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Does your family eat bok choy?

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I usually use bok choy in a stir-fry with other veggies, so I just slice it up and throw it in the wok.


I also buy a lot of mini bok choy for our pet rabbits; they love it! The Asian market has a number of different kinds of bok choy.



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We chop it up fine and put it in dumplings, use the crispy white part in stir fry, use the green leafy part in soups. You can use the green part in stir fry too, if you put it in at the end and let it wilt for no more than a minute.


I love the flavors of bok choy and fresh ginger together....yum.

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You can use it anywhere you would use regualar cabbage.


My absolute favorite way is to chop it into 1 inch slices, along with an onion and a couple of cloves of garlice. In a very large skillet with a lid, saute the onion and garlic until soft then add the white parts of the bok choy. Turn down and cover for 10 minutes or so, add the green parts of the bok choy and cover again. Continue to cook for another 10 minutes or until everything is tender. Salt and pepper to taste.

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I roast the baby bok choy. I cut them in half lengthwise, marinate it in apple cider vinegar, timari, garlic and olive oil then bake it on 350 for about 20-30 minutes (depends on the size). I got this idea from the hot bar at whole foods. They use some other ingredients but that's my standard recipe. It's yum!

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You can use it anywhere you would use regualar cabbage.


My absolute favorite way is to chop it into 1 inch slices, along with an onion and a couple of cloves of garlice. In a very large skillet with a lid, saute the onion and garlic until soft then add the white parts of the bok choy. Turn down and cover for 10 minutes or so, add the green parts of the bok choy and cover again. Continue to cook for another 10 minutes or until everything is tender. Salt and pepper to taste.

This is exactly how I currently do regular cabbage. I will try the bok choy soon. Thanks!

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Here is the recipe I use. The first time I made this I ate the entire head of cooked bok choy while waiting for the rest of the dinnner to finish cooking. So good!


Stir Fry Bok Choy


1 bunch bok choy

1 1/2 Tbl olive oil

2 slices ginger, (or use 1/2 tsp dried ginger)

2 Tbl soy sauce

1 tsp sugar

1/4 tsp salt

sesame oil, few drops



Wash bok choy. Cut the stalks diagonally and cut leaves across.


Heat wok or fry pan. Add olive oil. When oil is hot add ginger and stir fry for 30 seconds to release the aroma. Add bok choy stalks stir fry until stalks start to soften, (approx 3-5 min.) then add leaves. Add soy sauce, sugar and salt. Stir fry on high for a minute. Add splash of water and simmer 2 mintues. Stir in a few drops of sesame oil. Serve.


ETA - when I use dried ginger I add to the end with the salt.

Edited by Ferdie
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I have a salad recipe that I got from Gourmet years ago and modified:


Gingered Asian Slaw


10 cups sliced bok choy

3 cups julienned carrots (I slice-quicker)

2 lg red pepper, in strips

1\2 cup thinly sliced scallions

chopped cilantro-1\2-1 bunch

1\4 cup chopped unsalted roasted peanuts (I use salted in a pinch)

2 T toasted sesame seeds

1T salt

1\4 t pepper




1\2 cup lime juice

1T soy sauce

1 1\2 T minced ginger

1\4 cup minced shallot (onion in a pinch)

2 t chopped garlic

1T honey

1 t thai red curry paste

1 T sesame oil

1\3 cup light vegetable oil


Toss salad veggies together, mix dressing ingredients separately, then pour over salad. Very good if left combined at room temp for at least one hour.

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We chop it up fine and put it in dumplings, use the crispy white part in stir fry, use the green leafy part in soups. You can use the green part in stir fry too, if you put it in at the end and let it wilt for no more than a minute.


I love the flavors of bok choy and fresh ginger together....yum.


Exactly what we do here, too.

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You can use it anywhere you would use regualar cabbage.


My absolute favorite way is to chop it into 1 inch slices, along with an onion and a couple of cloves of garlice. In a very large skillet with a lid, saute the onion and garlic until soft then add the white parts of the bok choy. Turn down and cover for 10 minutes or so, add the green parts of the bok choy and cover again. Continue to cook for another 10 minutes or until everything is tender. Salt and pepper to taste.




Thanks for this suggestion. I have half a cabbage in the frig. I'm going to use your suggestion. This sounds delicious. I grew up watching my mom drown cabbage in water. Ha ha. This sounds much better.



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