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Insomnia--I am about to go insane!

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I am so tired. I have not been able to fall asleep for the past week. When I finally drift off, I am awake again and then I lie there for hours, again.:glare:


Thursday night it caught up with me and I was a zombie all day. Couldn't wait to get into bed. I knew I would finally be able to sleep because I was so. stinkin'. tired. Nope. I drifted off a few times and woke up sick.


I slept pretty much all day yesterday (off and on) since I am sick, then of course, tossed and turned last night. I think I got about 3 hours of sleep:willy_nilly:



I have tried 1 melatonin, 2 melatonin, and last night I tried 3. Nothing is working!!!


Any suggestions? I am about to go insane... Please...

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I'm sorry. I've been having trouble sleeping this week as well, but not as badly as you. I think mine has been hormonal. I haven't been able to find anything to completely work but there are a few things I've done. I take magnesium at night, and you can take it with the melatonin. I also try to surround myself with quiet an hour before bed. Sometimes I take a hot bath and follow it up by doing some relaxing yoga stretches. I avoid drinking anything after 8:00, but I think I would do better to not even have water after 7:00. My body feels overly sensitive, and I seem to wake up needing to use the bathroom more often :glare:.


If I wake up and can't get back to sleep I do better to get out of bed and go read, but I'll admit right now that's hard as the heat is turned down to 56 at night.


Exercise is supposed to help, but I've been running or doing yoga all week and I'm still having trouble sleeping, but you could try. Of course, you said that you've been sick so that might not be an option.


Also watch what you eat in the evening. Avoid chocolate (because of caffeine) or any foods that might be to heavy or bother you. I find I do better with a light meal instead of a heavy one.


I hope you are soon able to get some rest. :grouphug: again.

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I take Trazodone for sleep. I only take 1/4 of a 50 mg tablet--such a small dose that my Dr. said it is probably psychological, but I don't care because it works!! lol.


It is not addictive and does not leave me groggy in the morning. Also, if I have to get up at night, I can.


You might want to ask your Dr. for a prescription. :)

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Exercise is supposed to help, but I've been running or doing yoga all week and I'm still having trouble sleeping, but you could try. Of course, you said that you've been sick so that might not be an option.



I hope you are soon able to get some rest. :grouphug: again.



I will try the magnesium. I usually do yoga in the am but I haven't in a few weeks. Need to get back to that.

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A couple of things that have worked for me. I usually stop eating anything after 6P. Times I do have insomnia or restless sleep I do a run later in the day, usually around 5P, this pretty much has my body worn out and ready for sound rest. Some nights I take an advil or aleve before bed and that seems to help with any slight sinus issue, back or knee ache that can keep me awake. I hope you find something that works for you soon. It's hard for us moms not to have rest we so badly need.

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Too many things to think about? I find a drop of majorum essential oil on each side of my pillow (in case I turn over) helps quite a bit. It's supposed to relieve anxiety, and I do find it helps my brain switch off when I'm thinking too much. Even if it takes ages to work, it smells so nice it keeps me lying there instead of getting up so I'm still resting. I've been sleeping horribly recently too. Now the hayfever has cleared up, so I can actually use my nose, I'm going to pull my majorum oil back out.



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I am so tired. I have not been able to fall asleep for the past week. When I finally drift off, I am awake again and then I lie there for hours, again.:glare:


Thursday night it caught up with me and I was a zombie all day. Couldn't wait to get into bed. I knew I would finally be able to sleep because I was so. stinkin'. tired. Nope. I drifted off a few times and woke up sick.


I slept pretty much all day yesterday (off and on) since I am sick, then of course, tossed and turned last night. I think I got about 3 hours of sleep:willy_nilly:



I have tried 1 melatonin, 2 melatonin, and last night I tried 3. Nothing is working!!!


Any suggestions? I am about to go insane... Please...





Well.....are you "of" age? ;) It could be hormonal.


Here's what's help me~


Melatonin 3 tablets @ 3 mg.

NO caffeine in any form: chocolate, coffee, tea...

Going to bed at a decent structured time, reading beforehand

Do not eat right before going to bed

Take Calcium/Magnesium tablets (doctor suggested)


HTH! Sheryl <><

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Melatonin has stopped working for my girls. Alteril works for my two younger girls (oldest hasn't tried it yet). Alteril has melatonin, l-tryptophan, skullscap, passionflower, and other stuff that I don't remember. The dosage is supposed to be 2 pills, but my girls only take one. My 11yo has taken it 3x and my 14yo has taken it 2x. Neither had any problems with it. Both of them fell asleep very quickly and slept through the night, with no aftereffects in the morning.


I just got Dive cds from PowerNap. They were mentioned on the hs2coll email loop when there was a thread about college students not getting enough sleep. The cds are pretty cheap - just $10 each. We haven't used them yet because nobody has had a sleep issue since the cds arrived. The person who posted on the loop thought they were great and the cost was right, so I figured it was worth a shot.





My 16yo used the cd last night because she couldn't get to sleep. She said she fell asleep quickly and had the best sleep she remembers getting in a while.

Edited by AngieW in Texas
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I got Alteril at GNC (General Nutrition Center). The pills are pretty huge. I'd never manage to get one down myself, but my kids are all much better at swallowing pills than I am. I can barely manage tablets the size of Advil.


Alteril had wildly mixed reviews on amazon. My kids didn't have any side effects with it and it worked for them, but they took just one pill rather than the two that the box says to take. My youngest took it three nights in a row (first three nights she had her braces) and my middle took it two nights in a row (after a night when she got at most 2 hours of sleep). Neither of them has needed anything since then.


My middle dd goes into extreme panic when she doesn't get a full night's sleep. The night that she got just two hours of sleep, she took 3 of the 1 mg melatonins about 30 minutes apart and then gave up on melatonin. She was a basket case in the morning. Fortunately, I was able to get her to calm down enough to make it through the day, but I had to go out and find something for her immediately to get her to calm. She was terrified that she wouldn't sleep that night either. A lot of times her own panic that she might not be able to sleep is what keeps her from being able to sleep. She needs to take something at night maybe 3-6x/month.

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Could it be a lack of progesterone? When the estrogen/progesterone balance gets disturbed, this happens frequently.

I don't know how old you are but it hit me as soon as my estrogen levels dropped along with the little progesterone I had left.

A little progesterone cream worked wonders. Now I can sleep through the night without any problems.

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I have insomnia issues but its not going to sleep thats a problem for me, its waking up after just a few hours of sleep.

I had a bad night 2 nights ago and I tried to see what I did differently in terms of my routine, and I realised I was on the computer later than usual. So last night I made sure I got off the computer by 8pm to give myself a decent space between electronic stimulation and sleep time. And it seemed to work- well, sort of. I was so tired by 9pm I had to put my book down and sleep...and then I woke up at 4am. 7 hours isn't too bad for me nowadays.

Maybe a hot bath, some warm milk, lots of time in bed to get in the mood for sleep? Is your room absolutely and completely dark at night time? There is a lot of evidence to say we need complete darkness for at least 8 hours a day to produce enough sleep hormones. We live in a culture with a lot of lights on 24 hours a day. Even a red glow from the clock radio next to the bed can be a disturbance.

I bought a sleeping mask to help me sleep when I am having a hard time, and it works really well. It has ear muffs and ear plugs, as well as blocking out 100% of the light. If I have an afternoon nap with my mask on, I often sleep 2 hours. Its great for travelling and sleeping on planes too.


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I got Alteril at GNC (General Nutrition Center). The pills are pretty huge. I'd never manage to get one down myself, but my kids are all much better at swallowing pills than I am. I can barely manage tablets the size of Advil.


Alteril had wildly mixed reviews on amazon. My kids didn't have any side effects with it and it worked for them, but they took just one pill rather than the two that the box says to take. My youngest took it three nights in a row (first three nights she had her braces) and my middle took it two nights in a row (after a night when she got at most 2 hours of sleep). Neither of them has needed anything since then.


My middle dd goes into extreme panic when she doesn't get a full night's sleep. The night that she got just two hours of sleep, she took 3 of the 1 mg melatonins about 30 minutes apart and then gave up on melatonin. She was a basket case in the morning. Fortunately, I was able to get her to calm down enough to make it through the day, but I had to go out and find something for her immediately to get her to calm. She was terrified that she wouldn't sleep that night either. A lot of times her own panic that she might not be able to sleep is what keeps her from being able to sleep. She needs to take something at night maybe 3-6x/month.

Thank you for the information. I need to look into getting some of that.

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Dr. Emmett Miller has a wonderful CD called Easing into Sleep. The first half is a guided relaxation, the 2nd half is famously rarely heard because people fall asleep in the first half :D. It's available as an instant download mp3 on his website.


Several people in my family have used it with success.

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I've had insomnia in periods over the past 12 years. Right now, I'm really struggling again. I never try to deal with it chemically (maybe I should). Mine is usually related to stress. Last night I went to bed at 5:30 am and slept until 9:30. Here I am up until 11:30 pm again. ACK!


Anyhoo, what works for me (usually) is verbalizing and handling the stress, taking a warm shower and waiting about an hour after to go to bed. A HUGE thing for me, is to REMOVE MY CLOCK! I've found this is the most helpful. If you can't remove it (need to wake up with an alarm), at least turn it around. Clock watching can make you CRAZY (at least it makes me crazy!). I start to panic if more and more time passes and I'm not sleeping. For what it is worth, on some nights that I don't feel like I slept at all, my dh says he woke up several times and when he looked over I was dead asleep.


This will pass. Hang in there and try to handle the stress if you have any.


Julie in Monterey

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