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Breastfeeding help pretty please - ASAP!

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I'm nursing my 3rd....he's almost 10 months old. I've had mastitis to the point of hospitalization twice. I've had milk blisters, plugged ducts, thrush, etc.


Today, whenever DS nursed on the right side it felt like he was biting me, but he wasn't. I figured the nipple was a little sore for whatever reason and continued feeding. Well, I reached down and felt it this evening and realized that I clearly have a plugged duct. 1/3 - 1/2 of my right breast is ROCK hard. So, I tried to hand express and realized NOTHING was coming out. Not a drop.


So....I've massaged, and massaged, and hot showered, and hot compressed, pumped, fed.....all the things I can come up with and nothing. I can't get anything to flow at all. I'm getting to panic mode. The lactation office is closed and there is no way I can make it until morning. Any ideas???? I'm desperate!

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I'm nursing my 3rd....he's almost 10 months old. I've had mastitis to the point of hospitalization twice. I've had milk blisters, plugged ducts, thrush, etc.


Today, whenever DS nursed on the right side it felt like he was biting me, but he wasn't. I figured the nipple was a little sore for whatever reason and continued feeding. Well, I reached down and felt it this evening and realized that I clearly have a plugged duct. 1/3 - 1/2 of my right breast is ROCK hard. So, I tried to hand express and realized NOTHING was coming out. Not a drop.


So....I've massaged, and massaged, and hot showered, and hot compressed, pumped, fed.....all the things I can come up with and nothing. I can't get anything to flow at all. I'm getting to panic mode. The lactation office is closed and there is no way I can make it until morning. Any ideas???? I'm desperate!


A friend had this happen and she used echinacea tea bags that had been steeped in hot water and cooled just a bit (so you don't burn yourself). She put them inside her bra and left them until they cooled and then rotated in another one.


I would recommend that you nurse your baby on that one side in all different angles to get the flow going. I would use any method (including dh :blushing: ) to get the flow going.


I was terrified of the infections too. I never got one, but my friend who used the echinacea tea bag compresses swore by them.

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Can you try calling La Leche League? I don't know what time it is where you are, but the phone number is often just someone's home. Or maybe they have some info on their website about it? Surely!


And here is something, that you probably know:


Vary your nursing position. For example, if you use the cradle hold, try the football hold or nurse lying down. Also, many women swear by this trick: Position the baby at your breast with his chin pointed toward the sore spot. This directs suction at the plugged duct and seems to promote healing.


Some women also report success using herbal remedies such as echinacea, lecithin, and vitamin C. Taking ibuprofen may help relieve pain and inflammation, but ask your doctor first.

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Any way you can get into the bathtub, lay on your side and submerge the whole area and massage while submerged under the water? Awkward, yes. But that worked for me.


All the other advice is also good. I personally couldn't wear underwire while nursing, and I needed to get enough sleep regularly to avoid this happening.


Best wishes!

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Yep, been to Kellymom...and every other website I can find. I'm doing all the "right" things, and they all stress the importance of emptying the breast completely....even if it means pumping after feeding, but I can't even get a drop out. Not even when DS nurses....he gets nothing.

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When I have had a clogged duct I have a nice warm shower and massage it to try and express in there, then I go to nurse dd. I get down on all fours above her to nurse her. The gravity helps unclog the duct. Another position I have tried when dealing with a clogged duct is the football hold. In your situation for the rest of the night only nurse on the side that is plugged. Put a warm compress on the breast before nursing and then try different positions to try and clear that plug. You will feel the pop and almost instant relief but as you know the in between time while nursing hurts to high heaven. I know you have tried the hot compresses and hot showers but keep at it.

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When you massage, massage that rock hard area down towards your nipple. I lay in a tub of hot water and lay on my side so that my breast is under the water rather than doing it in the shower. I've found, that for me, I sometimes have to be somewhat brutal and REALLY work it hard and for a long time. I've spent 45 minutes working a breast that I didn't notice until late. It leaves me sore, feeling bruised. I would also consider putting some cabbage leaves on it. It usually reserved for extreme cases, and you may have to work on getting your supply back up but he's old enough for that now. And, since you are prone to this, consider taking lecithin...it's suppose to help keep the milk flowing and was recommended to me by my midwife (though my problems aren't as severe).

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I have experience with mastitis. It stinks!!!! Do you have an electric pump (better than manual expression)? Honestly, turn up the suction. I won't lie and say it will be pleasant, but... it does sometime work. I found it helped to lay down and rest a little while before or even during pumping.


Here's a Dr. Sears page on the topic: http://www.askdrsears.com/html/2/T022100.asp


Believe it or not, I did get desperate enough once to use a sterile needle to help unclog a duct (as described on his site). It did work and the pressure of milk released was unbelievable. Yes, I know it was crazy, but after you've had mastitis a few times with 103 temps and agony, you'll try anything.

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I was 103 too.....it was awful. After closer inspection I believe I also have a clogged nipple pore. It is too deep to grab or scrape & doesn't bulge when I squeeze, but I can see a small white dot almost under the surface (it does not look like a blister). I read something that suggested olive oil on the nipple, so I'm doing that with heat right now.


I do have a hospital grade pump, so no worries there.

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I suspect you are right JoAnn. Wondering if I should go wake DS?? He usually sleeps all night and I hate to wake him if i don't have to, but massaging and pumping isn't working. Not that he was able to get anything earlier either, but maybe after all the massaging and hot water he could?

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I suspect you are right JoAnn. Wondering if I should go wake DS?? He usually sleeps all night and I hate to wake him if i don't have to, but massaging and pumping isn't working. Not that he was able to get anything earlier either, but maybe after all the massaging and hot water he could?


I normally don't like to wake people who are sleeping either, but in this case, since you are in pain and worried, I think you should wake him. For help or moral support.


And if I were in the LLL and had my number for people to call, I would be ok if they called me late at night and were in pain. So, if you feel you need to call one of them, go ahead. I would be honored to help someone in pain, even if it were late.

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IDK about the possiblity of solidified milk, but I do have one tip for you:


Take a deep breath. :chillpill: I've found that being worked up and stressed only makes clogged ducts worse. Some deep breathing, a good massage (tops of shoulders, down your chest, etc.) and let it go.


:grouphug: I've been there too - good luck mama!

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I had a situation like that twice. What worked for me:

I got a jar, I half filled the jar with very hot water (as hot as you can stand without burning) and put it on the table, I hung over the table with my breast in the jar (it's messy, use towels!) the jar sealed on my breast and the vaccum of the cooling water drew out the plug. It was about as weird as it's possible to get I think, but it worked. I think the difference between that and a pump is heat, water on the breast and gravity in combination with the vaccum.

It was quite some time ago, but from memory I also massaged.

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a La Leche League friend of mine helped me when I struggled with this - she suggested drinking a glass of wine first, then doing all those other things to get the milk flowing. It was really just to calm my nerves, but it did help. Cabbage leaves was the first thing I tried, then the hot water/massage. It was probably a combination of things. Hope you feel better soon.




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If you had your baby at the hospital, and even if you did not, they will help you....kind, loving nurses tend to babies in the hospital on the midnight shift, I have found. The loneliest time of parenting is when you can't figure out a symptom in the middle of the night.....call thru the hospital switchboard and get to the nursery nurses....they were angels when my babies did weird things, in the night and I could not wake my husband....my mother-in-law had really odd advice......but those sweet nurses were great!


I'm hurting for you...


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UPDATE!! I GOT it! Thanks to a needle! Phew. It was a last ditch effort on my way to bed. Thank you all so much for all your quick responses. I really appreciate it!

WOW. I had mastitis once with the high fever, delirious and it hurt, but no expression of milk at all...?

I don't know where you are but the herb mullein grows like a weed, most consider it a weed. If I could find that growing, I'd harvest it! It can be applied directly to the breast after simmering it covered for about a half hour, if it can wait that long.

Mullein (mull' lin) is a great glandular help. Check this:



Mullein can keep things flowing, of course we're all assuming you are drinking a lot to nurse.

Red raspberry leaf tea with mullein tea with horsetail grass tea, steeped for a half hour, spoonful of honey, can provide iron, vit c, b vitamins, glandular assist and horsetail for calcium.

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one cause of repeated mastitis can be that you are low in Iron.

I have had mastitis and it is awful. I would have been going to the hospital. I am glad you have relived your situation. I know when I had it I was in an awful state. I went to the doctor with a high fever, balling my eyes out, and a very swollen breast. apparently the balling is also a symptom ( according to the doctor)

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I saw one person mention it, but I want to reiterate the lecithin. Whenever I start getting recurrent breast infections, lecithin works like a charm. It also helps when I'm in the middle of an infection. I take megadoses to clear it up if I haven't been taking it regularly. If I take it regularly, I don't get them at all.

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I hope things have improved since you posted... I had a bad time with ds up until he was 18 months, after no problems feeding his sister. Try a long hot bath, then hold your son in a completely different position. Top to tail, anything you can think of. Changing the position of the feeding pressure worked for me when nothing else did. But I don't think I ever had things get as bad as you describe. And feed as often as you can get him to drink for a while. Good luck!

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