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I'm in Fort Worth, and will be starting homeschooling this Fall. My boys will be in first and second grade. I'll probably be going with Sonlight Core 1 for both, with some supplements here and there as needed. I'm excited to meet you all! :001_smile:

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Adding another voice from Texas on the board.


My wife and I have 3, the oldest started homeschooling this past December at his request (he's 4 and was begging to learn to read).


Looking forward to lots of pleasant interaction with y'all.

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We are in a little town called La Porte; it is right on Galveston Bay. I was born in Killeen, grew up here in La Porte, and have lived in Houston, Ft. Worth (loved it), and Alpine (near Big Bend--loved this, too).


We are hoping that God will bring us to live permanently in Central Texas. :auto: I have family in Austin, and my best friend is home schooling in Temple.


This was a fun thread to read and participate in!

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Guest wagerschemistry

I am looking for local mom's to connect with. I have a toddler and would like to get in with like minded families.



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Guest CBacademe`

I am in Victoria, first year "officially" homeschool `full-time` instead of pulling daughter out of school almost daily. I am so happyyy!!!

We have a great group here, but always looking for more friends!

Glad to find the site. WTM is my FOUNDATION next to Hirsch's Core Knowledge series.

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I'm in San Angelo-- 200 miles from any major city, but a nice community to live in. We've been here 20+ years -- homeschooling for 9.


Dh went through his Army AIT there, back in the dark ages (1986-1987), at Goodfellow. And yes, you did read that right, he was Army, at an AFB. LOL!

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Hi! I'm Kathy, and I've been married to Mike for going on 22yrs (02/28). We have two dc, 12yo (almost 13, 02/04) Mary and just turned 9yo (12/28) Micky. I have homeschooled since 2002, when Mary finished our church school's Kindergarten and we moved across the state from San Antonio (where I grew up) out to West Texas, Odessa to be specific.


We have now moved back to the greener side of the state, approx. 45 miles NE of Houston, outside the small town of Cleveland. We do hope one day to return to anywhere between Kerrville and Bastrop/Austin area. We miss central TX!


I am new to the idea of classical homeschooling, but love the concept and I hope to learn a lot by reading, and participating here on the forums.



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