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Can you change a dog's name after 3 years?

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Our first dog was a rescue dog. The SPCA where she was 'held' had been helping her recuperate (from severe neglect,abuse and starvation) for about 6 months. They named her Farah.


We DID NOT want a dog named Farah!


The night we brought her home (this is dating) we were watching Star Trek Deep Space Nine--and anytime someone called out to Major Kira the dog would perk up. So she chose a name for herself.


Kira was a great dog for the 10 years we loved on her!


I think it helped that the name was similar in ending sound.

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Not too late at all!

Just start using the new name. You can test whether a dog knows their name after a while by just saying it (with no other command) and seeing if they respon. If you get an earflick, or they look at you, or show any response at all, reward them with a treat (click & treat if you're clicker training)


I changed my dogs' names. Daisy (adopted by me at age 3) used to be called Lucky, then she was called Lacey. Darwin (adpted at almost 6) was Toby for at least a while.


Many shelter dogs had no name at all - they get named by shelter staff & new adopters name them something else again. Nobody knows what their original name was, & in some cases they clearly had been beloved pets at some point in their life...... :-(

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I have had 2 rescued dogs from a shelter now and have changed both names-and the names that we changed them to didnt sound anything like the original. As long as you are paying attention to them and praising when they come, they will learn it in no time.

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Our first dog was a rescue dog. The SPCA where she was 'held' had been helping her recuperate (from severe neglect,abuse and starvation) for about 6 months. They named her Farah.


We DID NOT want a dog named Farah!.



this is funny to me. We got a dog when she was 3 named Farrah. I tried to change it but the kids loved it so it stuck. To this day(2 years later) I am embarassed to tell people her name! ;)

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