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Anyone else "trying" to refinance with Bank of America?


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Our application has been open since February. We have been asked to send verifying documents 3 times and today I got a call from a non-English speaking woman from ??? asking for some bank account info ??? that my husband has faxed 3 times (and received confirmation for). We paid the fee, had the appraisal (which is our expense) and still the run around.

Is this a nationwide phenomenon?

Does anyone have a feel-good anecdote about BofA for me? Please?:D

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I also dislike BOA. We went to them when we were buying our house and they we're terrible. We made the choice to look elsewhere because we did not care for the way they conducted business.


We went with Churchhill Mortgage. They were great. They were the mortgage company that obtained the loan and the loan is now handled by BB&T. We have a fixed rate mortgage at a great rate.


We got a lot better service with them than BOA. We were happy we switched.

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We refinanced recently through Wells Fargo. It took forever (at least 6 months) and my hubby had to bug them relentlessly but eventually it went through and it was worth it. Our rate dropped from 6.88 to 5.00 and our monthly payment went down $300. Keep at it. Hopefully, it will eventually be worth it for you too.

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I wish I had a feel-good story for you, but I don't. Friends of mine went through this same thing with Bank of America, and when it was all said and done (MONTHS later, I might add) they were only going to save $70/month on their house payment, instead of the couple hundred they were hoping/expecting. They bought in 2007 when the market was high, and their house obviously ended up being worth far less than that in today's market. They ended up doing a short-sale and moving into an apartment.

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Bank of America is the worst bank we have ever worked with. EVER. They have been incompetent on EVERY level. We've had issues with them for years and dh said yesterday our lawyer recommended litigation since they're dragging their feet on EVERYTHING. My mother's money is frozen since her death 2 months ago, mortgages haven't been paid on her empty property, as has nothing else been paid.


Dh suggested since my dad paid them BIG BUCKS to handle his investments, and they knew he and my mother's health was failing and they STILL kept them in risky investments, that we sue them for everything. The lawyer is strongly considering this.


I'd have ZERO confidence in them. Once the legalities are settled, every account for everyone in my family, my sisters and my brothers, will be immediately closed. They are, by far, the worst "professional" institution I've ever done business with in my entire life.


FYI - you will get different answers from them all the time, they'll have you keep on sending them the same stuff (I guess someone eats their papers) and you simply can not trust a WORD you get from them. If at all possible, go far, far away from that bank. They screwed up on my sister and she got stuck having to pay an extra $600 PER MONTH DUE TO THEIR MISTAKE.

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Stay away from BOA. We have a mortgage through them and came within an inch of filing a lawsuit against them over the summer. After a refi, they insisted that we still had our original mortgage and the new mortgage. Then, they completely destroyed my husband's credit report to the point where he couldn't even get utilities turned on or a car loan. His credit report showed foreclosure and default, when we were completely current on our mortgage. Oh, yeah, and then he kept calling and calling and they had him "blocked" from the call centers. He couldn't even call to pay his mortgage payment over the phone.


I would stay away from them. It's like getting your mortgage through a payday loan place or something.


We ended up having to get an attorney.

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We recently refinanced with Wells Fargo. We started the process in late May and signed the papers in early August.


I had to re-fax our survey because it didn't go through the first time. I faxed over about 70 pages worth of stuff (didn't meet the refi person until we went to sign the papers, did everything over the phone and email). That page was in the stack that went into the fax machine, but wasn't in the stack when she went through it. I figured it has just gotten stuck to the page in front of it.


We didn't have any problems.

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gotta ditto everyone else --hate, detest BoA. run far away. nasty security concerns w/ my deceased fil's account; changing info w/o his permission, etc.


call USAA and see if they will let you join. Their website says military only, but we joined and we weren't in the military or dependents of anyone in the military. when i spoke to the gal a few months ago she said no, just call and ask. Definitely worth a try.

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We are military and switched from B of A to USAA 11 or 12 years ago. I hated B of A. I didn't have mortgage problems but did have big time problems with their banking department. I was some type of non check payment system and they messed it up and then I couldn't get anyone to help and I got charged late fees for their mistake and no one would help at all. I thought they didn't care at all for their customers. I switched to USAA and have never had a problem with my account and bill paying with anytype of loan or mortgage.


Can't you refinance with some one else? I seem to remember that at the time we refinanced our then house (2003), we were one of the few who didn't change mortgage companies.

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We refinanced recently and it was a loooonnnnnggggg drawn out process. It generally is for us since my dh is self-employed, but this was particularly long and drawn out. I am sure the mortgage crisis had much to do with the extra hassle.


We've had homes financed with B of A before....and many other banks. I don't think they are any worse than the others.

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I also have never, ever been a fan of B of A, BUT.....


I refinanced a few months ago. I didn't go directly to B of A but through a broker. Got a GREAT fixed rate (2 points lower than my prior rate) and the whole process took about 6 weeks. It was incredibly painless, and B of A now owns the loan.


So, I really don't like them, but my refi couldn't have been easier, I have to say.

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We refinanced recently through Wells Fargo. It took forever (at least 6 months) and my hubby had to bug them relentlessly but eventually it went through and it was worth it. Our rate dropped from 6.88 to 5.00 and our monthly payment went down $300. Keep at it. Hopefully, it will eventually be worth it for you too.


I have my fingers crossed. After I told dh about the call this am, he called to leave a message for our officer and the voice mail said "Chad has taken another job. Calls are being taken by Carlos or whatever. Poor Carlos or whatever :I

We have already paid the (non-refundable, according to Chad) fees and the appraisal and have locked in at a great money saving rate. Problem is, my dh thinks, is that since bofa bought countrywide, who holds our current note, they are in no hurry to lower our interest rates. I'm about ready to call our secretary of state and get some pressure on them.

Thanks everyone for your encouraging words:lol::lol:

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I wish I had a feel-good story for you, but I don't. Friends of mine went through this same thing with Bank of America, and when it was all said and done (MONTHS later, I might add) they were only going to save $70/month on their house payment, instead of the couple hundred they were hoping/expecting. They bought in 2007 when the market was high, and their house obviously ended up being worth far less than that in today's market. They ended up doing a short-sale and moving into an apartment.


That probably would have happened regardless of the mortgage broker, since their house went down in value.

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I have my fingers crossed. After I told dh about the call this am, he called to leave a message for our officer and the voice mail said "Chad has taken another job. Calls are being taken by Carlos or whatever. Poor Carlos or whatever


That was one of the problems we ran into as well. Our case manager got sick/quit/changed departments/no monger worked there or some such thing so we were assigned to someone else who not only had to start all over but had a double load as well. If my hubby had kept after them we could have easily fallen through the cracks.

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Nope, nothing good to say. It took us almost 6 months! There were so many screw ups. And now since April, they still don't have our legal description right. So we keep getting nasties from the county. Still. If it didn't save us a ton of money, I'd have told them to blow off.

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We just started the process today to refinance through Chase. I thought the process would be easier going through the bank that currently has our mortgage, but apparently it isn't. We have to supply them with things that they should already have like our insurance declarations page. Even though we have excellent credit and our payment is essentially going to remain the same with a shorter term, we still have to give them information on our current 401k/IRA, and pretty much everything that one would have to provide for a new mortgage. And then they said it's going to be 45 days! We are doing some work in our kitchen, including new granite countertops and were hoping to have some cash back to pay for it, but I guess we'll be paying for it up front and then just have a nice sized check in time to start the Christmas shopping :D

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This is very interesting. We had been in foreclosure with them since March. Long story but I'll try to make it short. They are working us over good. They have done the same sort of thing to us. So, lets see if I get this straight. My hubby is pretty much the one dealing with them. They decided to reinstate our loan in August. They sent us paper work via fedex to sign and send back within 3 days. Which we did. FOUR times now. And each time we sign the same exact paperwork the only difference being that the price of our payment goes up each time. (speaking of the late payments they will be tacking on starting in March 2010) I mean not just a little bit either. Finally, hubby called them to see what's up. Do you have ANY idea what it's like to actually TALK to someone. Well, they admitted that the reason they sent out the same papers 4 times was because THEY messed up on them. So WHY are we paying for their mess ups is what we want to know. And today, a guy actually told my hubby, "Uh, I really don't know why we are charging you each time we find a mistake we make, we just are" OH, CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? We are so done. Putting the house on the market and NEVER, EVER, buying one again. So what I still have 10 kids at home. Done, done, done, with home loans.

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Guest janainaz

We refinanced and it took about 4 months. Every month we were told it was pushed back a month and I just decided to roll with it. We did not run into too many problems, it was a miracle. Dealing with banks makes me bonkers.

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