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Has anyone had a doctor write lies in you medical records? Care to share?

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I'm rather angry about it but I am trying to stay calm.


Saying he evaluated my cranial nerves. Not. Saying he went into great discussion over my multiple concerns. Not. Saying that I have a longstanding history with anxiety even though he wrote I deny that I have anxiety. Not. Well not exactly, I did feel emotionally upset at a time in my life when I was diagnosed with a chronic illness. I may become upset sometime in my future if it takes away my ability to function. This would be true for anyone. My diagnosis was 7 years ago. I haven't been on any medication for 5 years or more. Another doctor took me off. He also wrote that I perseverate. Not. I barely said a word because I was trying to control my anger at how condescending he was towards me. There were many other things. Saying my mother has a history of depression. Not. He never mentioned her real history of heart disease.


During the exam I did burst into tears at the sheer frustration and anger I was feeling. I felt like the scene in the movie The Changeling where the main character is in the asylum and everything she says to the doctor he twists to make her look more like she needs to be there. It was one of the worst experiences in my life.


There are no other neurologists here. I don't need him now but maybe in the future I might be stuck needing him.


Any thoughts? Talk me down, share your experiences, send me hugs. :)


I'm feeling better about it now that I am getting it off my chest.



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I had an OB GYN make some comments that made me angry at the time. They were similar to your comments about anxiety and so forth. At the time, I was convinced there was something wrong and I was convinced that what he was telling me was a crock! Later, I realized he was right and it was anxiety. I am not saying this is the case with you, but it sure was with me.


At any rate *hugs* and so sorry this happened!

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I would drive 5 hours each way before I would be that guys patient. I would get on an airplane and fly across the country. I would move. I would NOT be his patient. I would file a complaint if I were you. I'm angry for you.


I'm rather angry about it but I am trying to stay calm.


Saying he evaluated my cranial nerves. Not. Saying he went into great discussion over my multiple concerns. Not. Saying that I have a longstanding history with anxiety even though he wrote I deny that I have anxiety. Not. Well not exactly, I did feel emotionally upset at a time in my life when I was diagnosed with a chronic illness. I may become upset sometime in my future if it takes away my ability to function. This would be true for anyone. My diagnosis was 7 years ago. I haven't been on any medication for 5 years or more. Another doctor took me off. He also wrote that I perseverate. Not. I barely said a word because I was trying to control my anger at how condescending he was towards me. There were many other things. Saying my mother has a history of depression. Not. He never mentioned her real history of heart disease.


During the exam I did burst into tears at the sheer frustration and anger I was feeling. I felt like the scene in the movie The Changeling where the main character is in the asylum and everything she says to the doctor he twists to make her look more like she needs to be there. It was one of the worst experiences in my life.


There are no other neurologists here. I don't need him now but maybe in the future I might be stuck needing him.


Any thoughts? Talk me down, share your experiences, send me hugs. :)


I'm feeling better about it now that I am getting it off my chest.



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I'm not sure this has happened to me, because I haven't read my chart, but I saw it ALL THE TIME when I worked as a nurse. It made me so mad that Dr.s would make their judgments about people in 2 minutes and then waltz out of the room to record their opinions in a permanent medical record oftentimes missing the main point of concern to the patient. I'll never forget the patient who had the nerve to read her own chart at the nurses station and then confronted the Dr. on rounds...:lol:


Anyone who visits the Dr. has to have some anxiety about something, or else they wouldn't be bothering to see a Dr.! Yet, so many Dr.s want to put a bandaid (or drugs) on the anxiety rather than address the issue that is at the root of the problem.


I was told I had anxiety 3 years ago by my GP because I was dizzy for weeks. (Yes, anyone would be anxious if you felt like you were on a non-stop merry-go-round, and you couldn't drive, and your 16yo with her driving permit had to drive you to the Dr. while you were dizzy!) It finally took an ENT to diagnose basilar migraines. He said I must be anxious because who could homeschool seven kids and not be! It didn't matter that I told him I was happy, content, and doing exactly what I wanted with my life. My circumstances sounded overwhelming to him, so.....I was anxious. For my migraines, I was put on a beta-blocker, and then I proceeded to have every horrible side-effect listed on the package. I went back to my GP to address the drug side-effects. She told me that I must be anxious because she didn't have these side-effects when she took a beta-blocker.:banghead: I think anxiety is the fall back diagnosis when they can't "fix" you. I finally went to a naturopath who listens and she diagnosed a magnesium deficiency. My migraines and dizziness stopped.


I know my story doesn't help you; I just wanted you to know you're not alone. I'm sorry you are having to go through this.:grouphug:




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I was in one doctor's office and had a hypoglycemic episode. I knew that my blood sugar was too low - so I told the nurse or physician's assistant and asked for some orange juice or something with some sugar. They refused. I was starting to shake from low sugar (and knew that this was heading down-hill fast). I asked them to test my sugar. They said no. I started to cry (not from the emotional upset entirely - but also from the low blood sugar.) The Dr. said I was obviously depressed and hysterical and needed a psych consult. I told her that "No, my sugar was too low." I told her that she could pick the endocrinologist (my insurance required a referral) but that wanted to go to the endocrinologist. I told her that if the endocrinologist told me that I was not having any trouble with my blood sugar, then I would go to a psychiatrist. Then I left and went in search for sugar.


I went to the endocrinologist and described my symptoms. She said, "classic hypoglycemic symptoms". She was really mad that the previous Dr. had treated me so poorly and hadn't even given me anything to stabilize my sugars. It turned out that the endocrinologist was my primary doctor's Dr. - she apparently chewed her out royally. After that I fired the primary Dr. as my doctor and found a new one.

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I would drive 5 hours each way before I would be that guys patient. I would get on an airplane and fly across the country. I would move. I would NOT be his patient. I would file a complaint if I were you. I'm angry for you.


:iagree: You can also write the state medical board.

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I would drive 5 hours each way before I would be that guys patient. I would get on an airplane and fly across the country. I would move. I would NOT be his patient. I would file a complaint if I were you. I'm angry for you.


ditto. I would not trust my health to a liar who obviously doesn't have your best interest at heart. How could he help you in the future? If you file a complaint, you may stop this from happening to someone else.

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I would file a complaint and never trust a Dr that would lie on my file.




In my state, complaints like this sometimes result in a letter to the doc asking for chart notes and the docs "side" of it. The two I've gotten were by family members who were not privvy to all the calls my office made trying to get the patient to come in for proper care, the prescriptions Mom never picked up, etc. But I had to send chart notes and a letter. I have no idea if they pass on a report or finding to the patient/family who complained. I never heard peep about it after I sent of the info, but it wasn't really a "gray" situation.


Sometimes patients ask me to lie for them. I look them right in the eye and ask them if they would really be comfortable with a doc who lies.

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When we changed doctors my son's records didn't come when I asked for them. After throwing a fit they called me in to pick them up and there was a file with only one page in it. Mind you, this doctor delivered my son and saw him at all his visits. He was five when I changed doctors.


The page was from a time when my son fell out of our parked Jeep and smashed his head on the driveway. I called the doctors office to get advice on which emergency room to take him to. The nurse there said I had to bring him in to the doctor's office, not the emergency room. I refused to do that (his head was actually slightly flat where he had hit it) and got an ambulance.


The one page in that file was from the day of the accident and it said that I had been resistant to getting him medical care that day.


I was spitting mad, but it was more than two years after the fact. Not much to do but get the nurse in trouble, when she had probably been following doctor's orders, so I dropped it and did nothing. But I am now aware of how far a medical professional will go to cover their own butt.

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There are no other neurologists here. I don't need him now but maybe in the future I might be stuck needing him.


I'd travel to another town before dealing with him again.



My story is about my son. At age 2 years and 4 months old, he was evaluated for learning delays because he couldn't communicate and had major behavioral problems, primarily the fact that he tried to hurt anyone within sight when he became frustrated by our inability to understand him. After everyone did their evaluations, I had to see the pediatric development specialist. During that appointment, my son tried to bite my daughter. I was trying to stop my son from hurting my daughter, who was only 4 at the time, and the jerk had the nerve to tell me to leave them be so I could pay attention to him. I looked him square in the eye and told him that I was NOT going to let my son bite my daughter and he could wait. Then I saw the report! He agreed to the other specialists' diagnoses and added one: "family circumstances". So basically, he was saying that our family dynamics (Dh and I were having a rough time) caused our son's severe development delays. Turned out that my son's problems were caused by undiagnosed and untreated lactose intolerance that basically was severe enough that it caused malnurishment. Once we figured that out and treated it, he made rapid improvment in his areas of delay. Once he could communicate, his behavior improved dramatically. And today, he's not only no longer behind, he's significantly ahead academically. Family circumstances my @ss! I never went back for the follow up visits we were suppose to make. Nor would I ever agree to see him again for any reason; I'll insist on driving up to Seattle instead.

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I had the worst sore throat of my life, so went in to the practice I had just started using since our insurance forced us to change. Usual dr. not there; new gal. She decided I didn't have a sore throat and was depressed. Yes, 4 days of the most burning sore throat, the only one I've ever had as an adult, so severe I could not eat solid foods and that's all she could come up with. Neglected to swab too. I crossed that practice off my list.

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Thanks everyone for sharing your doctor report woes, too. This is so frustrating! I'm sorry to hear about your bad experiences, especially when they pertain to the care of a child!


Why is it we have to pay a dollar a page for the copies of the report? Since we have to pay for the visit shouldn't that include receiving a copy of the report?


Does anyone know if I have the right to go into the doctor's office and request to read my WHOLE file right then and there?


This IS starting to cause me anxiety! Last night I could feel my body reacting to this with adrenaline flowing through me. YUCK.


The thing is that my doctor KNOWS I read my reports. It is as if he wrote what he wrote to get my goat so to speak. For some reason, he seems to have it out for me (or maybe I am also delusional along with being anxious!) and I think it is because I have yet to go back on to the medication for my condition.


I work in the same hospital that this doctor practices. This doctors spouse is a judge. I could travel 5 hours to see someone else (which I should do) but if I ever, knock on wood here, end up in the hospital because of my condition, guess who would be treating me??!!!


Just another fun point to add is that after my visit the (male) nurse came in and apologized. He said the doctor has a big heart but and I quote "he was probably a precocious child who was coddled by his parents and never had the chance to fully develop emotionally." He talked about how he is trying to get the doctor to develop a better bedside manner.


Oh gosh, I'm perseverating! :)


I really appreciate everyone chiming in with their thoughts and experiences.

Edited by Carpe Diem
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I'm sorry you are having the physical issues but also the issue with the doctor.


My old OB/GYN dx'd me with anorexia because I lost weight (24lbs) during my pregnancy @@.

He also said that my pain was psychosomatic though his own dxes suggested fairly significant issues. I've since been dx'd with several other issues also. Being disabled is psychosomatic though @@

Oh, and I guess he's incompetent also because my R.E. couldn't believe he could dig inside me 4 times, deliver a baby, and be so "off." He stated incredibly weird things about my situation as well as omitting other things. It's like every piece was just off enough to cause more problems. It's weird.


I've had some other issues with docs, but not all out stupidness like that.


And I currently have a great doc.

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Well, we have had nothing quite so extreme and insinuations and personal insults but my dh is unable to get some health insurance policies because his doctor once wrote that he was recommending testing to rule out...(I can't remember then name but it is some extreme heart problem.) I think my dh went to see him for heartburn that he though may have something to do with his heart. Anyway, any other doctor that dh has seen has said that it was so awful for this doctor to put that on his record. In order for dh to get any kind of individual or family insurance (he is now on the Chamber of Commerce plan that takes everyone) he will have to undergo a mound of invasive tests. It is important to review health records.

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  • 1 year later...


I can't believe I found a thread like this.


I went to a provider for over 4 years. I picked up my own records and was shocked! Not talking about him making judgments ..... he blatantly lied about things that were said.


I'm getting a lawyer. I can pass a polygraph ..... he won't be able to.


What do you all think? I try to let this go ..... but it's so beyond the pale.

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The very first doctor I saw for chronic fatigue/fibromyalgia told me that of course I was tired and sore, I was a homeschooling mom of six, one of which was less than six months old. Needless to say, he was no help what-so-ever and I never saw him again. I didn't go to any dr. again for several years. The very next dr. I saw referred me to an endoctrinologist who DXed me. I have had my current family practice dr. since then. He has provided me with a free copy of my entire file and has provided any new pages added each year. He has also dealt with any questions or concerns that I have had (I have had to deal with a few nurses errors, one of which could have been deadly). I trust him implicitly and I know that if we had a difference of opinion regarding my health care he would discuss it with me until we came to an agreement (we have and he has). I would not except anything less from a dr. I would travel as far as I had to to find a dr. that was acceptable to me. I hope that you can do the same thing. :grouphug:

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