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Would you always homeschool, no matter what?

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Do you feel you would always homeschool, provided you have the ability and means? Or, if money and location were no object, would you put your children in a school?


Have you come across schools you wish your children could attend? Or thought about starting a school?


I've come across some schools that seem really remarkable, or interesting to me. But I don't know if I would put my children in them, given the opportunity.


Just curious. :bigear:

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Do you feel you would always homeschool, provided you have the ability and means? Yes, I would always hs. Or, if money and location were no object, would you put your children in a school?

No schools for us

Have you come across schools you wish your children could attend?No Or thought about starting a school?


I've come across some schools that seem really remarkable, or interesting to me. But I don't know if I would put my children in them, given the opportunity.


Just curious. :bigear:

Unless I passed away I would always hs. If I passed away hubby would continue to hs the children.

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At this point, homeschooling is perfect for us. It's all we've ever done, it has worked out wonderfully for our family, and we all enjoy it.


I'm homeschooling highschool for the first time this year, and so far, so good.


I can't say we will always homeschool, but, right now, that is the plan. I absolutely LOVE having my children home. I love learning right alongside them and sharing ideas and goals. I feel very blessed for having the opportunity to live this lifestyle.

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Do you feel you would always homeschool, provided you have the ability and means? Yes

Or, if money and location were no object, would you put your children in a school? No


Have you come across schools you wish your children could attend? Or thought about starting a school? No




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I'm homeschooling because I feel that *I* personally, as their mother, can provide the best education for them. I raise them up with a foundation of Jesus Christ, I know their likes/dislikes, I know what interests them, I know their stregnths/weaknesses, and I'm the one (as opposed to teachers) who have a vested interested in them and only want the best for them. I'm in it for the long haul, as long as the Lord wills.

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We plan to always homeschool. We have took out life insurance policies to help enable us to do so for years to come, etc. However if we faced some situation & can't homeschool, a christian school would be the absolute last resort.


Public school will never be an option - even is we have to move.


I will also works nights to keep homeschooling or live in a tiny home or camper to keep school going. Whatever it takes!

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I love hsing, and esp in the early years. However, I can think of several schools that I would eagerly consider for my older children. If I had the 30k/yr. I love Quaker schools. Fi, Sidwell Friends in DC. That curricula is tremendous. I know of several schools like that are very tempting...if money were no option. In the end, I am glad I can't entertain it. I feel really blessed.

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Well I had thought yes and it was yes for child one and will be for child two. Now for child three, most likely but time will tell. I was already faced with a choice about moving to an area where there was a good private school but little chance for any outside activities if she didn't go there (foreign country). Since this is my only extrovert and it would be a place she would already be having problems with depression (northern area where it is dark a long time in winter), I think she would have to go to school. As it is, my dh didn't volunteer for the job for other reasons and if he isn't forced to go to that place or some other similar circumstances, we will probably homeschool through high school.

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I really believe in homeschooling, so for us, it is our way of life and not a second option or plan. Funny, though, that this thread comes up now because I'm starting to realize that as my oldest ds is becoming more involved in sports programs with kids who go to school, the parents who send their children to private school seem to get homeschooling and support it right off the bat where some of the other parents whose children attend the local ps have a lot more questions about how homeschooling works and why we do it.


A few years ago someone made the comment that if they had young dc and they lived in our state they would hs too, and I remember thinking that actually, we would hs no matter where we lived, and would even consider relocating if necessary to have greater hs freedoms (our state happens to be hsing friendly though, so it's not a problem).

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Well I had thought yes and it was yes for child one and will be for child two. Now for child three, most likely but time will tell. I was already faced with a choice about moving to an area where there was a good private school but little chance for any outside activities if she didn't go there (foreign country). Since this is my only extrovert and it would be a place she would already be having problems with depression (northern area where it is dark a long time in winter), I think she would have to go to school. As it is, my dh didn't volunteer for the job for other reasons and if he isn't forced to go to that place or some other similar circumstances, we will probably homeschool through high school.



We had the option to request Elmendorf AFB in Alaska, and I just knew I wouldn't be able to handle the reduced daylight in winter. I can totally see that being a good reason to go to school. One I never would have thought of.

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Truth be told, we just started and couldn't be happier - its working well, he loves it, and the flexibility to build the curriculum to his needs just can't be beat...however, if I found the perfect school that could do that as well, that was well structured, demanded excellance (but with a loving and kind approach) and required all the children to be well-mannered and non-bullying..then yes. If there was a school that meet our criteria we would put him back in school in the next few years (we've decided the next two at a minimum at home)...but I'm guessing no school is going to live up to our criteria.:lol::lol:

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We plan to homeschool through high school. With the exception of my death I don't see anything changing that.


My ds learns best in a non-traditional classroom and there is no where around here that provides a classical education.


It may sound selfish but we all enjoy the flexible hours homeschooling provides. My ds can go to work with dh on a spur of the moment, we aren't tied to taking only certain days off, and we don't have to leave the house at 7:30 in the morning. Ds and I are NOT morning people. I enjoy not being tied to someone else's schedule.

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I'm homeschooling because I feel that *I* personally, as their mother, can provide the best education for them. I raise them up with a foundation of Jesus Christ, I know their likes/dislikes, I know what interests them, I know their stregnths/weaknesses, and I'm the one (as opposed to teachers) who have a vested interested in them and only want the best for them. I'm in it for the long haul, as long as the Lord wills.



I agree!

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