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8th Grade Schedule: Please share what you've done or are doing!


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I'm looking for what to do for 8th grade next year. I tried to find an 8th grade thread, but couldn't find anything.


Here are some possibilities for dd:


Math: LoF Beginning and part of?? Advanced Algebra


Grammar: Hake (Cuz I have it. I'm open to other possibilities) She's not on level with Grammar, so will be finishing up 6th and starting 7th


Bible: Not sure


Lit.: Not sure


History: Not sure


Vocab.: Vocab. From Classical Roots, C & D


Science: Rainbow


Foreign Lang.: Visual Link Spanish


Piano Lessons


Art & Music Appreciation: Harmony Fine Arts 8


Writing: Write Shop 2 (We're doing WS 1 right now)


What else do I need?


She's not big into the Great Books stuff, we go lighter in that area. Also, due to dh's feelings, we do not do Latin. She'll just be sticking with Spanish.


I'd love to see what you all are doing, have done or will be doing!

Edited by Brindee
Forgot to add the writing program we're using!
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I don't see any writing on your list, but it looks great otherwise. :)


Our 8th grade plan looks something like this.

Grammar: Rod and Staff English

Writing: Classical Writing

Spelling/Vocab: Rod and Staff Spelling

Literature/history/theology: Omnibus III

History spine for Omnibus: Streams of Civilization

Latin: Latin Alive

Math: Rod and Staff with Life of Fred algebra

Science: Apologia's Physical Science

Logic: Traditional Logic II

Ohhh, oops, I thought I put it. I'm adding it now, so check my list again! :D Thanks!
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is what it looks like:


Math: complete last 4 chapters of Foerster's Algebra I then on to TT Geo

LA: AG (season 3), LL from LOTR, either Put That in Writing or Lost Tools of Writing (haven't decided yet), and history related fiction reading via HO

Science: Apologia Physical Science via TPS

History: HO Middle Ages

Spanish: Getting Started with Spanish

Geography: mom directed


I'm eliminating spelling and memory work for 8th grade. Vocabulary is part of LL from LOTR.


For P.E. he'll continue swimming, running, and Aikido.


ETA: I'd like to add in Logic, perhaps Critical Thinking Book 1&2 if we can squeeze it in.

Edited by Stacy in NJ
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Not completely sure. Here's what I'm toying with:


Language Arts: MCT. Not sure what level yet. If not that, then IEW for writing. No thoughts beyond that.


Math: MUS Pre-Algebra


History: 20th Century, as outlined on the Mater Amabilis website.


Science: Either LOF's Pre-Algebra/Biology book or PAC's Natural Science Mysteries


Logic: Traditional Logic I


Greek: Bluedorn's Homeschool Greek, or Mounce's Biblical Greek (I have both already)


Literature: probably Progeny Press Lit guides, but not sure what books yet.


Music: homeschool music class or the music curriculum from Cornerstone (David Quine's curriculum)


Art: Artistic Pursuits

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Math: finishing LOF: Beginning Algebra; MUS Algebra I


English/Latin: Latin Road to English Grammar


History: MOH 2, SOTW 2 and Truthquest


Science: Lyrical Science, Vol. 1


Foreign Lang.: Educaccion Espanol (from Discovery Streaming)


Art: Meet the Masters


Writing: Write Shop 2


Logic: still deciding


Other activities: dance classes (approx 7-9 hours per week); Bible Study at church; National Honor Society; community service projects

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Here's the plan right now.


Sonlight 100 (doing the Bible, History, and some of the Lit)

Hewitt's Hakim Tests

BJU Dvd's Life Science

Glencoe 8th Pre-Algebra (finishing book over these 2 years)

LoF Pre-Algebra as supplement

Jump In Writing (finish book)


CLE Reading 8

Fallacy Detective/Thinking Toolbox

SOS French (Elementary for an introduction)

Roots and Fruits (root/prefix vocabulary program)

Artist and Composer studies (We've taken a very laid back approach on this.)

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Math: Saxon Algebra 1/2 after MUS Algebra 1 flopped


Grammar: Queen's LL for Secondary vol 2, Editor in Chief (dd is ahead in this area)


Bible: God's Priceless Woman


Lit.: Poetry and Prose Toolbox, DITHOR, BF


History: BF US and World Jr High


Vocab.: Word Roots


Science: Apologia Physical


Foreign Lang.: Sign Language


Piano Lessons


Art & Music Appreciation: Artistic Pursuits


Writing: Meaningful Comp, Wordsmith Craftsman


Logic: Mind Benders

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Dd (14, 8th grade) is doing:

Math: Chalkdust Algebra

History: Sonlight Core 100 (just history, not other subjects)

Science: PH Science Explorer life science


-Lit: Lightning Literature 7 & 8 (selected books)

-Grammar: Easy Grammar Plus

-Writing: IEW's The Elegant Essay

-We are going to try out CLE 8th grade LA because she doesn't currently have spelling or vocab.


She writes poetry and novels in her spare time (and writes well!) so that covers creative writing. She does a ton of art on her own and attends the library's teen book club once a month, plus she goes to the middle school daily for band and PE, so that rounds things out as well.


She did most of Vocabulary from Classical Roots A but we dropped it because it was boring and the tests didn't seem to match the lessons (ie, she bombed every test even though she learned the root words), but we love everything else. Well, I'm not in love with Easy Grammar, but she thinks it's fine.

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My ds's 8th grade this year:


Math--LOF Beginning Algebra


Writing--paragraphing workbooks, plus outlining in Science

Grammar--was using Hake 7, but now on grammar break

Literature--Lighting Lit 7 (combining with younger sister)

Latin--Latin Prep


Geography--Trail Guide to World

Science--Story of Science, Milestones in Science kit

Logic--Art of Argument

Bible--Explorer's Bible Study, Quest level, In the Beginning

Poetry--IEW's poetry memorization

Art--Hopefully we'll do some Atelier over the summer


My dd's 8th grade next year:


Math--Pre-Algebra, Lial's BCM??


Writing--WWE 4, plus ??, plus outlining/writing in history and science

Grammar--GWG 6/7

Literature--Lighting Lit 8


History--History Odyssey Level 2 Ancients

Science--Story of Science, The Elements, Carbon Chemistry

Logic--Art of Argument

Bible--Explorer's Bible Study, Quest level, Early History of Israel

Poetry--IEW's poetry memorization

Art--Atelier during the summer??

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Hey Brindee! Haven't seen you around for a while.

Here's what my 8th grader is up to:


Math: TT-Finished Alg 1 and into Alg.2

Writing/Grammar: CW- finishing Homer Older Beg. and cont. with Diogenes

Lit.: TOG-Year 3

History: TOG-Year 3

Science: Abeka

Foreign Lang.: Wheelock's Latin and German by Rosenburg

Philosophy: TOG-Year 3

Geograhpy: TOG-Year 3

Violin/Piano Lessons

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Here's what we are *planning* on for next year. Who knows what will really happen! :tongue_smilie:


Latin 2 (Henle) with Regina Coeli Academy (for sure)


German 1 with TPS (pretty sure)


Math-if she takes Algebra I with AofPS this summer online, then in the fall I'll have her do either AofPS Intro to Geometry or TT Geometry. If we don't go that route, I'm thinking she'll be doing Jacobs Algebra in the fall. (As usual, confused about math--lol)


Biology--either Apologia or ACE Biology with the DVD's.


History/Lit/Bible--We're planning on Core 100 from Sonlight. I'm just torn because I'm not sure about those Hakim books and the monster sized SL IG which supposedly has a ton of comments from John Holzmann analyzing what's wrong with Hakim's perspective. Why not just use a text you like? :001_huh:


Analogies 1 (SL sells this as a recommended resource to go with Core 100)


Vocab? Maybe Vocabulary from Classical Roots? Unsure if we really need it.


Art? Probably just have her continue working with Draw Squad. We tried Artistic Pursuits and she just hasn't taken to it.


Artist/Composer study--we just put up a picture every few weeks from an artist and we listen to classical music whenever. This really takes no time at all.


Extras: dance, piano, violin


I think that's it. I hope it's manageable.

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Our 8th grade year has been like this:

Bible: reading through

Math: Finished up Saxon Algebra1 from last year, LoF Beg. Alg.

English: Crafting the Essay (CTY), Lively Art of Writing, grammar revu

Science: Finished Apologia Phys. Sci. from last year, Apologia Bio.

History: SotW vol. 4

For. Lang: RS Latin1

Music: Piano 4 Life (on and off)

Art: God and the History of Art

PE: soccer, etc.

Eco.: Whatever Happened to Penny Candy


And assorted extra "fun" things


HTH -Jen

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Here's what dd is doing now.

Explorer's Bible Study & reading: God's Will, God's Best for your Life; Live Like a Jesus Freak; How to Stay Christian in High School; It's Not About Me - Max Lucado

Saxon 87 - after TT Pre-Alg flopped


MOH 3 - with 100 Most Important Events in History; Training for Triumph; History Lives series; making a power point presentation instead of memory cards


Literature - historical fiction that goes along with the time period of MOH 3; with free literature guides online


Total Health - Susan Boe


Language Arts - R&S grammar; Word Roots & Vocabulary Vine; Figuratively Speaking; Analogies; CQLA (only the writing portion) & other writing assignments I have given her


Thinking Toolbox


Money Matters for Teens


Piano lessons & learning to play the guitar on her own. Yearbook club, bowling club & jogging club.

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My plan for 8th grade looks like this right now:


History: Sonlight Core 6 (Replacing SOTW with SWB's high school books)


LA: Sonlight Core 6, LL 8, Wordly Wise


Science: BJU Earth & Space


Math: MUS Pre-Algebra (finish) & Algebra


Logic: Orbiting Logic, Fallacy Detective


Spanish: Rosetta Stone (continuing from this year)


Band & Orchestra: Clarinet & guitar (private school & homeschool group)


PE: Swimming and various


hmm... I'm glad I wrote that. I'm starting to like it;)

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My daughter is 8th grade this year and here is a list of what we have been doing:


Grammar: BJU Grammar and Writing (I have to supplement extra diagramming b/c there isn't enough)

Math: MUS Algebra

History: SOTW

Spelling/Vocab: Worldly Wise 3000 Book 8

Science: Christian Kids Explore Chemistry

Bible Study: Christian Studies Book 1

We also do memory work and writing that I pull together from books at the library and from her SOTW extra reading suggestions.

She also takes guitar classes once a week.

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This is the rough plan:


Math-Finish R&S 8 and move to Algebra I

Grammar/Comp.-Finish CW Homer and move to Maxim

Science-not sure...maybe general science

Latin-Second Form + Cambridge

French-L'Art de lire Levels 3-5

Geography-Finish Book of Marvels

History-Finish Story of England and Story of France with D. Mill's Renaissance and Reformation + biographies, speeches, etc.

Literature-mostly from AO Year 8-

English Literature for Boys and Girls


Francis Bacon Essays


Fierce Wars and Faithful Loves

Shakespeare's Sonnets

John Milton poetry but not Paradise Lost yet

+ CW required books of Julius Ceasar, Merchant of Venice and Autobiography of Ben. Franklin

I'm also adding the Hobbit and Swift's A Modest Proposal

Arts-continue with Piano and History of Art Sculpture, watercolor painting, drawing and Picture Study

American History-finish This Country of Ours and the modern era

I think this is most of it...

Edited by Kfamily
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Here is my tentative plan next year for my 8th grader:


Bible: Survey of the NT

History: Medieval History/Geography I put together myself

Literature: Reading list from WTM with lit. guides from different sources

LA: MCT Voyage Level; writing weekly from Science/History topics

Math: Saxon Algebra I

Science: Apologia Physical Science

Latin: Latin Grammar

Logic: Traditional Logic I

Art/Music: Drawing Textbook, and Art History/Composer Study

Other: City Ballet/Jazz company


We also do memory work (Bible verses, history dates, etc.) when we have our Bible time first thing in the morning.

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History: Medieval History/Geography I put together myself
This caught my eye, as dd and I were just commenting that she has missed out on that era, and that we should try to find something for history from that time period, since she's already done ancient and modern.


Care to share any ideas on what you're doing?

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Hey Brindee! Haven't seen you around for a while.

Here's what my 8th grader is up to:


Math: TT-Finished Alg 1 and into Alg.2

Writing/Grammar: CW- finishing Homer Older Beg. and cont. with Diogenes

Lit.: TOG-Year 3

History: TOG-Year 3

Science: Abeka

Foreign Lang.: Wheelock's Latin and German by Rosenburg

Philosophy: TOG-Year 3

Geograhpy: TOG-Year 3

Violin/Piano Lessons

Hi there! Yeah, I was not here for a long time---very busy and distracted. I always head back here about this time of the year to look at curriculum stuff. I love the knowledge of the women here and the variety of curriculum to research! Good to see you! How are things going?
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