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Prayers, please

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I dwell here more than the general board and most of my online "friends" frequent here too, so my request is more at home in the curric. forum.


We have serious vehicle issues. Ya'll know I'm rarely brief, but I'll do my best.


2 years ago, dh came home with a lovely new pick up and a terrible new monthly payment. I begged, pleaded, bawled and then got mad and asked him repeatedly to return the truck. I knew we couldn't afford the payment (and I have biblical reasons to shun debt). He kept the truck. Our family vehicle, a Caravan, was about to go, as we knew we had transmission issues. The van went, and we were stuck with a pickup to tote around our family of 7.We have always made the payment, but it has been with struggle and has made our other bills perpetually late.


Fast forward to present day. I now provide childcare and bring in a very tiny amount of money. I am helping out a single mom, so I only get enough to cover food and expenses, really. Let's just say my paycheck is less per month than a daycare would charge for 1 child per week. Anyways, when she got her tax return, she advanced enough of my paycheck to repair the transmission in the van that has been sitting for 2 years.


We fixed the tranny and now other things are popping up. We have dumped nearly $2000 in the last month. Our mechanic is on vacation, so he can't fix something that he already fixed, but is now not working. Van is gone.


We voluntarily returned the pick-up (bad for credit, good for monthly budget)


I have a friend who had a beater for $400. We knew there was an oil leak, but I have witnessed this friend drive it around for 2 years, with the leak. We bought it (borrowed the $400) so dh could at least get to work while we wait for the mechanic to return from vacation. Dh found the leak. Went to tighten the bolt where the leak was...bolt broke....oil gushing...can't drive either van now.


Dh rented a car to go to work today.


We have no money. We have no savings. Now, we have no running car at all.


I have remained calm and encouraging through all of this. Dh is not mechanically inclined, so it was a big deal that he even looked for and attempted to fix the oil leak. It broke. He's shattered and is struggling with "I'm a failure. I can't provide for my family" in a very deep and bad way.


I keep trying to focus on what I Can do...school, house, etc....but I am feeling very weak today and I couldn't hold back tears this morning (in front of dh :closedeyes: ), which is something I try to take to sisters usually, as I know dh is struggling on his own already...he doesn't need my struggle too.


All that to say...I, or rather we, could really use prayer. We must have a running vehicle, dh's job is driving around from house to house all day. We have no money at this point and things do not look good.


Please pray. I'm at a loss. Thank you all for being my virtual friends and offering support and joy through a very large part of our lives -- home schooling. I'd appreciate it if we could cross the home school line and just pray for us as people in need. Thank you.

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:grouphug: I am praying for you. We are going through something difficult right now as well, very different from your situation, but still difficult. I keep asking God what I'm supposed to be learning from this so I can be done with it. Teach me already!

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Sorry Tina! This is a tough spot to be in!!! I will be praying for you.:grouphug:


Does your church have any kind of ministry that can help you out? Maybe with free repairs by someone knowledgeable, or someone who has an extra vehicle you can borrow for a short time?


A small group of us have been helping a single mom who fled abuse and when she needed a car we put out all kind of feelers. I was amazed that someone stepped up to donate one to her and we were able to get some help from a local garage to get it fixed up. Don't be too private about asking for help!

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Tina, many virtual hugs, thoughts and prayers coming your way. That sounds so incredibly tough. And you have handled it so well.


I wondered too about the possibility of asking for assistance from your church home. I know how hard it can be to ask for help but the Body is so uplifted when it has the opportunity to rally around one of its own to support and encourage - financially, through prayer or any other way. Is your body equipped to be able to do that for you all?

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The worst part about home churching...a very small church family. There is no one to turn to. I am wondering though, I may be able to put out some feelers in a few communities of friends where we often participate (church sports league, vbs, holiday plays). I will do that. I don't have a problem asking for help. We are the body....the bones hold up the muscles, move the arms, wiggle the fingers, touch the buttons :) I will put those feelers out. Thank you for reminding me.

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Tina, I am so sorry times are so difficult for you. I know what it is like to have no working vehicle, no money, savings, etc. I will be praying for you, praying that God will make a way where there seems to be no way. Do you know anyone who can fix the oil leak/gush in the car? Have you asked around at your church for someone who might have a vehicle you could borrow for a while? We did that for about 3 months one year...borrowed a vehicle from a friend who wasn't using it. I wish I could help you more. I'd let you borrow our car if I lived close to you! :grouphug: and many, many prayers. God is our Jehovah Jireh...our provider.

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Praying for you here.


Last year, we had a 6 month period of rotating borrowed cars or having no car. My daycare kids' mom had to drive dh to work/ school a few times. It was so difficult. We had to basically stop all activity outside of the house and focus on getting dh to work/ school and getting groceries home. It was so stressful. I will be praying for a financial miracle to allow you have a working car again. (We received not one, but two miracles and now have a working truck and a beater car for dh to drive to school that doesn't use so much gas!)

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:grouphug::grouphug: Just remember through this, God is talking to you. He wants/NEEDS you to keep 100% trust in him. He has a reason. We dont know why. He had a reason that unemployment got denied for dh when he was unemployed. We had 0 income. He provided for us 100%. Was any extra. Our needs were taken care of. I agree with the others. Talk to your church! They are there for their flock in need. That is what the body of Christ is for! Your family is in our prayers! Please keep us updated so I can keep my prayers updated, God knows, But so we know what to pray for harder! Dont give up! God works is amazing ways!! :grouphug::grouphug:

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Also I really have to add, when God does provide, be it big or small, dont hide it from your kids! Let them know your situation right now, all of it (age appropriate) and let them see how God works! We were told to do that, and it was so hard to admit to the kids how bad our situation was, I cried when I told them. But then I made sure they didnt worry by telling them God does provide, and everytime He did, the kids were amazed! It really strengthened their faith also to SEE God work in our lives! Don't give up, and I suggest you fast and pray and listen to what God says to you! That was the first thing we did-- and God was VERY clear to us what He was saying!


:grouphug: Feel free to PM me if you need encouragment, to vent ,anything. We were there, JUST got a job, its been hard! :grouphug:

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Be encouraged, Tina. God is going to work the whole mess out. To us, it appears a mess and impossible to fix. But, God is a miracle working God and He is faithful. He will minister to your needs in all kinds of ways. Please share with us when He does, so that God can be glorified in it and we can all praise Him for His unfathomable ways! :grouphug:


Blessings to you and your family,




Proverbs 3:5,6

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I've recently been dealing with something similar. The tranny on my van is almost shot... I can (and have been since Nov) drive 25-30 mph. That's IT! Luckily, my husband's truck gets him to work and back. Our Pastor (of a very small church) took compassion on us and bought a good running 1996 van with 200,000 miles for $1500.


ANYWAY, a few weeks ago a friend told me that some bigger churches have ministries that just give away cars to needy families. She lives in Lexington KY area, maybe there's something like that where you live?



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Tina, I am sorry you are going through this. This economy is something else. We have been really struggling too. I will be praying for God's car miricle!:auto: Never did I think we (our generation) would go through something like this but here we are.:glare: We will have good gramma stories when we are old. God is good.


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Psalm 73:28

But as for me the nearness of God is my good; I have made the Lord GOD my refuge, That I may tell of all Your works.


James 1:2,3,12

Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing . . . Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.


:grouphug: Press in to the One who loves you the most and who designs these painful trials for our good and His glory. I sure wish they didn't hurt so much!! :001_smile:

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Thank you all so much. I will be digging in God's word. I know He will provide. I know He wants peace for His children. I know he won't let us go without our basic needs. I know He loves us, oh, how He loves us. Thank you all so much. I'll keep you updated. I'm gonna focus on family for a bit, then spend some early time with my Father in prayer and supplication. Thanks so much.

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