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Embarrassing question and TMI warning [long too]

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Went to Dr. today. I thought it would be a consult. He did the procedure right there. Needless to say, I am now at home with it elevated and the numbness is starting to wear off. Yikes! He did fix it so that part of the nail won't grow back. My problems stem from having fat toenails. It's not enough that I struggle with my weight, apparently, my nails to as well. Just wanted to let you know and thank you for you advice through my 'trauma'. :tongue_smilie:





Ok ladies I need advice.


I have an ingrown toenail. This is a problem I have struggled with since childhood for so many reasons. Two main ones are lack of any foot care instruction by my parents and frankly, strange nails that have a tendency to grow in an ingrown manner. [if that is at all possible.] Anyway, I have carefully tended my tootsies over the years to avoid these painful situations and til now have been able to address them when they occur.


However, this one is out of control. I can't wear socks. Actually having anything touch my toe is cause for an alarming amount of pain. Of course the bad stuff started around 3pm New Years Eve. Of course the holiday is right before a weekend. Of course my doctor does not have Saturday hours.


What I need is help to get me through to Monday. I will call my doc then and I imagine get a referral to a podiatrist. [For those of you who know me, yes I am a baby, but really, I am not sure I can go out right now because I don't think I can put a shoe on that foot.]


What, if anything can I do to ease the pain, fix or whatever? Please, I have never had it this bad before.


Boy, when people say take care of your feet we need to listen to them.

Edited by newlifemom
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Ok ladies I need advice.


I have an ingrown toenail. This is a problem I have struggled with since childhood for so many reasons. Two main ones are lack of any foot care instruction by my parents and frankly, strange nails that have a tendency to grow in an ingrown manner. [if that is at all possible.] Anyway, I have carefully tended my tootsies over the years to avoid these painful situations and til now have been able to address them when they occur.


However, this one is out of control. I can't wear socks. Actually having anything touch my toe is cause for an alarming amount of pain. Of course the bad stuff started around 3pm New Years Eve. Of course the holiday is right before a weekend. Of course my doctor does not have Saturday hours.


What I need is help to get me through to Monday. I will call my doc then and I imagine get a referral to a podiatrist. [For those of you who know me, yes I am a baby, but really, I am not sure I can go out right now because I don't think I can put a shoe on that foot.]


What, if anything can I do to ease the pain, fix or whatever? Please, I have never had it this bad before.


Boy, when people say take care of your feet we need to listen to them.


soak, soak, soak, in unbearably hot salt water, to draw out the infection and soften the nail, for as long as you can stand it.


i used to have a chronic ingrown toenail problem when i was a kid. my nail just grew wrong. there is a very minor surgery they can do to fix that permanently. ask your podiatrist. i had it done, and have never had another ingrown toenail on that toe. can't even remember which one it was, because they look the same.

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Do you ever try HOT HOT HOT soaks?


I have never had one so bad I needed a DR, but have had several over the years that really hurt like the dickens.


What always works for us is to fill a bowl with HOT water -- so hot it feels like it will burn. Add some Epson salts if you wish, but not req'd. Then soak the toe (and whatever adjacent toes need to be soaked to allow the painful toe to soak) for 15-30 min, changing the water to keep it as hot as you can possibly stand.


If I do that abt 3 times a day, I'm always cured w/in a day or so.


Sometimes, I use Neosporin & bandaid in between soaks.



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Could you go to one of the doc-in-a-box walk-in type places & have them dig out the offending nail for you/give you a painkiller/give you antibiotics (if there's an infection)?


I don't have ingrown toenails, but my dad & sis do (& seemingly my dd is starting to have this issue) & I extend all sympathy your way. I've seen them in agonizing pain over these issues.


If you were my sister, she'd just take a steak knife (or any other sharp instrument) to her foot & dig out the nail herself. (Not that I'm necessarily recommending that route of action, but I suppose it depends on how desperate you become before Monday.)



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I had one go away by soaking it several times a day in hot water (as hot as I could stand) mixed with Topical Antiseptic Solution (name brand Equaline). I left my foot in the water until the water was cold. I kept this up for 4+ days and it finally went away.


It was bad enough that it was pussy (I know, gross) but the above did the trick.

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What I need is help to get me through to Monday. I will call my doc then and I imagine get a referral to a podiatrist.


What, if anything can I do to ease the pain, fix or whatever? Please, I have never had it this bad before.


Many people just go to a POD, without a referral. Check your insurance.


Is there redness or pus? If so, call the doc on call.

If no, ice packs for 20 minutes every couple of hours, and some real pampering from the family.

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Soaking is always good.


Also, cut the nail so that it is cut straight across. Then, cut a v in the middle of the nail. Cut it as far down as you can. This will take some of the pressure off of the sides. It will also help to keep the nail from becoming ingrown in the future if you keep cutting it this way. Rounded is not good.

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Ok ladies I need advice.


I have an ingrown toenail. This is a problem I have struggled with since childhood for so many reasons. Two main ones are lack of any foot care instruction by my parents and frankly, strange nails that have a tendency to grow in an ingrown manner. [if that is at all possible.] Anyway, I have carefully tended my tootsies over the years to avoid these painful situations and til now have been able to address them when they occur.




I had similar problems and eventually started having to make trips to the podiatrist to take care of the ingrown nails. Finally I had surgery done on my big toes (they remove the outer margins of the nail) and all my problems were gone. I wished I'd had it done years earlier.

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I had similar problems and eventually started having to make trips to the podiatrist to take care of the ingrown nails. Finally I had surgery done on my big toes (they remove the outer margins of the nail) and all my problems were gone. I wished I'd had it done years earlier.


If I went that route, at least I would only have to do one big toe. [i can't begin to explain why, but there is no nail on the other big toe.] :tongue_smilie:

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Can you just go to a hospital?

It sounds like you might have an infection.

My dh struggled with an ingrown toenail for ages (I won't go into too much detail but suffice to say there was blood, pus and pain) and when he finally went to a doctor, he was sent straight to hospital to have it operated on. They just sliced the side of the nail bed off, it recovered quickly and he has never had any problems again. So if you need surgery, it could be good to get it over with ASAP.

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At this point it sounds like it might be seriously infected. I say get yourself to urgent care today. I also have to keep my big toenails longer and cut straight across to keep from having ingrown issues. If I feel them starting to curl (usually only happens if I crack the toenail and have to cut it short), I make sure I stay on top of the and cut the offending area back before it can really take hold. Unfortunately I have passed this horrible gene onto 2 of my kids who at their tender ages have to deal with this all the time.

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Okay, this may be gross, but...


I have had a problem with one of my toenails doing this for many years. It doesn't hurt to wear shoes and socks, but if I hit my toe on anything, it REALLY HURTS. The first time I noticed a problem, I went to a minor medical clinic. They said it was infected. I think they cut a small piece of the nail, probably gave me a scrip for antibiotics, and told me to soak in warm water and epsom salt.


It has happened a few times since then and I just take care of it myself at home. I do the epsom salt soaks, and periodically will apply peroxide while pushing the skin back with a q-tip. It has gotten infected a time or two and there has been some sort of a "skin bubble" around the nail. I don't know how else to describe it. I have had to cut that open and drain it and then keep putting peroxide on it. It has always gotten better at home and I haven't had to go back to the Dr about it.

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I've had this many times, too. I second the recommendation for soaking in hot epsom salts water, but...after I do that, when the skin is soft and relaxed, I gently push the edge of my skin away from the nail while gently prying up the edge of the toenail with my other hand (Kind of hard to explain). I do this over the red/infected area. Almost always, blood and pus will come out; if you press gently around the red area, you can get most of it to drain. I wipe it away with a cotton ball dipped in peroxide.


Then I dry the foot, put neosporin and a bandaid over the sore spot and it feels SO much better!


I'm sure the wisest thing is to see a doctor, but I never have because the above always takes care of it. I haven't had to do that in years because I quit cutting my nails so short, and that took care of the problem.

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I had similar problems and eventually started having to make trips to the podiatrist to take care of the ingrown nails. Finally I had surgery done on my big toes (they remove the outer margins of the nail) and all my problems were gone. I wished I'd had it done years earlier.


Wow! Did that hurt? It sounds terribly painful. :w00t: I assume they use anesthetic. Did they give you a shot in your toe? I've had an ingrown toenail or two and I'm sitting here, toes curled, unable to straighten them out just thinking of having someone cut the sides of my nails off.

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They just sliced the side of the nail bed off, it recovered quickly and he has never had any problems again.


My dad & sis have both had this done (as well as chemical burn type removal of the edges of the nails -- I'm sure 'chemical burn' is not the correct term, lol! ;)). Both provided temp relief (many months, up to a couple of years), but it hasn't lasted for the long term.


But, maybe they just have really weird toenails? :001_huh:


Just figured I'd mention that it's not always a 'forever' fix. (BTW, both my dad & sis feel like it's worth it, even for just the temporary fix.)

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Wow! Did that hurt? It sounds terribly painful. :w00t: I assume they use anesthetic. Did they give you a shot in your toe? I've had an ingrown toenail or two and I'm sitting here, toes curled, unable to straighten them out just thinking of having someone cut the sides of my nails off.


Yes, they use an anesthetic. Yes, the shots go into your toe.


My sister used to work for a podiatrist & had him work on her w/out anesthetic. She hates shots in her feet (says they hurt worse than the work they are doing), plus she seems to metabolize pain-killers quickly, so they don't really last very long for her anyhow. When her dr. worked on her, she would have him do it when there were no other patients around so they couldn't hear the (very loud) cursing while she was enduring the pain. :lol: Unfortunately, he is now retired & some other podiatrists refuse to work on her w/out the anesthetic.

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It is 2am and it hurts more than ever! I am not sure what to do. I want to wait til Monday. Why do these things always happen on the weekend. :glare:


Have you tried really elevating them to take the pressure off them? Still no signs of infection??? It is rare to have an infection on both sides at the same time.

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Have you tried really elevating them to take the pressure off them? Still no signs of infection??? It is rare to have an infection on both sides at the same time.


Yes I have and I do believe that it is slightly infected. I looked at pictures online and most look worse than mine. Of course I have already admitted to being a big baby. TMI Warning: There is some puss. It is under the skin right around the left side of the big toe and then a red/inflamed area surrounding it. It is not oozy. I have it elevated as I type and b/c I am also sick with a cold have been lying on the couch for a couple of days. :glare: I suppose it is good to do this all at once.

Edited by newlifemom
Yikes! I did it too!
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Yes I have and I do believe that it is slightly infected. I looked at pictures online and most look worse than mine. Of course I have already admitted to being a big baby. TMI Warning: It is a little pussy looking, but under the skin right around the left side of the big toe and then a red/inflamed area surrounding it. It is not oozy. I have it elevated as I type and b/c I am also sick with a cold have been lying on the couch for a couple of days. :glare: I suppose it is good to do this all at once.


Personally, I'd sterilize a needle and have someone drain it. I would also call the doc for antibiotics. I've had one of these, and I went to the doc. And I don't go over every little thing, believe me. OTOH, I lance pussy things regularly, although not on myself :)

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I second the remove the nail idea. I know several people who have had a nail removed (or two) and they all say it's wonderful.


Quick procedure... took my Podiatrist 20 minutes. You will get a shot (the worst part -- it will numb quick) and the nail removal is lickety split. You will need to keep the foot up for the first day -- maybe some tylenol #3? It will be a big relief. Be sure to soak and put on fresh bandages daily.

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Went to Dr. today. I thought it would be a consult. He did the procedure right there. Needless to say, I am now at home with it elevated and the numbness is starting to wear off. Yikes! He did fix it so that part of the nail won't grow back. My problems stem from having fat toenails. It's not enough that I struggle with my weight, apparently, my nails to as well. Just wanted to let you know and thank you for you advice through my 'trauma'. :tongue_smilie:




You won't be sorry, once it heals. Enjoy your pain free toe! :)

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