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Do I get rid of my clothes?

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Between last summer and now, I've lost a lot of weight (at least for me. :001_smile:) and my clothing size has changed. I started running the year before and didn't lose any weight, but then last summer it all came off, almost at once. The thing is, because I had not lost weight for a year and I wasn't trying really hard, I bought new clothes. We were planning a trip to Disney and I didn't own anything decent. I bought lots of new shorts, some tops and even splurged on a pricey Land's End swimsuit.


I then went from a 12 to a 6, none of those clothes fit, not even the swimsuit. :glare:


Do I hold on to the clothes, in case I gain weight back :tongue_smilie:, or do I purge?


I can't decide. Some of the things are very nice. I don't think I will gain that much weight back. I still workout and I'm not having anymore kids (which is what put the weight on in the first place :D). But you never know, and I hate to be wasteful.


So what says the Hive? Pack them up for Goodwill or keep them?

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I say get the nicer things tailored. The rest - PURGE!!! Too much temptation should you put on just 5 pounds or so to get out the bigger size. If it's not there, you can't wear it! More motivation to be more careful. Congratulations!!!


Okay. Now, I have to ask. How did you do it????? I was a size 8. I was comfortable in that size. But, since having this 4th child, I cannot take off the weight!! I am a between a size 10 and 12 now. I'm also a runner. I ran a 1/2 marathon in January. I still run a lot. I do P90X daily (weight training). My total workouts are about 1 - 1.5 hours/day. I eat when I'm hungry. It's almost always healthy (NOTHING pre-packaged, ALL whole grains, LOTS of veggies/fruits, little meat, etc, etc.). (I splurge about 1x/month.) I'm SOOOO frustrated! NOTHING is coming off. No weight. No inches (well, around the chest it's come off!). I'm stronger and my legs are AMAZING!! (Can I say that? :loll:) I just have this extra layer of fat that I can't get rid of!! What did you do? I'm so frustrated!

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I say get the nicer things tailored. The rest - PURGE!!! Too much temptation should you put on just 5 pounds or so to get out the bigger size. If it's not there, you can't wear it! More motivation to be more careful. Congratulations!!!


Okay. Now, I have to ask. How did you do it????? I was a size 8. I was comfortable in that size. But, since having this 4th child, I cannot take off the weight!! I am a between a size 10 and 12 now. I'm also a runner. I ran a 1/2 marathon in January. I still run a lot. I do P90X daily (weight training). My total workouts are about 1 - 1.5 hours/day. I eat when I'm hungry. It's almost always healthy (NOTHING pre-packaged, ALL whole grains, LOTS of veggies/fruits, little meat, etc, etc.). (I splurge about 1x/month.) I'm SOOOO frustrated! NOTHING is coming off. No weight. No inches (well, around the chest it's come off!). I'm stronger and my legs are AMAZING!! (Can I say that? :loll:) I just have this extra layer of fat that I can't get rid of!! What did you do? I'm so frustrated!



I have to say that I still have a layer of fat, mostly concentrated in my hips and backside.:blush: I also have always had a great metabolism. I was the kid who could eat non stop without gaining a pound.:tongue_smilie: But I gained alot when I had kids (50 lbs each kid) and it didn't all come off. My youngest is now 5, so I haven't done that in a while. I started running almost 2 years back, but ran in spurts because of injury (which I am down with again :glare: ), but last summer I increased my running a lot. I started running 4 days a week, always going for at least 45 minutes. I did yoga on my off days. I did watch what I ate, but I have to admit I never counted calories or deprived myself. I was helped along last summer by getting the flu. I was so sick for 2 weeks that I didn't eat much, when I was better and started running again the weight came off. But honestly, it's my build. I have never had much muscle and I'm tall. My poor sister can look at bread and gain weight, I can eat cake all weekend and not have it affect me (as long as I stop on Monday :D)


My dh tells me that the remaining weight I would like to shed (well, fat, not weight) will be very hard to do, thanks to my age and having 5 children. I would really have to work at it and seriouly diet to get it off, and even then he thinks it would be hard. It will probably never come off, especially since every time I increase my running I get hurt. Right now I'm doing just yoga, mostly power or vinyassa flow. I may add weights. I'm going to a sports doc next week. I hope he can work miracles on my heal/ankle and I can start running again. Being inside is killing me. :001_smile:

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I started running 4 days a week, always going for at least 45 minutes.


According to my dh, this time is key. It's the cardio that takes the weight off. I don't know about Jen with 1-1.5 hours though. That seems like a a lot!


I've lost 6 pounds this month. For me that's tremendous. I'd been drinking whole milk already. Now I'm eating whole milk cheese and yogurt. I eat slow with small bites and I'm finding that I'm satisfied with less. I've stopped snacking except when the meal will be delayed a lot. I've given up soda for all intents and purposes. Oh and I run, but you knew that. :tongue_smilie:

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I vote for giving away the clothes to Goodwill.


If you gain all that weight back, which doesn't seem likely, it will take a very long time. By then, the clothes will be out of style. Or moths will have gotten to them. Or you will be too old to wear those styles.


Congratulations on losing all that weight!



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According to my dh, this time is key. It's the cardio that takes the weight off. I don't know about Jen with 1-1.5 hours though. That seems like a a lot!


I've lost 6 pounds this month. For me that's tremendous. I'd been drinking whole milk already. Now I'm eating whole milk cheese and yogurt. I eat slow with small bites and I'm finding that I'm satisfied with less. I've stopped snacking except when the meal will be delayed a lot. I've given up soda for all intents and purposes. Oh and I run, but you knew that. :tongue_smilie:


I haven't been able to do any cardio for over a week. In Jan I hurt my foot and I have been working on it. I was allowed to run, on my treadmill, 3x's a week, only for 2 miles. I could walk a little more to add to it, but then my foot got worse and I had to stop. I have a bad feeling the doctor next week is going to tell me to stay off it. Even biking hurts it, so I have no options right now. In the summer, when our pool opens, I can swim (well, sort of...) I do enjoy yoga, and I've been really increasing the intensity of it, but it's not the same as running, though it does seem to help with my stress. :001_smile: If I keep up with this much yoga, maybe by the end of summer I'll be able to do a handstand.:D


I have been more careful with my eating, especially not snacking, unless dinner will be late. I'm trying to eat a lot more fruit and veggies. Summer is coming and the lettuce in our garden will be up soon. I can't wait!! I've thought about making my own yogurt in order to get better quality, but it's hard to find the time.

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Kim, even if you're not a strong swimmer, you can do water aerobics type stuff. And have you tried a rowing machine? Since the feet work together, you might be able to do that.


As for the clothes, get rid of them. I've been holding off on getting rid of the clothes I've shrunk out of this year only because I plan on getting pregnant soon, so I'll have a good reason to have use for them again. If you're done with childbearing, I'd say you've no excuse, they should go!

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If running is a life change, then you won't be needing them anymore.



I love running. I started running for health reasons. I wanted to improve my cardiovasular sytem, and help with my nerves (I believe I was having panic attacks). Now I don't want to stop. But starting to run when you are almost 40 (I am 40 now :001_smile:) when you have been a couch potato your whole life, means that you get lots of injuries, thanks to some very weak ankles and tight hips. But even if I have to take off 2x a year to recover from injuries, I will keep running.

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