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I fell through the deck!

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I was just out on our rickety deck for privacy while I talked to a friend. Our deck is very worn-out and has been off-limits to our kids for a year while we try to raise money to fix it. I was careful to be on the "safe" area - or so I thought. All of a sudden I felt my foot going down! The board under my right foot totally broke. I was stuck and could not get my leg (which was stuck at the knee) loose at all. The phone had gone flying and my poor friend was left wondering if I was ok. I managed to yell loud enough to get my dd to come out. She gave my apologies to my friend and hung up. I then tried unsucessfully to get dh on his cell phone. The kids ran and got one neighbor but she wasn't sure what to do. She suggested that we call another neighbor. I didn't want to. This is the third embarrassing predicament he's gotten me out of in the last year.:blush: But I realized that my leg was starting to swell and I did need help. So they got my other neighbor and he cut out the neighboring board to get my foot loose. I'm scraped up and am going to have a lovely bruise. I'm icing it now. (I think I will be sore elsewhere on my body too from the shock of my body slamming a foot and a half down on one side). And I was complaining earlier about my chronic pain. . . :lol:

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Awww. Poor you! Cyberhugs to you. I'm so glad it wasn't a worse injury. As one who has had many, many, many embarassing injuries, incidents, etc., I prescribe a glass of wine for your ego along with ice for your leg.


However, thank you for the great visual - you falling, the phone flying thru the air, your friend bewildered. Tee hee. Thank you for spreading a little cheer in your pain.

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But, did you, upon reentering the house, announce loudly to your children, "An THAT'S why it's been off limits for you for the last year.":confused:


:D Double gold if you did!




:grouphug: Hope you are feeling better in the morning!

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Go ahead, laugh . . . . I am!


I figure if I'm to have the bruises and the pain, I might as well have a good story to go along with it!


but really, don't you just want to fabricate a good story to go with the injuries?


I remember having a lovely purple cast which made my thumb stick out to the point it was embarrassing. EVERYONE wanted to hear the great story about what caused the injury. I felt so STUPID telling them I broke a knuckle opening a jar of pickles. :001_huh: HONESTLY??? Did lying HAVE to be a sin at that time?



I hope you're feeling better! If you want privacy during a phone call, go to the car. Recline the seat to remain hidden if necessary. Trust me - it works, especially in a dark garage. :D

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:grouphug: Ow hon, that sounds like a story only I could tell. I still have bruises from falling down the stairs almost six months ago. I am glad to hear that I am not the only person that these things happen to but so sorry to hear it happened to you. I would ice down everything you can and take pain meds before the pain gets to bad. Take anti-inflammatories pretty much around the clock because things will get worse until about day three. Also see if you can get into the chiro right away. Hope you heal up quickly. :grouphug:

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