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Here's to Oboes and the Generosity of Strangers

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I have to share this....please indulge this proud Mama, and allow me to profess my profound gratitude to a fellow WTM board friend.


Our daughter Molly is a homeschooled 7th grader and is a member of the local middle school's band and chorus. Our local high school is a privately endowed semi-private high school, and our plan has always been to get her through the crappy k-8 system and send her to high school. Last year, she was asked by the high school band director if she would like to learn how to play the oboe. She was doing very well at the flute and piano, and leaped at the chance to learn the oboe. Of course, this meant we needed to to find an oboe!


I posted last year about how to go about finding a good used oboe, and an incredibly generous fellow board member kindly offered to send us her used oboe. She didn't know us at all, and yet was kind enough to pack up her lovely instrument and mail it halfway across the country to a kid she didn't know. We were floored by her generosity, and after a bit of tuning up at the repair shop, dd set about figuring it out. She did a pretty decent job of it, but it's a difficult instrument to learn by oneself.


It took a while to find an oboe teacher; it's a pretty specialized instrument and oboe teachers are not exactly on every corner. We had to wait a bit but were finally taken on by an amazing woman named Tamar Wells in October.


Under Tamar's tutelage, Molly just blossomed. So much so that in the space of a month, she was not only playing every piece of band music on her oboe, but was given a sizable solo in "The Little Drummer Boy."


Tonight was the concert. When the time came Molly calmly walked to the front of the stage and NAILED that solo on her treasured secondhand WTM oboe! She was so proud of herself, and we of her.


To the generous WTM'er and former oboist, and you know who you are, I so wish you could have been there tonight to hear your oboe sounding so lovely. We are so humbled by your generosity.




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What an excellent story. I also switched to oboe from flute when I was in high school and it was hard work but I count learning to play it as one of the most rewarding experiences in my life. I also had the encouragement of an excellent band director and oboe teacher. I commend your daughter on a job well done.

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