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What Do Children See? Being Challenged (CC)

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Ok. Bear with me. This may seem long, and wandering, but there is a point and purpose. Promise.


I was raised in a home where my mother gave psychic parties like other moms gave Tupperware. Her best friend was a spiritualist medium. Church, Bibles, Christianity, all lies.


Seeing ghosts, spirits, reincarnation, truth.


This is my background, in a nutshell.


I've come to Christ over the last year. I *accepted* Him in my teens, but have been trying to listen to the calling of my heart, to live the way I am commanded to in the last year, moreso the last 6 months.


I've found that its not without opposition. Those not of the Christian faith would likely laugh or scoff, hence the CC in the title. I'm not looking to debate the existence of evil or Satan.


Princess, my youngest, has had night terrors for a loooong time. She also screams about there being something in her room. She's done this with me, and this past wknd when SpecialMama watched the kids, allowing dh and I a badly needed wknd away.


Where before I believed in ghosts and spirits, I now believe in the Holy Spirit and demons. I believe the latter is what is terrorizing my youngest daughter. I myself have heard footsteps in the hall in the night, knowing everyone is asleep, and this terrifying fear that compels me to pray that God keeps my children safe, as well as my husband and I. Tazzie went through a period when he screamed about someone in his room too. He still has bad dreams, or that's what he calls them, and comes running into our room, blanket and pillow trailing him, to bunk on our floor.


Back when I was living as I was raised to believe, I was taught that young children are more 'sensitive' to spirits, etc. I have no reason to think that it would be any different now that I believe in demons opposed to spirits.


What, other than prayer, can I do for my kids, my family, my home? I have been warned that coming to Christ is not without challenges, but it ticks me off in ways I can't express that it seems to be my baby targeted for this.


I'd appreciate whatever experience, advice, support and prayer you might have.


And honest. Not a whackjob. I've been reassured that only the sane worry about being INsane. :lol:

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Where before I believed in ghosts and spirits, I now believe in the Holy Spirit and demons.


I understand what you're saying. I don't share your background but I've definitely felt that nightmares & general fears are sometimes not just nothing or imagination. I don't have any advice except to keep praying. On several occasions I've prayed on every nook & cranny in my kids rooms.


I'll be praying for you as well.

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spirit creatures


HTH some... I am looking for more. If you have something that belonged to your mother or was in the house where she engaged in spiritism then getting rid of it would be a start.


Thank you for believing your babies! Most of all, do all you can to help them feel safe.


Dabbling in the Occult—What's the Harm? and another article, just in case you are reading everything you can.

Edited by Lovedtodeath
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spirit creatures


HTH some... I am looking for more. If you have something that belonged to your mother or was in the house where she engaged in spiritism then getting rid of it would be a start.






When my oldest daughter went through this (was CERTAIN there was something in her room when she was 2-3) we got rid of several things that may have had an "attachment." Also, lots of praying and annointing the room/home. I love to pray Psalm 91!


I don't think you're nuts. BTDT :) Good thing we serve an awesome God!

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spirit creatures


HTH some... I am looking for more. If you have something that belonged to your mother or was in the house where she engaged in spiritism then getting rid of it would be a start.


Thank you for believing your babies! Most of all, do all you can to help them feel safe.


another article, just in case you are reading everything you can.

Belonged to her? Unlikely. Belonged to ME from that time period, yeah. I have an armless, mostly bald, shirtless, bonnetless Holly Hobby doll my great grandma gave me before she died. I was all of 3 or 4.


I've moved provinces, and my mother has never been in this house.

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On several occasions I've prayed on every nook & cranny in my kids rooms.




I hear you - I don't share your background, but I do know that what you are saying: is possible/is true/can happen/does happen.


Pray every nook and cranny in your entire home, anoint the doorways with anointing oil while you are praying. Rebuke whatever is causing the disturbance with your children and in your home. I will pray for you as well. Remember, our G-d is an awesome G-d.:) :grouphug:

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Our backgrounds are similar only it was me not my mother that believed in spirits/ghosts etc. I have had my share of experiences tied to those things. I became a Christian only a couple years ago, and am still sorting out the different thoughts/beliefs etc.


Anyway, in your situation I would do a couple things, 1) get every room in the house blessed. You can do this yourself with oil, or get your pastor to do it. My neighbor has offered to bless my house as through his church he has "priesthood authority". My church does not have the same beliefs, so we don't have members that could do this. 2) get each person in your family personally blessed. On the first Sunday night of the new year my church has a blessing night, and we come to the church to be annointed with oil and blessed. I get myself and all the kids done and do believe it helps protect us from Satan to some extent.


Check your home for things that could have ties to the occult. It could even be things you have stuck in storage somewhere, but given that the children are dealing with this in their bedroom, I would start there.

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First, just practically speaking, how much of this sort of thing did you discuss with or in front of your children, before you became a Christian? If they were told these sorts of things are all around them, then they will believe it, whether they have a true personal experience with it or not. I don't personally believe in demons, just to be upfront about that, although I know that I just don't WANT it to be true either, so I don't think about it. I did grow up in a charismatic church, so I am very familiar with these beliefs/experiences. With that said:


The bible tells us to rebuke the devil in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the devil will flee from you. :grouphug:


When you become a Christian, you have been saved by Jesus. The bible says that God has sent his Holy Spirit to be with us on earth. Jesus/God has already proven himself more powerful than Satan/evil, something that no human being can ever claim. Because you have Jesus' covering, and you have the Holy Spirit with you, you don't need to be oppressed by any evil thing. You simply need to claim that protection that God is already giving you. I'm not completely sure where the bible stands on protection for children, but I think it would be safe to say that, before they are old enough to make their own decision, you can claim this protection for them. They also need to be taught that evil is not something to be afraid of when they accept Jesus' gift of salvation, and that with this gift, they are able to tell evil that it is not welcome, in the name of Jesus. Let Jesus cast this evil out through your words, essentially. The bible doesn't say that anyone has any more of the Holy Spirit than anyone else, so you have been given the same power to do this as any spiritual leader you may know. On a personal level, it can give you strength to know that there are people praying for and with you, so it is good to talk to Christians you respect about this. I can't remember the verse right now, although you can probably just Google it, but this comes to mind: "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of love, and of a sound mind." I hope this helps a little bit. I'm sorry you have to go through this.

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A word of caution about letting it worry you though. The Bible talks in many places about not being afraid, or only fearing God.


2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.


1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.


My own personal experience with the occult as it relates to Christianity is having been involved with people who were always focused on driving out demons and praying against the devil, etc. In retrospect, I don't think that their focus glorified God, or that it helped them or the people they came in contact with to come closer to God.

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When you become a Christian, you have been saved by Jesus. The bible says that God has sent his Holy Spirit to be with us on earth. Jesus/God has already proven himself more powerful than Satan/evil, something that no human being can ever claim. Because you have Jesus' covering, and you have the Holy Spirit with you, you don't need to be oppressed by any evil thing. You simply need to claim that protection that God is already giving you. I'm not completely sure where the bible stands on protection for children, but I think it would be safe to say that, before they are old enough to make their own decision, you can claim this protection for them. They also need to be taught that evil is not something to be afraid of when they accept Jesus' gift of salvation, and that with this gift, they are able to tell evil that it is not welcome, in the name of Jesus. Let Jesus cast this evil out through your words, essentially. The bible doesn't say that anyone has any more of the Holy Spirit than anyone else, so you have been given the same power to do this as any spiritual leader you may know. On a personal level, it can give you strength to know that there are people praying for and with you, so it is good to talk to Christians you respect about this. I can't remember the verse right now, although you can probably just Google it, but this comes to mind: "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of love, and of a sound mind." I hope this helps a little bit. I'm sorry you have to go through this.


I agree with this post. It isn't easy, but you don't need to be afraid. Ask for Jesus' protection & be confident in it. You don't need anything more complicated than that - there is nothing better.


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The bible tells us to rebuke the devil in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the devil will flee from you. :grouphug:


Yes! You need to rebuke the devil. My oldest had terrible nightmares when she was younger, and while I don't share your background, I was scared too. We anointed her and prayed over her. And I told the devil to get out of my house. Our Lord is stronger than any demon or devil. :grouphug:

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Princess isn't 3 until the 22nd of this month. My beliefs in the past aren't something that she'd have remembered, and they generally weren't something I discussed in front of the kids. Diva being the exception, because she asked. I've since explained my change of heart to her of course.


No clue what you're talking about when referring to 'anointing oil'.


We're not members of a church. Its something that Wolf and I discuss, but I've been waiting on him to make a decision about which church. Something we'll be discussing again tonight, no doubt.

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I recently read a book that you might find helpful. Many, many books have been written on spiritual warfare - it's a hot topic. I haven't even bothered to read most of them because I can see the writing on the wall (oops, I judged a book by it's cover :) ) Many well-meaning people in the church simply make too much of demons, Satan, and spiritual warfare. Many other well-meaning believers dismiss belief in demonic spirtual activity as 'out there'. Neither is correct, in my estimation.


The Invisible War by Chip Ingram is the book I read and discussed with my Bible study group. I found it Biblically based, instructional, and helpful. Demons and Satan do exist. They are at work. Sometimes there are specific attacks. Ultimately, though, as others have pointed out, we need not live in fear of them. We are in a battle, yes, be we are the victors through Jesus Christ.


I borrowed the book from the library, so I can't go hunting down the exact references for you. I wish I could. Chip Ingram and his family did experience specific demonic attacks at one period in their lives. His children did begin to have 'nightmares'. Chip taught his children how to pray if they felt an oppressive spirit in their rooms. One night, he saw his son get out of bed and pray, just as he had been taught, with faith, and then saw his son get right back in bed and sleep peacefully. If you could get a hold of the book for yourself, I think you would find it helpful.


For now, I can leave you with one Scripture I remember from the book:


Ephesians 6:10-18


Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints--


In his book, Chip Ingram fleshes out what each part of the armor represents. I do remember that a good understanding and wise use of God's Word was important to the armor.

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we moved into a house when he was almost 2. his room was at the end of the hall and very COLD. so cold we put up shelves and bought small space heaters to put on the shelves to keep his room at a temperature ok for a kid!!! It was weird how COLD his room was. He had slept with his door shut until that point in his life. But now he screamed about it being shut. He did not want a night light either. said he preferred all dark so he wouldn't see "HIM".


I freaked out. I mean, who is he seeing in the corner. He pointed at the corner all the time. He would cry so hard about it. We prayed over the room and left the door wide open. he still didn't want a night light. I prayed about him daily. his sleep was awful when we lived there. naps were gone immediately. something in that house haunted him :-(


we moved 6 months later to a grandparent's house and I decided to give him the second bedroom and keep my daughter with me. dh had lost his job and was living with a friend in a larger city to look for work.


Sleep was better here but when changing his diaper one day he pointed behind me and asked, "who's that?". I FROZE in terror. I turned slowly and there was nothing there. But my son saw a man. I prayed like heck and my son did not cry, so he stayed in that room the month we lived there, but I always wonder who he saw. and why that person wasn't scary like the other house?????


He's never said anything else over the years about it or anyone new he sees. it was only those 2 accounts but I still remember every detail. yes, I think people, even children, can see spirits. having experienced it I truly believe.


We prayed over the room. We prayed for my son. but really, there wasn't much else to do. In hindsight I should have moved him out of that room. I had a new baby in the room close to me so it didn't occur to me to move her then.


good luck as you travel this road of coming closer to Christ in your walk. yes, it will get tougher as you walk closer. :grouphug:

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I want to caution you about rebuking demons on your own power. Scripture mentions Jesus rebuking demons, but people are to FLEE the devil and FLEE evil, not confront it head-on. Even Michael the Archangel said, "The Lord rebuke you!" There is no instruction in the Bible that tells a believer to rebuke the devil/demons.


I know there's a whole movement about rebuking demons, etc, and I don't find it to be biblical. I don't mean to offend those who do, but having been involved in the occult as a teen and young adult, I firmly believe in the power of Christ to do the rebuking and that I need to leave that battle to the Lord.


ETA: Pray over your dd at night. I don't believe in inanimate objects having evil power, but I do believe in spiritual oppression. Prayer is the one tool you have against any negative spiritual influences.

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I do not have time to look for the Scripture references but this is what I believe about this subject:


1. There are demons and a spirit world (both good and bad).


2. God and his angels are more powerful than Satan and his angels (demons).


3. Christians can be oppressed by Satan and his demons put cannot be possessed by them.


4. God the Holy Spirit indwells us and protects us.


5. Prayer is powerful.


6. It is good to think through what we know and believe and claim the promises of God. Ie. If you feel under attack, you actively claim the promises that tell us that God protects us.


7. I hope that you can find some good teaching from a good Bible teaching church to bolster and grow you in your faith. :grouphug: I know how much this has helped me.


8. Magnesium (in the form of epsom salt baths which is actually better than supplements) can help with night terrors. I mention this not to discount the spirit world but because sometimes things can be a combination of a physical and spiritual problem. So my specific advice in this is to give your little ones an epsom salt bath before bed and pray with them specifically about God's protection through the night.

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I want to caution you about rebuking demons on your own power. Scripture mentions Jesus rebuking demons, but people are to FLEE the devil and FLEE evil, not confront it head-on. Even Michael the Archangel said, "The Lord rebuke you!" There is no instruction in the Bible that tells a believer to rebuke the devil/demons.


I know there's a whole movement about rebuking demons, etc, and I don't find it to be biblical. I don't mean to offend those who do, but having been involved in the occult as a teen and young adult, I firmly believe in the power of Christ to do the rebuking and that I need to leave that battle to the Lord.


ETA: Pray over your dd at night. I don't believe in inanimate objects having evil power, but I do believe in spiritual oppression. Prayer is the one tool you have against any negative spiritual influences.


I really don't want to argue with anyone, but I do want to point out that in Luke 10:19 Jesus said, "I have given you authority to trample over snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you." I certainly don't believe I can do anything without Christ, but in His name, we do have power.

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I really don't want to argue with anyone, but I do want to point out that in Luke 10:19 Jesus said, "I have given you authority to trample over snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you." I certainly don't believe I can do anything without Christ, but in His name, we do have power.


Not to split hairs, but I don't see that as instruction to take on satan. I see it as the God-given ability to OVERCOME whatever satan tempts with, as in putting on the armor of God, fleeing satan, etc.

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Thank you all for your responses.


One of the things I struggle with is sorting through that which was taught to me as a child/teen, and that which is true and has a Biblical basis.


For example, I vaguely remembered salt being used across openings of the home to repel evil. Across door frames, window frames, etc. I had to ask my dh last night if that was a Christian premise, or a more Pagan one, as I truly didn't know.

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Not to split hairs, but I don't see that as instruction to take on satan. I see it as the God-given ability to OVERCOME whatever satan tempts with, as in putting on the armor of God, fleeing satan, etc.


I see your point, and I am certainly not going around taking on Satan. Like I said I don't want to argue about scripture; that just causes hurt feelings. And I am not bible scholar. It's all about interpretation, I guess. :grouphug:

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Thank you all for your responses.


One of the things I struggle with is sorting through that which was taught to me as a child/teen, and that which is true and has a Biblical basis.


For example, I vaguely remembered salt being used across openings of the home to repel evil. Across door frames, window frames, etc. I had to ask my dh last night if that was a Christian premise, or a more Pagan one, as I truly didn't know.


No matter how long a person has walked with the Lord, it is still a learning process. It is a good thing to ask questions and see the Lord. Seek and you will find. :grouphug:

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When my step daughter still lived with her mother she was spending the night at our house when she was just 3yrs old and my husband and I were praying with her lying in bed before sleep. She was doing that "God bless..." every relative with dh and I heard a clear voice in my head telling me to rebuke evil spirits from her. So I said under my breath "In the name of Jesus Christ every demonic spirit must leave C alone now." Instantly she sat up screaming and crying. She and dh had not heard me pray at all. My husband was scared and said, "What's wrong?" She said, sobbing hysterically "It hit me on the head." DH asked, completely bewildered, "What hit you?" and dd answered, still crying, "It hit me on the head when it left."


My step daughter's real mom dabbles in the occult, although nothing like your mom as far as I know. There were other problems during her childhood and even two years ago when she was a freshman in Bible college she had some horrible night experiences until she threw away a simple silver chain given to her for Christmas by her mother's sister and had her friends pray over her.


I think you may need a lot of thought before you directly deal with this. My poor step daughter had a hit head, and I would not like your little one to suffer worse. At the very least I would pray that the spirit was bound before it was loosed.


I hope this helps, this is tricky. I'll pray for you.

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When my step daughter still lived with her mother she was spending the night at our house when she was just 3yrs old and my husband and I were praying with her lying in bed before sleep. She was doing that "God bless..." every relative with dh and I heard a clear voice in my head telling me to rebuke evil spirits from her. So I said under my breath "In the name of Jesus Christ every demonic spirit must leave C alone now." Instantly she sat up screaming and crying. She and dh had not heard me pray at all. My husband was scared and said, "What's wrong?" She said, sobbing hysterically "It hit me on the head." DH asked, completely bewildered, "What hit you?" and dd answered, still crying, "It hit me on the head when it left."


My step daughter's real mom dabbles in the occult, although nothing like your mom as far as I know. There were other problems during her childhood and even two years ago when she was a freshman in Bible college she had some horrible night experiences until she threw away a simple silver chain given to her for Christmas by her mother's sister and had her friends pray over her.


I think you may need a lot of thought before you directly deal with this. My poor step daughter had a hit head, and I would not like your little one to suffer worse. At the very least I would pray that the spirit was bound before it was loosed.


I hope this helps, this is tricky. I'll pray for you.

Sounds like *I* need someone to pray over me. Suddenly that makes a whole lot of sense, actually. I was the one exposed, steeped, raised in that life. I was the one who believed it as truth. no doubt I'm the reason behind all the...odd...occurrences in every home we've ever lived in. :001_huh:


And that was a huge HELLO!!! and DUH moment combined. Thank you for witnessing it. Oy.

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