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Need to let out a virtual primal scream? Do it here!

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Mine is more a big, heavy sigh than a scream. I am so apathetic about Christmas this year. I'm tired of being the parent who organizes, only to be told I'm controlling and/or encounter adolescent angst. I'm tired of an emotionally empty marriage which feels all the more empty when Christmas and my spouse's birthday are both looming. And today, receiving a Christmas package from my in-laws with gifts for every family member except me is just another sigh atop sighs. Not because I care about gifts in the "give me stuff" sense, but because being ignored is painful.


Now to find the right smilie...

Edited by Colleen
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My in-laws arrived in town last night for their annual 17-day stay for Christmas and New Years. Yes, you read that right: seventeen. days. every. year. for the last. sixteen. years.!!!! This year, they are staying with my SIL for 5 nights, of which 3 full days they will be at my house, then the remainder with me, 24/7, while my DH goes to work for 12 hours a day.


"It is important to me that my kids have a good relationship with their grandparents . . . " Said repeatedly while cleaning up after them and suffering stimulation overload.


Had to get that one off my chest.

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Oooohhhhh. I was so angry yesterday it went full circle, as though my anger has 360 degrees and if I'm angry enough, it goes right around to zero.


Yesterday I got the spare room entirely cleaned, which took all morning. Urgh. It's amazing the mess a two year old can make. My brother and his

girlfriend need crash space on Christmas Eve, so I had to get it cleaned and vacuumed. Well, it didn't even stay tidy for half an hour and dd went in because she was cross with me, and pulled all the books off the shelves, and all the stuff out of my writing desk. Dh went in and told her off, because I was about ready to strangle her, and started picking up. Then once I was sure I wasn't going to strangle her, I went in and helped. We were nearly done when I heard a crash from my bedroom, and guess what? She was so cross at having been told of for messing up the spare room, that she'd gone into the bedroom and pulled all Dh's socks out of his drawer, pushed the drawers over and pulled everything out of the filing cabinet. Dh tossed her outside, which she found so offensive that she threw all his stuff over the carport. If that wasn't enough, Marek was being a pill and wanting to nurse and nurse and nurse because that's what he does when he's teething. He woke up hungry in the night because he won't eat enough solid food when he's teething, so I have a full day of work ahead and have only had 6 hours sleep, if that. Wonderful, huh?


Dh is under strict instructions to bring home a large bag of M&Ms, but not to come home at all for at least four hours.


*sigh* Well the kettle has just boiled so I can make a start on those dishes...


Have a charming, tidy and tasty day, dears :)



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I was going to say "glad I'm not alone," but that's not true...I'm sorry I have company in the "My day stinks" department. :grouphug:


Thanks, Chelle, you're too sweet. As an aside, my husband has this "issue" with the word "insolent" and will probably wet his pants when I tell him you used it. That alone brightened my day. :lol: If you wanna bring your 14 yo over, that'd be great. Plenty of floors here need mopped. :D


Hope everyone's day starts looking up.

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Nope...doesn't feel better!!!


My girls spent the whole day deciding which kind of cookies they were going to make...edging ME out of my own kitchen...Then made some along with a huge mess...THEN took all the cookies to swim practice for their coaches and team mates....and left ME to clean the kitchen so I could cook dinner!

I am mad!




Thought I'd try again....


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Mine is more a big, heavy sigh than a scream. I am so apathetic about Christmas this year. I'm tired of being the parent who organizes, only to be told I'm controlling and/or encounter adolescent angst. I'm tired of an emotionally empty marriage which feels all the more empty when Christmas and my spouse's birthday are both looming. And today, receiving a Christmas package from my in-laws with gifts for every family member except me is just another sigh atop sighs. Not because I care about gifts in the "give me stuff" sense, but because being ignored is painful.


Now to find the right smilie...tongue_smilie:




Well, I love you Colleen!!! And I would NEVER leave you out!




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I thought about replying by pounding violently on the keyboard and posting the result.


But I have nothing against my keyboard.


Instead, I'll wait till the kids go to bed and bawl my eyes out. Then I'll feel better! A primal scream sounds really good too!


It's not helping that I've been cleaning all day and my reward is a messy livingroom, a kitchen with crumbs and toys all over the place, and a bathroom that... well, needs attention.







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It's only 2:30 and my day is still sliding down.


Just found a charge on my credit card from an internet hosting provider who has been nothing but a huge PITA to deal with. He doesn't answer mail, doesn't answer the phone & his voice mailbox is full. I've been extricating all the sites I admin from him bit by bit but it is such a huge mess. I thought we were done - I guess not :glare:


And I need to exchange one of the bathroom cabinets tomorrow - has a scratch on it - and I can't find the receipt. :banghead: I'm in the midst of ripping the house apart looking for this stupid piece of paper. :willy_nilly: We have construction mess EVERYWHERE and I have no idea where I put this thing. I remember having it in my hand at some point last week.... and then ???:001_huh:


It would be nice to have a bathroom done for Christmas.......


I'm too tired to bang my head now. I'm just getting to the "steely, tight lipped determination with slightly manic muttering" look now.


Oh & hey? Did I mention my dogs wrecked my floor yesterday??!!! The floor we installed in our open floor plan living area just a bit over a year ago? We're constantly going one step forward and two steps back with renovating this house.....

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I'm tired of not having an extended family who loves me. I'm tired of ungrateful, irresponsible, demanding offspring. I'm tired of hating Christmas. Everything about this season points out how un-fantasy-like my family has become.


Next year, I may not do this...we'll all go on a cruise or skiing or something.


If only we had the dollars to do so.....


Thanks. It helps to have company in my angst.

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Thank you for giving me an excuse for posting about SIL --- I left a status update on FB about DS' 5th college acceptance letter and that it came with a provost scholarship. SIL left a comment about how hs'ing works fine for some families but in Ohio folks use it as an excuse to pull their kids from the PS. No hurray for DS, no-- that is great for DS, no :thumbup: nope, just a jab at hs'ing. I'm tired of having extended family that will not say one positive word about hs'ing. At least I do not have to spend one minute of Christmas with extended family during the holidays.


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Well I guess I'm the worst here since I actually yelled at my kids rather than yelling virtually here. We actually had a great day/night just a rough couple of minutes that pushed mommy over the edge. bad mommy.:confused:

You would not be saying that if you'd heard dh and I bellow at dd yesterday. And he never yells. It was enough to frighten anyone, except our daughter, perhaps :glare:



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may I join the primal scream AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! My computer has had a virus for the last week, my DH came home yesterday after being at a training exercise for the last 3wks. and is going to fix it. He fixes it by restoring it to its original state, He tells me did after I return home from the store, I lost all of my bookmarks and such even my HST, I figure that's ok because I have it backed up on my thumb drive like a good tracker is supposed to do, NOT!!!! He took my thumb drive, instead of the brand spanking new one that I bought for him a few months ago, and deleted my files to put his on there. I'm talking about my hsers transcripts, our attendance for this year and previous years, the lp's I worked my butt off over the summer to get done so that I would be organized this year.:banghead:

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I feel bad for you, Colleen. Do your dc and dh notice or comment when you are being left out like this by your inlaws? I think that if your inlaws continue doing that, then sooner or later, your dc are going to not want a relationship with their grandparents anymore because they are hurting their mom.





Mine is more a big, heavy sigh than a scream. I am so apathetic about Christmas this year. I'm tired of being the parent who organizes, only to be told I'm controlling and/or encounter adolescent angst. I'm tired of an emotionally empty marriage which feels all the more empty when Christmas and my spouse's birthday are both looming. And today, receiving a Christmas package from my in-laws with gifts for every family member except me is just another sigh atop sighs. Not because I care about gifts in the "give me stuff" sense, but because being ignored is painful.


Now to find the right smilie...

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