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No, really -- when DO you find time to read?

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I didn't read (well, other than picture books) when my kids were small. I simply didn't have the time. Any spare time was spent asleep. Part of that has to do with HOW I read. I am absorbed by a book. I hate having to put it down. I tend to pick up a book and read it. The End. No cooking, eating, sleeping, laundry. Just reading. You can't do that when you have little kids. Now that the kids are older, I have had to adjust my reading style. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to read even today. Those silly teens STILL expect to be fed and be schooled. :glare: So, I only allow myself to read while they are at sports practice. The book is NOT allowed in the house!!! It is not as enjoyable. To be quite honest, I sometimes think it isn't even worth reading. I really miss living in a book. I DO allow myself to read my way when on vacation or occasionally in the summer. It is sweet.:D

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I read when I should be dusting or vacuuming.


me, too. I read while the food is cooking, while my daughter is reading, while I should be cleaning, while I should be . . . doing most anything. I love to read and don't have any problem finding time to do it. I do have a hard time putting down the book and doing what I ought.

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:confused: What's the problem with reading while nursing?


The OP's statement was a little garbled but I got the impression she meant it was not cool to have a woman nursing and reading to people at the same time. It reminds me of the woman I talked to once who said that nursing mothers should only nurse in a room with a closed door and the window shades down. :confused: Then again, maybe she held that view because it justified her wanting to have peace and quiet several times a day. :)

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I have been known to be sauteing dinner with one hand and holding a book in the other.



I read while I'm eating, I read while I am waiting on the kids to finish up work, I read while I'm folding laundrey, I read while waiting in line, I read in the bathroom, and I read while I'm cooking dinner. I tried reading while crocheting, but found I'm limited in the things I can read while doing ;)

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My answers are going to be pretty much the same as everyone else. I read when I have 15min. I read when I'm drying my hair. I read when I should clean. I read therefore I don't sleep as much as I'd like. I read for 5min in the bathroom if I must! Sometimes when I need to "get away" I close my bedroom door, go into my walk-in closet an close that door, turn on the light and read in peace in quiet for 15 - 30min. Also, as most everyone else has said, I read less when my two older boys were young. It's much easier to start fitting in little bits here and there once they read about 5 or 6.

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I read in the bathtub.


I cook and read at the same time.


I read while the kids watch movies or television--that way they feel like I'm with them, but I'm not bored out of my mind by some Disney special.


I read at tennis, violin, gymnastics, baseball.


I read late at night.


Occasionally I go to a restaurant by myself and read. I'm sure everyone feels sorry for me--poor lady all by herself. I should probably wear a sign that says, "I have six kids--eating alone and reading is heaven". :tongue_smilie:


When I had my youngest son, I had weekly sonograms. After ten they became rather boring and I chose to read instead of watching the screen. I think the technicians thought I was horrible as I'm sure they didn't realize that I had a total of 26 before my pregnancy was over. They, also, didnt' realize that the sonograms and stress tests were the only quiet time I had away as I had four children under the age of 4 at home.



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I read while I dust or vacuum, I read a little before I fall asleep at night, I always have a book with me in my purse in case I have to wait a few minutes somewhere. I can't wait to get a Kindle so I can carry multiple books with me :D


When my kids were young enough to nurse, I read lots of books. Some aloud to the kids, some quietly to myself. I listen to books in the car and while doing dishes. Reading is just something I've always enjoyed so I've always found or made time to do it. ;)

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I'm enjoying the responses!


I always keep a book with me. Always. I never know when I'm going to have a few minutes, especially in the car. (Not while I'm driving, LOL!) Mostly I read on the weekends, or for about a half hour before bed.


This year I'm trying to limit myself to one book a week. The last few years I've over-indulged by reading 3+ books every week.

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I read while my oldest is doing math....at night after the kids go to bed at 8 and before I go to bed at 10....at tae kwon do while the kids are in class....Saturday mornings during cartoons.....while the boys are out playing. But my boys aren't littles and my husband is very understanding. :o

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Let me walk you thru my reading day:


On the toilet when I first wake up.

While I brush my teeth

While I turn on the hot water for the shower.

While I undress for the shower.

While I wait for the water to heat up

While I stand on the digital scale waiting for it to figure out my weight

While I dress

(Not while I put on eye makeup)

While I rub the moisturizer into my hands

While I run the hair glue thru my hair

While I dry the hair

While I curl the back of the hair (it's all by feel anyway)

(Not while I straighten the front)

While I stir the cream of wheat


I could go on, but I think you get the picture.

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