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Until today I hated sweet potatoes

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I cut up and roasted sweet potatoes and Yukon gold potatoes, mixed together, today.


The sweet potatoes are delicious.


Did I take out all the vitamins and good-for-you stuff by roasting doing this to them? I figure I must have diminished their nutritional value when I accidentally made them taste good.

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Told you they were good! No, you didn't ruin their nutritional value.


Yes, you did!


And now, I believe you. :D I can't believe I put this off for so long.


What should I try next, Jean? (No veggie burgers or tofu, please -- tried that already and no can do.)

Edited by RoughCollie
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Roasting does lovely things to all kinds of veggies. I've never had a problem with sweet potatoes, but I hated winter squash (like butternut, acorn) till I started roasting it. Yum!! Mashed is yucky, no matter how many spices you add to it.


I had a similar epiphany with zucchini - cutting it in chunks and quickly stir-frying, or roasting it, is way better than cooking it to death in a mushy, slimy pile (guess how my mom always prepared it :glare:).


And turnips - mashed turnips, gross. Turnips cubed and put in soup - yummy.


I apparently had texture issues I didn't realize I had.

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I hope not, I roast mine all the time!! (along with zucc, cauilflower, brocc, carrots and onion) I call it my go to food.




I didn't realize one could roast zucchini. I'm not going to put broccoli in the mix because I can eat that raw or steamed and I'm just fine with that.


Next time I'll put zucchini and onion in it. DH hates onion, and I didn't want to use two separate casserole dishes to bake it in.

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I cut up and roasted sweet potatoes and Yukon gold potatoes, mixed together, today.


The sweet potatoes are delicious.


Did I take out all the vitamins and good-for-you stuff by roasting doing this to them? I figure I must have diminished their nutritional value when I accidentally made them taste good.


I never liked sweet potatoes until I tasted plain baked sweet potatoes. Turns out it's the silly way most people eat them at Thanksgiving that I don't like. Why do people add sugar and marshmallows to a root vegetable?

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A friend of mine just today recommended sliced, sauteed sweet potatoes (a little butter, a little salt and a lot of pepper, she said) with a sunny side up (or however you prefer) egg on top.


Sounds delicious to me and I can't wait to try it!


BTW....I had the same epiphany about zucchini. I've always hated it until I roasted it. YUM!

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I have only heard of them roasted, boiled or steamed.


That would be because you are Australian. ;) The way she described is a traditional American Thanksgiving holiday dish known as "candied yams". It's a tradition that needs to go away. :glare:


I add butter & maple syrup when I do mine--but only at Thanksgiving and only to appease those who must have them "candied" in some way.


I find them tolerable this way, but prefer them in a curry with garlic, fresh ginger, onions, red beans & green peppers myself. Roasted is good too! Oh, and sweet potato fries. Mmmm...


ETA: I made a casserole once with sweet potatoes, sausage (dinner sausages sliced or bulk crumbled) and sliced apples once that was really good.

Edited by darlasowders
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I laughed out loud when I read your topic title...I didn't even know that I liked sweet potatoes until I was feeding my first baby sweet potatoes from the jar and accidentally licked the spoon. It was like, "Whoa! What are these?!?! They're really good!" I've been addicted to sweet potatoes ever since.

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Have you tried sweet potato fries? I LOVE those. Although I've never tried making them at home.


:thumbup: I had these for supper tonight...love them


I also like to cut up sweet potatoes in bite size pieces and toss with a little oil. Then sprinkle on some cajun spice and bake. YUM-O. I am perfectly happy with that as my meal.

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