hearing yourself say the words "No, thank you.") You practice in role play with your kids (good lessons for them -- and they don't have to know why you're suddenly studying salesmanship and marketing, and spinelessness, and guilt ;)). Then, the very next opportunity you have to practice what you've learned, you do it. If someone rings the phone when it's inconvenient to talk, you tell them so. "Marge -- I'm sorry to cut you off, but now's not a convenient time. I'll call you back later on." [hang up -- note that you didn't ask if it was okay to call her back.] If someone calls asking if you'd mind taking a few minutes to answer questions for their laundry soap poll, or to buy candy bars for their Booster Club, or to support the Honorable Order of Police, you JUST. SAY. NO. THANK YOU. If you want to give to those organizations, you can do so later, by mail.


If someone comes to your door, you simply smile and say, "I'm sorry but we have all the [insert name of product or religion] we can use." And you promptly close the door.


It gets easier the more you do it. And, you also get better at not even answering the phone or the door in the first place.


I'm sorry. It will be okay. It will.




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What a nighmare. I second calling the police and cancelling the check. This sounds like a scam and hopefully they can be caught.


Do you have a peek hole or window on the door? It sounds silly, but put a sticky note on the door or by the phone that says..."No. Have a nice day." I agree with who ever said to practice saying no. Hopefully you can get that check cancelled asap.

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Go put a stop payment on that check right now! And if you have a phone number for them, have your dh call and give 'em the what-for. I also wouldn't be reluctant to call the BBB.


If you can't say no, then just don't answer the door (or the phone!) until you can. Put a 'no soliciting' sign up. That whole thing sounds scary anyway.


After finishing the thread - Call the police!!! What a racket.

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We used to get the same guys. One time we did buy, it was okay meat, not worth the price, but okay.


In the future....


1. do not let people into your home. Tell them your working (they don't need to know on what)

2. If they get in the door, tell them you must make decisions with your dh and then call. He can give you the NO and then pass the information along.

3. No one can force you to write a check! That amount of money is to not chump change, nor something to make a spur of the moment decision about spending.

4. I find those type of companies business practices deceiving, so out of conviction, I can say NO.

5. If all else fails, tell them you don't make hasty decisions would like a brochure and will call if you are interested.

6. Put a no solicitors notice on your door.

7. Practice saying NO in the mirror 10 times a day for 21 days to create the habit.


I'm sorry that happened to you!!

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How do I find out if it's a criminal offense to stop payment on a check over $300?


Dh thinks that since we bought the meat without checking out the company, we might as well let it go and count it as a lesson learned. I am so frustrated right now. I'm on hold with BBB right now. Dh feels that since they showed me the product and I chose to write the check, there isn't much that can be done. But I have a problem if the salesman claimed he was representing a certain company and then the company doesn't exist.

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How do I find out if it's a criminal offense to stop payment on a check over $300?




You can ask that question when you CALL THE POLICE.


These people pushed into your home uninvited and left you feeling intimidated and vulnerable. This is predatory behavior. Please hang up on the BBB - they're not going to do anything anyways. Call the police.

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Considering this is an item that you are going to consume, you have to know WHO to call in case the product is spoiled or otherwise bad. If they misrepresented themselves, you have more going for you.

Perhaps call your city to see if they had a license to do door to door sales in your town and tell them what happened.

If you cancel the check, perhaps they'll have to take you to small claims court, and would your local judge be sympathetic to the sales guys? It's not like you waited days to contact them...you purchased under duress and that's why so many states have 3 day right to return laws. Their 'no refunds' policy might not even be legal in your area.

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I agree. Stop payment on the check, call the police, and find out if these guys had a license.


"Cheap" meat from a van is actually a common scam. They want you to think you're getting a "crazy deal," when in fact you're paying a high price for cheap meat.


A similar thing happens when a guy tries to sell you "great speakers" for cheap from the back of a van--he explains that the company accidentally loaded extra speakers up, and now he's going to give you high-quality speakers for practically nothing. In fact, he's giving you cheap speakers for more than what they're worth, and they weren't accidental extras either. (These guys usually target 20-something guys who not with their girlfriends, because women won't let their guys buy the crazy cheap speakers.)


Here's a description of the speaker scam. The meat scam is pretty much identical.


One meat scam story--These guys were selling bad meat, not just cheap meat. Sounds exactly like what you just had happen. They may have already cashed your check, so move fast!

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How do I find out if it's a criminal offense to stop payment on a check over $300?


I think I would call the police non-emergency number, explain that you've been defrauded by a man posing as representing a company that doesn't exist, inquire about filing a criminal complaint, and ask whether they would recommend filing a stop payment. Usually a criminal charge on a stop payment will stick only if there is an intent on your part to defraud (like you write a check knowing there is no money in your account, then stop it before it has time to clear). The fact that you cannot contact this company is reason enough to stop it, IMO. The criminal action is on their part. You'll have to weigh the pros and cons of each action and make a quick decision while it's still possible.


In the future, remember the broken record technique for pushy people. It's very similar to Joanne's bean dip response. You repeat the same phrase over an over while smiling pleasantly. No agression, but don't give them the tiniest foothold. If you begin giving reasons, they will poke holes in your reasons. In this case, I would have done the same as the posters above. Smile brightly and say, "No, thank you." If he asks why, then you say, "I just prefer not to buy any." If he catches you again before you shut the door you say, "No, thank you...I prefer not to buy any. But good luck and have a great day!" Then shut the door. This really doesn't require growing a new spine because you will disarm him with your charm and beautiful smile all while drawing a firm line. Aggression and confrontation isn't required to make your point.



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I called the BBB, they gave me the number of the local consumer complaint/da office, I left a message with them. I called the police, they said to call the bank and the bank said they had never heard it was an offense to cancel a check. Now I just have to get my dh to okay this. He doesn't feel like it's ok to stop the check unless the meat is of poor quality. He says there is a buyer beware clause that in the eyes of the law, this won't hold up to. So we'll try the meat tonight and if it's not 5 star quality, I can cancel the check and we'll deal with it from there.


I'm still going to pursue finding out how legitimate this company is, whether it even exists!

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I So we'll try the meat tonight and if it's not 5 star quality, I can cancel the check and we'll deal with it from there.


I'm still going to pursue finding out how legitimate this company is, whether it even exists!


You're not going to want to cancel the check after eating some of the meat.


You're doing it again, Jul, and your husband is a little too nice also. Stand up for yourself! Don't let these crooks take your money.

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You did not WANT the meat, you bought "protection" from the strangers in your home- NOT meat. You shouldn't have HAD to buy such protection- they violated your rights to privacy, they invaded your home without invitation and intimidated you into writing them a large check. It does't MATTER if the meat is good or not, THEY are the bad guys- NOT you. Cancel the check now before it is too late. If you wait to try the meat it will be too late- they will have cashed it and you will be out that money even if the meat is rotten. They are scam artists, who prey on people like you. YOu sound like a woman with an abusive husband KWIM? "It's MY fault, I shouldn't have ..."

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Here is something that might help. The 3 day cooling off rule is mandated by federal law, not state law. If they didn't provide a valid phone number for you to call to cancel your sale (and it appears they didn't), I think you are absolutely within your rights to put a stop payment on the check. If the bank is still open, I'd do it now and not wait until tomorrow. As someone else said, they're probably already at their bank depositing the check!

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...and if the meat is stolen and you've eaten it, you become an accomplice to the crime. Honestly, you aren't going to be charged as an accomplice, but if you eat it, the argument that you bought under duress "for protection" as the others eloquently put it, will fly right out the window.



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Here is something that might help. The 3 day cooling off rule is mandated by federal law, not state law. If they didn't provide a valid phone number for you to call to cancel your sale (and it appears they didn't), I think you are absolutely within your rights to put a stop payment on the check. If the bank is still open, I'd do it now and not wait until tomorrow. As someone else said, they're probably already at their bank depositing the check!


Excellent detective work!



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Here is something that might help. The 3 day cooling off rule is mandated by federal law, not state law. If they didn't provide a valid phone number for you to call to cancel your sale (and it appears they didn't), I think you are absolutely within your rights to put a stop payment on the check. If the bank is still open, I'd do it now and not wait until tomorrow. As someone else said, they're probably already at their bank depositing the check!


Here's another link:


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You did not WANT the meat, you bought "protection" from the strangers in your home- NOT meat. You shouldn't have HAD to buy such protection- they violated your rights to privacy, they invaded your home without invitation and intimidated you into writing them a large check. It does't MATTER if the meat is good or not, THEY are the bad guys- NOT you. Cancel the check now before it is too late. If you wait to try the meat it will be too late- they will have cashed it and you will be out that money even if the meat is rotten. They are scam artists, who prey on people like you. YOu sound like a woman with an abusive husband KWIM? "It's MY fault, I shouldn't have ..."


Exactly what I meant by "predatory behavior" these guys know what they are doing, and how you will respond. They count on it.

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Thanks guys!

Ok-I stopped payment on the check. Like the lady at the bank said, they will be contacting us since the check is cancelled. She agreed that since I couldn't find any info on the company, she would do the same thing. She also had heard of the 3 day return policy....so we shall see what happens.


Thanks guys! I now have a spine of steel....I will repeat that over and over!

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Would love advice on how to change and thanks for listening. I know there are plenty of ladies who do not have this problem and I would love some advice!


Everyone else has given you excellent advice on what you should try to do to get your money back, so I'll skip that by saying, "Do what they said."


As far as not letting this happen again, I think you need to rethink these people. I used to be a pushover like this as well. I actually couldn't say no. But, then I changed how I viewed these salesmen. I don't feel sorry for them anymore. They are rude and shouldn't be respected if they don't listen to me when I say no. And, if they want to be reputable, they need to stop selling door-to-door. Go ask someone else for magazine subscriptions and leave me alone!


Once I changed how I viewed them, it was easy to tell them no. I'm polite, but I mean it.

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I once called the police after a young man (early 20s) came to my door selling "cleaning products." He had a generic spray bottle with some kind of fluid and a rag, nothing else. He wanted to come in the house and clean something in order to show how great the product worked. I told him no, that my dh was sleeping. He said, "I don't think your husband is home. I think you're here alone." I slammed the door and called the police.


The police came and found him a few doors down. They asked for his permit to sell (I guess you need one in our town) and he didn't have one. It turned out he had an outstanding warrant on another charge. The police came back and thanked me for calling!


But it all happened so fast! I can easily imagine the incident turning out awful.

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Thanks guys!

Ok-I stopped payment on the check. Like the lady at the bank said, they will be contacting us since the check is cancelled. She agreed that since I couldn't find any info on the company, she would do the same thing. She also had heard of the 3 day return policy....so we shall see what happens.


Thanks guys! I now have a spine of steel....I will repeat that over and over!


yeah!! You go girl! :cheers2:

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Thank goodness. I am so happy to hear that you have stopped the check!


Google "meat van scam" to see how common this is. Those guys were not honest--they were criminals--and they should be stopped.


Practice your script. "No. Goodbye." Close the door. Rehearse so that you are prepared next time!

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Thanks guys!

Ok-I stopped payment on the check. Like the lady at the bank said, they will be contacting us since the check is cancelled. She agreed that since I couldn't find any info on the company, she would do the same thing. She also had heard of the 3 day return policy....so we shall see what happens.


Thanks guys! I now have a spine of steel....I will repeat that over and over!


Good job! :grouphug: You did the hard thing...next time it will be easier.



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Juls--I am not saying this to scare you even more than you already are, only to give you a heads up, ok?


Firstly, call the police back (non-emergency number) and request an officer to your home, tell them you've got a description of the guys and you want to file a report. Make sure you stress how terrified you are.


Secondly--do NOT eat the meat. There is a good chance it is rancid or if not, the bottom of the barrel as far as meat is concerned. It is not worth your health.


Thirdly, and here is the most important part--they will be back. If you cancelled the check, they will be back as soon as they find out you cancelled it. Be prepared for this and make sure you tell the police this as well. Keep the meat in it's original coolers and keep it outside of your home, somewhere that they could just pick it up if they do come back. But more importantly, do NOT answer the door if they come back. If they do and you are alone, quietly lock everything while dialing 911 and simply tell the 911 OP, "intruders trying to break in, white truck, selling meat, I live here, please hurry, small children, home alone". And you will have a dozen officers at your yard before they can even pull away!


They need to be caught. I participated in a sting operation because we were almost taken once. I did everything I've told you to do. And they caught them as they were pulling out of a driveway.


Most importantly, and this is easier said than done--do not be afraid. They thrive on fear. Let Mama Bear's claws AND fangs come out and don't be afraid to use them. You will be fine once you get the police involved.

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I called the police, they said to call the bank and the bank said they had never heard it was an offense to cancel a check.


I have not found bankers to be well versed in banking law unless they were one of the "higher-ups." One time a client's check went through with no signature on it, and I went to the bank to request they deposit the money back into the account. The girl responded that they don't check signatures. Well, that's fine, they don't have to, but they do have to cover the check if they pay a check that's not signed or otherwise not legal tender.


Anyway, here's a link to Florida's bad check law, as an example.



When I lived in MD, a client wrote a check for $280 to my firm and then stopped payment. She had no complaints about the service, just didn't want to pay for it. The police told us that if the check was $300 or more, we could press charges.


I do think you did the right thing to stop payment on the check (as I said in a previous post), but I just wanted to let you where I was coming from in my first post when I said that you should have "cause" before doing so.

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Well I called the local police, they told me to call the state police and then she transferred me to voice mail????


So I have the kids shoes lined up by the back door in case we need to run and a cell phone in my pocket.


I am so nervous!

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Well I called the local police, they told me to call the state police and then she transferred me to voice mail????


So I have the kids shoes lined up by the back door in case we need to run and a cell phone in my pocket.


I am so nervous!

Don't be nervous and for gods sake--don't run. Stand your ground and stay in your home. But I am a fighter and I am armed with a pit bull, so no one is getting past my front door anyway.


Call the state police, explain to them everything you've said and request that you have a trooper come to your home to file a report. The trooper's presence in your home is enough of a deterent. They aren't coming back today anyway and chances are, once they try to cash the check and find out it can't be cashed, they won't even bother because they'll know they've likely been caught.


Another thing I would do, for the time being, is call your bank to close out your account and open a new one. Just have all funds transferred from that account to the new one. That way, fraud will be less likely to occur. It shouldn't cost you anything because of what has happened.

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Thirdly, and here is the most important part--they will be back. If you cancelled the check, they will be back as soon as they find out you cancelled it.




They aren't coming back today anyway and chances are, once they try to cash the check and find out it can't be cashed, they won't even bother because they'll know they've likely been caught.


Oops. There's a bit of conflict in your advice to Jul, Toni.

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