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What do you find yourself saying OVER and OVER again?

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"Please DONT take that apart!" DS is going to be a mechanical engineer or something!


"Please GET OFF that..."


"Sit down"


"Shut the gate" (baby gate so the baby doesnt get up the stairs and then fall down them)




"Get --- out of your mouth" (toe, pencil, hair, clothes, toy etc) DD is very oral!


"Please don't lick ----" Today it was all the way down my banister. DD strikes again!


"Please be kind."


"Please watch out for the baby."


"Please dont sit on the baby!" My boys like to wrestle already. Problem is the 1yo is 20lbs and the 3yo is 40lbs.


"Sorry, breakfast/lunch/dinner is over, you are down from the table."


"Please dont play in the bathroom sink!"


"Please do your math!"


"Please take the argument/fit upstairs, I don't want to listen to it"




More Positive thing I say several times everyday!


"I love you too."


"Yes, you may sit on my lap!"


"Yes, we can read that story!"


"Yes, we can go and see the chickens again!"


"That was so kind, thanks!"


"You're such a big help!"

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Recently, it's been things like:

"That is not how you speak to people" (2yo is VERY rude these days & 3yo *must* boss EVERYONE around :glare:)

"You are not his/her mamma" (ask, don't tell what to do)

"how many times do you need say something?" (answer: 1 time!)


For my 1 yo

"Come to mamma"

"we do not eat books"

"we do not touch daddy's things"

"good job, feet first!"

"good job obeyin'"

"have a happy heart"

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"Saddle up" - when its time for them to get ready to do something. I watched a lot of John Wayne movies with my dad when I was little.


"Please, don't mother your sister."


"Shhh, please" -- I am super sound senstive and prone to migraines.


"Go outside and play"


"Can I have a hug, please?" It calms down my stormy child.


"Please, just get it done."


"You only have one more problem, why is this taking so long?"


"The dog doesn't like clothes, quit chasing her around with that dress."


"How much do you need?" to the one in college who always needs more money. Everything in Japan is expensive.


"Is there blood or bones showing? Then it can wait until I finish working with your sister."

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I just had to use a few more that I had forgotten about:



"Not acceptable!"

"Sit down."

"What's your name?" This one is used when someone is more concerned with their siblings business than their own. It's followed by "Then you worry about (insert name here) and let me worry about (insert siblings name here)."

"No Owen, you cannot have M's before breakfast."

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"Quit holding your spoon like a shovel."


"Get your elbows off the table. (for the the love of pete, get those elbows off the table!!!!! )"


And the ones I've resorted to even though I'm mildly ashamed (but feel somehow justified) are:




"Because I said so."

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"Keep your hands to yourself"


"That is too much food in your mouth"


"Put your phone away"


"Don't you like our furniture?"


"Can I be the parent here today?"


"LOL, then your not REALLY hungry, are you?" ( after offering healthier food than the snack requested because he is "starving"

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uummm...all of the above except the cat one and the penis one.


"speak only when spoken to" right before company comes over.

"I'm going to let you figure that one out" when someone asks a question that they know the answer to (like can I have icecream for lunch)

"is your room clean...to my standards?"

"who opened a shoe store on my front\back porch"

"I don't care who made the mess, I'm telling you to clean it up." followed closely by "I don't care that it's not your assigned job, keep your mother happy and just do it."

I also have my long list of statements " I see ________ where it\they should not be. Help it find it's home."


And I'm sure we all say this one lots "Someone bring me a diaper and the wipes...now."

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"STOP BABBLING" (There is SOMETHING wrong with SOME of the Guheert children...)


"Knock it off!"


"Are you done with your school, yet?" Then: "ALL of it?"


"Go ask your mother." (I do not grant privileges when they are not done with school.)


"What did your mother say when you asked her?"


"Stop bossing your siblings around!" "You are NOT the parent!"


"Be nice."


"Do not lean back in your chair!"


"Breakfast/lunch/dinner is ready. Go potty, get washed up and come to the table calmly and quietly without running and pushing. (It's embarrassing, but mealtimes are somewhat of a feeding frenzy around here.)


"You are a good boy/girl!"


"Good job!


"Thank you!"


"I love you!"




To MomsintheGarden:


"I love you!"


"You are doing a GREAT job teaching the children."


"You are amazing!"


"Have I mentioned how amazing you are?"


"That was a wonderful meal!"


"Thank you."


(I'm sure I say other things to her, but let's focus on these for now! ;))


OK, MomsintheGarden insists that I add the following three:


"Where did you put my _____?" followed by "No, it is NOT where I put it. What did you do with it?"


"Can you PLEASE keep the children quiet? I have a call." (I work at home.)


"How much does it cost?"

Edited by RegGuheert
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