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Question about scripture memorization

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We are Catholic. We believe in the Bible, read the Bible, are familiar with Bible stories, 10 Commandments, Beatititudes, the gist of different books of the Bible, and so on. We do not memorize verses (I am not speaking for all Catholics here, just myself). Some Catholics are great with Scripture but I am not one of them. I realize that is a weakness and I'm not looking to debate Catholics and the Bible.


What I am looking for is a simple way for my dc to start memorizing some verses. We go to a co-op with many protestant Christian teachers and play on a homeschool basketball team that is made up of protestant Christians. We have been welcomed thus far and are careful to be respectful of the differences in faith. We realize we are the minority.


I am concerned that my kids will be put "on the spot" and asked to share a verse and I would like them to have a small memory bank to draw on in these situations. If it spurs them on to learn more, that would be fantastic, but my goal is not really to have them memorizing mounds of verses.


Can anyone direct me to a source to start this practice? Someplace that has some of the most common or easiest verses to get started?


I sure hope I haven't offended anyone in the message or opened up a debate about Catholics and the Bible. Please I'd just like some help getting started.




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Does Catholic catechism not have Scripture proofs? I'm not very familiar with Catholicism. Sorry.


Proverbs is always an easy place to look for favorite verses. Maybe read a proverb a day (there are only 30) and let your children find their own favorites to memorize.


Psalms are always wonderful for memory. Very easy because they tend to have a lyrical quality to them.

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I am concerned that my kids will be put "on the spot" and asked to share a verse and I would like them to have a small memory bank to draw on in these situations. If it spurs them on to learn more, that would be fantastic, but my goal is not really to have them memorizing mounds of verses.


I think you have a great idea! When I was a teen (many years ago) the Navigators (a Christian organization) offered a program called MemLock. All the memorization scripture was printed on little cards that fit nicely into a leatherette case one could carry in ones pocket (for handy review) - sort of like a business card holder. Now with the advances of technology it's available online. Here's the link: http://www.memlok.com/


Happy memorizing!

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We are Catholic. We believe in the Bible, read the Bible, are familiar with Bible stories, 10 Commandments, Beatititudes, the gist of different books of the Bible, and so on. We do not memorize verses (I am not speaking for all Catholics here, just myself). Some Catholics are great with Scripture but I am not one of them. I realize that is a weakness and I'm not looking to debate Catholics and the Bible.




I think that going through the different books of the Bible... just what the main thrust is... is a start... and then looking into the Bible for what verses you might like to memorize. I know that many Catholics are good at memory... and many Baptists and others are... and many of both are not. It's our time in history that memory hasn't been "pounded" into our heads:-) You really can memorize just a few and feel like you're on your way.


As a Christian since I was young, I didn't have a good idea about the "themes" of different books. I think that this is important to go over.... before or while you're memorizing passages:-)


In the Latin Centered Curriculum.... it has different books spread over the years. I have to check to see what he recommends... and btw... he's Catholic:-)



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:iagree: Psalms 23 you hear so often, it would be easy to learn/review. My 6yo dd recently learned it!

Ah, but everybody knows it, so they'll know if you make a boo-boo. If you memorize something that nobody else does, then they won't know if you make a mistake :lol:


But seriously, I'd try to find verses that are the most meaningful and relevant personally to your dc: it's far easier to memorize something that makes the heart sing than something you're just memorizing for the teachers at home school co-op.

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Here are memory verses from Catholic Heritage Curriculum.


I bet your kids know more scripture than you realize. All the common prayers and the entire mass come straight from the bible. Maybe it would be fun to find the origin of what they already know? I'm sure they know the Sign of the Cross, The Our Father, The Hail Mary, etc. Here is a sight that links the mass to the biblical texts.


Don't forget all the scripture easily learned through songs as well. We use Cat Chat CDs, but any child's religious songs will have a ton of scripture too. Your kids might know a lot that way already.


Reading about the Saints leads us back to scripture too.

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Guest bgolson

Have you tried using an online scripture memory system. Check out




This site has a great selection of well-known scriptures, and also lets you enter your own verses. You can track your progress over time, and keep all your verses in one place for review in the future.

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here are some awana verses:




How about psalms:1, 37, 121,51, 150 to start---or any of your favorites

Is 61

How about verses that speak of Lenten themes:

Is 53, the Sanctus is the triumphant entry, etc



here's another set of suggested beginner memory verses



on the same site, here is an order for service, that is very similar to a Catholic Mass (in regard to the order, not necessarily all doctrine) . It lists scriptural references for parts of services, responses, etc and also lists of psalms, scriptures etc.




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You've been given lots of great ideas so far. I will share with you how I helped my boys memorize their verses back when they were in Awana.


I would write out the entire verse on our whiteboard. We would recite it through a few times. Then I would have them close their eyes while I erased one of the words (placing a line where the word was). They would then open their eyes and have to recite the whole verse including the missing word. We would do this until the words were all erased and the board looked like a bunch of lines! I even included the verse reference in the process. I will tell you, by the time we were done with this process, my boys knew the verse.


I am a firm believer in the value of scripture memory and work on it myself!

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We memorize whatever we are dealing with:

my dds' first verse was Eph. 6:1

Right now, we are working on Rom. 12:10 and 1 Thess. 5:18 (having issues w/kindness & thankfulness, as you can see)

They have also memorized the books of the Bible so they can look things up themselves when they get a little older.


Personally, I am memorizing LOTS of Proverbs so for older kids, that may be a more applicable route (I didn't see how old yours are).


As a church, we are all about memorizing whole books of the Bible as well - something you may want to do as a family or yours may want to tackle a small book by themselves.

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Its so funny you post this, This past Sunday our prietst (im catholic too) spoke about how many Christians are into memorizing verses, and such and he said how Catholics arent so much into that. And its fine, We still belive in the word of the Lord, we just dont spend time memorizing. It was a really interesting Homley to listen too and honestly is made me feel okay that the kids dont know any verses memorized. He said read the bible, listen to what you read, and follow in Gods path.

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