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How do you survive?

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Prayer...and not the gentle kind either. I wail, gripe and storm the throne of heaven. God's big enough and father enough to listen.


One of the first rules of survival is to evaluate what you do have. What's going well? Count your blessings. It doesn't always balance out, but it can steady you and help you take the next steps.


If all else fails...keep remembering that tomorrow is another day. You never know what blessings tomorrow will bring. Hang on tight!

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This song blessed me and I hope it blesses you, too.


Send some rain, would You send some rain?

'Cause the earth is dry and needs to drink again

And the sun is high and we are sinking in the shade

Would You send a cloud, thunder long and loud?

Let the sky grow black and send some mercy down

Surely You can see that we are thirsty and afraid

But maybe not, not today

Maybe You'll provide in other ways

And if that's the case . . .




We'll give thanks to You

With gratitude

For lessons learned in how to thirst for You

How to bless the very sun that warms our face

If You never send us rain


Daily bread, give us daily bread

Bless our bodies, keep our children fed

Fill our cups, then fill them up again tonight

Wrap us up and warm us through

Tucked away beneath our sturdy roofs

Let us slumber safe from danger's view this time

Or maybe not, not today

Maybe You'll provide in other ways

And if that's the case . . .




We'll give thanks to You

With gratitude

A lesson learned to hunger after You

That a starry sky offers a better view if no roof is overhead And if we never taste that bread


Oh, the differences that often are between

What we want and what we really need


So grant us peace, Jesus, grant us peace

Move our hearts to hear a single beat

Between alibis and enemies tonight

Or maybe not, not today

Peace might be another world away

And if that's the case . . .




We'll give thanks to You

With gratitude

For lessons learned in how to trust in You

That we are blessed beyond what we could ever dream

In abundance or in need

And if You never grant us peace


But Jesus, would You please . . .

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1 minute at a time, then 1 hour up to 1 day. Step by step picking my way back to stability.


I look for the good that is in or could come out of the situation. I look at my blessings. If I don't try to focus on the positive I will become too engulfed in the negative and never recover.


Lots and Lots of prayer, both on my own and seeking from others.


Chocolate, cola and greasy foods(my comfort foods), can help in the short term moment. Though this most recent blow left me with zero appetite or taste for any of that, I have simply been eating because the clock says it is time.


I do find ways to keep my strength for the battle, eating even when I don't feel hungry(based on the clock like above), resting when I can, lots of water, even more prayer.


I am a planner by nature, and when I formulate a plan I feel much better, no longer is it the problem running my life, I am in control again (or at least feel it), when I feel like I am in control of the situation again(even if it is just an illusion) I feel much more positive and able to work at picking up the peices.


Sadly I have had much experience in dealing with my life blowing apart and coming back from it.


I will say a prayer for you and your family that things improve and that you have the strength to pick up the peices of whatever life has blown your way and come out stronger for it in the end.

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Honestly? I put on a CD of sad, mellow songs, soak in the bath with an "adult beverage" and have a good cry. As needed.


Then I do my best to let my worries down the drain with the bathwater, and focus on what's going RIGHT in my life. Even if the only thing that went right that day was that I woke up, and believe me I have had plenty of days where that truly was the only thing that went right that day.


I'm sorry you're having a hard time right now. Sometimes I look back in my life and wonder how I ever did survive some of those years. But I did, and you will also - and come out the other end stronger, wiser, and better for it. I hope whatever it is that has you down passes through quickly. Take care of yourself.


ETA: I just saw your other post, and was there just a few years ago. My heart is breaking for yours, and I'm so sorry you're going through this.

Edited by eternalknot
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I just read your other post.




Baby steps, baby steps.

This too shall pass.


My suggestion:

Go for a really, really long walk with your corgi. Somewhere where there are few people. Bring kleenex. Stomp and cry and yell and run. Keep walking.


Or stay here & we'll hold your hand.

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Prayer...and not the gentle kind either. I wail, gripe and storm the throne of heaven. God's big enough and father enough to listen.


One of the first rules of survival is to evaluate what you do have. What's going well? Count your blessings. It doesn't always balance out, but it can steady you and help you take the next steps.


If all else fails...keep remembering that tomorrow is another day. You never know what blessings tomorrow will bring. Hang on tight!


Yes to all of these, as well as making sure I didn't isolate myself away from people. I had wise counseling through my church, and made a decision to surround myself with people who had strong faith and who would stand by me while I was healing from deep, deep wounds....sometimes I was also known to beat my bed with a tennis racket.




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16 years ago I was going through the same thing you are. I know the feeling of wondering how you will survive it. I will pray for you.


When my husband left I put a calendar in my kitchen and every evening I would mark that day off with a big black X. I can't tell you how many days I stood in front of that calendar and counted how many days I HAD survived and told myself I could do just one more. That calendar got me through a lot of weeks.


Of course, eventually I didn't need the calendar anymore. I not only survived, I thrived, but you can't see those days coming now. Now you need the calendar.

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