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April in CA

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That's awesome for your son!

I haven't heard anything yet - dd's score was 213, and for the last 3 years the magic # for NC has been 214, 215, then 214 again. So not too hopeful....

A little disappointing that she came home and knew she had made some careless errors - when we looked at the ones she got wrong, they were silly mistakes. :001_huh: Of all tests!!!

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Once again - a big Thank You for all your kind words for me and my son! Now younger son (10th grade) is feeling inspired to see if he can follow in older brother's footsteps. I sure hope he can - it would make college so much easier for all of us!

Chris, you asked what this means for my son. If he actually receives a Nation Merit Scholarship, he would most likely be awarded around $2500. For which we would be extremely grateful! But the biggie is that lots of colleges and universities will award much larger scholarships to NM Finalists. For example, his current first-choice university (LeTourneau in Longview, TX) will award him four years tuition, which makes a private Christian school education possible for him. We will need to cover room and board and transportation (we live in CA, so that means plane tickets a few times a year), and he may need to come up with money for a 5th year, since he wants to be an engineer. But, truly, this means that his dreams and goals are within his reach without a mountain of debt to climb upon graduation. We are so blessed and so profoundly grateful.


Once again, thanks for the kind words and interest. I am looking forward to congratulating the next ones to get their good news!


April, the happy-dancer

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If your son goes to LeTourneau he will live about 15 minutes from me!! We go there all the time for camps, concerts, etc. A lot of professors' families are in my homeschool co-op. It is a great school. If mine can get the same status, he could also get a free ride at Baylor. He is looking at LeTourneau, but it is probably too close to home for us. My son will start taking dual credit there, though, starting in the fall 2011. (Can't do it there until he is a junior)



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Woo Hoo Again! Congratulations Polly to you and your daughter!!! What are her plans for college? Don't you sort of feel that some TV announcer with a mic should come up to you and say "You got got selected as a MN Finalist Mom! What are you going to do now?" Whereupon you would reply "I'm going to Disneyland!!" That would be so cool!

Doing the happy dance for you,


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Woo Hoo Again! Congratulations Polly to you and your daughter!!! What are her plans for college? Don't you sort of feel that some TV announcer with a mic should come up to you and say "You got got selected as a MN Finalist Mom! What are you going to do now?" Whereupon you would reply "I'm going to Disneyland!!" That would be so cool!

Doing the happy dance for you,



YES! April! LOL!


My dd is now trying to choose between her first choice school, for whom NM status will only matter if she is named a scholar and receives the $2500, which they are happy to take :); OR her second choice, where she can now attend *for free*.


Her first choice school has the EXACT program she wants though.




Thanks for all the congrats!! :)

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