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Six Day Week

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Why are you thinking this would be better for your family?

We tend to school on Saturdays because my husband is here and can participate in certain things. However we skip other days, especially Friday, for various reasons. We school year round so it all averages out.

Edited by sbgrace
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We do six days sometimes. We even do 7 days sometimes. But we also do 5 days sometimes and even 4 or 3 days! We school year around and have developed a mind-set that learning is just part of our days - like putting aside some time every day for personal hygiene, chores, exercise and meals. We make sure we have some brain food too!


When my children were your oldest's age it was easier to do a full day of school on a Saturday because that only meant an hour or two at the most. Now with a 7th and 3rd grader, if we do school on the weekend it is usually not a full day of school but an hour or two of stuff we just hadn't gotten to during the week, or stuff we want to get a headstart on.

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We always schooled six days until this year. Due to the economy, my dh was bumped to two days off work each week, so I scheduled the kids only five days of school (as our rule was always - if dad is working we are schooling.) I really disliked the move to five days. It seemed we were always pressed for time in our five days and we lost our rhythm in those two days off. Dh has since gone back to a six day work week and I compromised with the kids in moving to a 5 1/2 day school week. We still follow our morning routine for six days, but the kids get that extra afternoon completely to themselves. We have only been doing this for a couple of weeks, but I find it much better than the five days and the kids prefer it to six solid days. :)

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This year I am working on scheduling science on Saturdays, since ds really wanted to do two science programs and dad has more experience in Chemistry so I thought it would be fun to do together. It will work better once Soccer ends though :glare:. We almost always do Piano 7 days a week, and I try to encourage ds to read his assigned book on the weekend too. It is a good day to watch extra science, history, etc. videos. We haven't felt the need to do math etc. on the weekend though I may try to get this writing project finished we have been taking forever on.

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Oh we always have something going on school related on Saturdays. My kids are used to it. Mainly because something here and there will get missed during the week so everyone knows Saturday school is a possibility. They feel like they are on vacation if we don't do anything at all.:bigear:

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We do six days sometimes. We even do 7 days sometimes. But we also do 5 days sometimes and even 4 or 3 days! We school year around and have developed a mind-set that learning is just part of our days - like putting aside some time every day for personal hygiene, chores, exercise and meals. We make sure we have some brain food too!


Here too. DH is off on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and with my work schedule the way it is, we do schoolwork whenever it fits into the schedule. My kids are little and have no concept of what a normal school week or school year would be, so they just do schoolwork whenever I say to!

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My dh and I are deciding whether to have school 6 days/week. (We're pretty sure that we shall.)


Does anyone else do this? It'd be nice to know we're in good company ;)


We sometimes spread out some of the work to Saturday. I plan 5 days worth each week, but if we had a lot of errands we needed to do one day, we might save some work for Saturday.


I'm just curious, but will you be planning a little shorter days or planning 6 full days worth? Do you want to finish your year earlier, or are you just wanting to really well educate your kids? Like I said, it's just curiosity on my part.

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We sometimes spread out some of the work to Saturday. I plan 5 days worth each week, but if we had a lot of errands we needed to do one day, we might save some work for Saturday.


I'm just curious, but will you be planning a little shorter days or planning 6 full days worth? Do you want to finish your year earlier, or are you just wanting to really well educate your kids? Like I said, it's just curiosity on my part.



Hmm... Good questions, many of which I have yet to answer.;) Right now we school from 7am-noon, not counting read alouds (which are not "scheduled"). I have no plans to shorten this M-F schedule; but whether we'll school 7-12 on Sat., or do a lighter load, I have not yet decided.


We are not driven by a desire to finish the year earlier, although I do like the idea of being able to take off a few extra days here and there as needed. We school year 'round, theoretically taking off a week every month. Some months we don't take off at all; other month's we have visitors from overseas or have travel days ourselves which prevent us from schooling that day.


I do admit that I would like to "really well-educate" our kids though!:D


Mainly, we're driven by trying to better structure our weekends (for work and play) and provide some time for dh to do some studying for architecture exams (without ds asking every 5 min, "Can we play NOW?"). When we talked about it with ds, he actually likes the idea. Right now, our weekends are mixed with long lists of "things to do", without enough "downtime". So, oddly enough, we feel that if we planned our Saturdays to be another work day (for studying in the a.m. and errands in the afternoon), we could develop the habit of taking Sunday as a day of rest. Novel idea, right? (Right now, we have NO day of rest!!!):tongue_smilie: Ds is excited about an entire Sunday of family time (without parents saying, "Well, first I have to...").


(My dh watched the Robinson Curriculum video with me a few months ago, and while we have not adopted all the ideas therein, a few points stuck with us. The six-day school week is one.)

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We do school stuff 365 days a year. This may change, but right now it gives us maximum flexibility. We fit in the absolute basics (the 3Rs) early - about 7.30-9am - and then we can do whatever for the rest of the day. Some days have heaps of educational stuff in them, some have less, occasionally we'll be busy with other things and do nothing except that 1 or 1.5 hours in the morning. But we always do the 3Rs, so my ds is used to it and doesn't mind; it's just something he does after breakfast, like washing his face and brushing his teeth.

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We have always schooled six days a week. We want dc to see education as something you do every day as a part of life. We do take off Sunday. We have a six-day work week and a one-day weekend in our family.



I like this! :) I've noticed that Charlotte Mason also schooled six days a week. Good company, indeed!

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