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Is 7 the most annoying age?

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I have a 7 year old boy who is the sweetest, kindest, most helpful, ANNOYING child! He picks flowers for me in the yard, always offers to help me do things (unload groceries, licks the mixing bowl out, you know, useful stuff), tells me I'm wonderful, etc. but when he's not being the sweetest kid ever, he's making weird sounds (humming, animal calls, whistling), getting into his brothers/sisters' faces, irritating the baby (who at 13 months has very little patience), teasing the younger boys, etc.


I know these are not tics, and I'm mainly saying all this to get some sympathy and reassurance that he will grow out of this when he turns 8 in a few months, right? Right? RIGHT? :001_unsure:

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I am so sorry to be the one to tell you this, but, no. He probably won't outgrow this for awhile.


In boys 7/8 is annoying. 12/13 can be pretty annoying.


You will miss it when it is over, I can promise you that. You will miss it when he towers over you and calls you Mom with a voice so deep it makes you jump. When his hugs fold you into his arms instead of your hugs folding him into your arms, you will be nostalgic for that little irritating boy.


Enjoy these weird years!!!!! But I know you really know that already!

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I have a 7 year old boy who is the sweetest, kindest, most helpful, ANNOYING child! He picks flowers for me in the yard, always offers to help me do things (unload groceries, licks the mixing bowl out, you know, useful stuff), tells me I'm wonderful, etc. but when he's not being the sweetest kid ever, he's making weird sounds (humming, animal calls, whistling), getting into his brothers/sisters' faces, irritating the baby (who at 13 months has very little patience), teasing the younger boys, etc.


I know these are not tics, and I'm mainly saying all this to get some sympathy and reassurance that he will grow out of this when he turns 8 in a few months, right? Right? RIGHT? :001_unsure:




Nope 18 is! lol My son still does these things... well all but the animal sounds... *Ü* He finds pleasure in tormenting his poor sisters and being contrary.... he is who I call the first son.... he is the first and only son....He’s a great kid.... but can be a butt... here is where I get my saying the first son...


The Parable of the Two Sons


Matthew 21:28-31

28"What do you think? There was a man who had two sons. He went to the first and said, 'Son, go and work today in the vineyard.'


29" 'I will not,' he answered, but later he changed his mind and went.

30"Then the father went to the other son and said the same thing. He answered, 'I will, sir,' but he did not go. 31"Which of the two did what his father wanted?"

"The first," they answered.


Sorry... I’m not very reassuring am I?

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9 is way worse than 7!!! Don't mean to discourage you, but the noises get louder, the bouncing gets more violent, the hormones start kicking in and they start smelling, and they are just generally more obnoxious. My ds is also very sweet, but....oye!!

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At least for girls. All of my girls were an absolute pain at age 8 and I am praying that my last one makes it to 9 with both of us still in one piece.


This is not exactly good to hear when my dd turns 8 in just 4 days! :eek:


No sons here, but I do remember my mom mentioning having the hardest time with my brother from about 7yo to about 12yo.

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I have a 6.5 yr old who sounds equally as obnoxious LOL And he's had a good year + to work on it.

What are you telling me...I have an early bloomer?

My other two weren't *this* bad though.

But then...every age has been rather obnoxious with this particular child LOL Poor thing. (but darn he's cute, especially with those two front teeth missing :giggle: )


I know, I'm no help. *shrug*

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You will miss it when it is over, I can promise you that. You will miss it when he towers over you and calls you Mom with a voice so deep it makes you jump. When his hugs fold you into his arms instead of your hugs folding him into your arms, you will be nostalgic for that little irritating boy.


Enjoy these weird years!!!!! But I know you really know that already!


Oh! I only have a 4 yr old and this almost made me cry. :o I think it's time to go to bed. :)

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