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Help! Would you wear

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Knee high, high heeled brown boots with a summer dress?

I'm trying to decide if I can leave the strappy heels at home.


It's a bit scary when you have to use the expander on your suitcase on the way over rofl.gif

Yeah, I'm not that good at packing light. I'm trying to work out what I can cull and a pair of shoes to wear with one dress is perhaps a little extravagant.

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Well, it would be scary if *I* did - but i saw it done in pics on the iPod Keynote! LOL!! I'm a total fashion SQUARE so don't take my word at all :P


So my tourist story is this..... i was at a flea market with DH's family. I had a nursing/sleeping baby - so i stayed in the car until she woke up. The biggest entertainment was watching Van's pull up, people pile out... and then 10 minutes later they would come out with new suitcases, open the back of the van and start packing :lol:


Really, it was a crackup! LOL!!


So you won't be alone - but don't pay over $15 for a new suitcase :lol:

Edited by TraceyS/FL
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I'll be at the Florida Mall today - it's normally full of tourists doing the shopping bag & suitcase thing. They overpay there for the suitcases :P


I wonder if i can take pictures? The one to have had would have been the brazilian guy with 4 FULL STUFFED BIG shopping bags in each hand. I'm sure those women only brought him along for his wallet and arms :lol:

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I wouldn't ~ because I'd fall over. Can't walk in heels, period. :tongue_smilie:


But I've seen people wearing boots with dresses and it looked cute. :D


The more important thing is do YOU like the boots with the dress? Dress for yourself, not other people or some weird fashion magazine rules. ;)

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Boots with a summer dress in a warm climate? no. That would be a fashion faux-paux. Besides, strappy heels are SO cute! What's one more pair of shoes? :D




I would be more inclined to leave knee high boots at home, those babies take up some seriously valuable space :0)

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I would have said "no" last year, but I have seen this A LOT lately. Seems to be a trend.


And if you are going to be in NYC, well... fashion-wise, you can get away with much more there than I could here in the midwest!


I say go with what you'll be most comfortable in, and if you have to buy a pair of cute strappy sandals along the way, well, there's another souvenir for ya!

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Hilarious!! You definitely should take a pic.

My DH has the larger suitcase, he thinks it's so he can take the gifts etc, but really it's so that we can swap on the way home and I can fill it with goodies. Mwahahahahaaaaaa


:tongue_smilie: Pictures. I took the PERFECT picture at the mall today - with my DD standing posing by the big M&M at the M&M store.... and then i realized, i hit the TRASH BUTTON instead of the save to disk button. :glare: Stupid phone.


So now i'll have to see how my backup pics turned out. One on the way to the food court - then the same kids out in front of the Apple store :lol:

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Knee high, high heeled brown boots with a summer dress?

I'm trying to decide if I can leave the strappy heels at home.


It's a bit scary when you have to use the expander on your suitcase on the way over rofl.gif

Yeah, I'm not that good at packing light. I'm trying to work out what I can cull and a pair of shoes to wear with one dress is perhaps a little extravagant.


Where are you headed, we are currently wearing this on the East Coast, it's chilly fall like. I would suggest a matching cable knit sweater with a waist belt, if your coming here:D

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Not with a short summer dress...but it would look cute with autumn wear. And depends on where you are planning to visit over here. East Coast, South, South West, North West, Midwest? Each area has it's own share of cultures, do's and don'ts. (I'm from South Carolina and I just saw a girl wearing white dress shoes here in PA...with a brown outfit and after Labour Day!....looked good, but if this were SC, no way!)

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What color is the dress? If its a summer cut in fallish colors, or a dress you would wear in the evening, then I vote yes for the boots. Do you have a cute long cardigan, and scarf you could wear with it to warm it up a bit? You could wear the cardigan on the plane. Can you put the boots in the kids luggage? :D

You could also do tights to pull the colors together.

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I think it depends on the boots and the dress. Now a pair of cowboy style boots with a strappy summer dress can look really cute!



:iagree: Boots with a summer dress can be fine...just as long as you're comfortable and they don't make you hot. Me...I'm too hot-natured to be all covered up. I personally would be more inclined to go with the cowboy or boots lower than the knee.

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