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Who had the issue with the nude statue?

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Thing is, I know a lotta rock climbers, and although I have never specifically asked them, my sense is that it's dangerous work, and they would want to protect their, you know, assets. Nude roundabutts, fine. I mean, if I were young and had a hard body and an opportunity to frolic in the buff, you betcha. But I'm not climbing any rocks in the buff. Uh uh. No thank you.

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Personally I think they could decorate with seasonal boxers, it would add another dimension to art. :lol::lol:




I agree. The officials should get over the "defacing public property" thing and embrace the clothing. In a suburb of Seattle, we have a statue (not nude) called Waiting for the Interurban. It's a bunch of people waiting for the bus, basically. Not only is it decorated regularly but it's embraced by the city. It's part of the fun. If you go visit the statue, you never know what you'll get.




About a block away, we also have a giant troll under a bridge, complete with a full size VW bug that he swiped from the road above. Kids love climbing on him.



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I agree. The officials should get over the "defacing public property" thing and embrace the clothing. In a suburb of Seattle, we have a statue (not nude) called Waiting for the Interurban. It's a bunch of people waiting for the bus, basically. Not only is it decorated regularly but it's embraced by the city. It's part of the fun. If you go visit the statue, you never know what you'll get.




I agree with you on this. There was a statue in front of the library where I went to college. He wore t-shirts during football season, gained a scarf as the weather grew colder and got a Santa hat to wear during the holidays!

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Hee hee... dressing up nude statues reminds me of Mannekin Pis in Brussels... I think the Belgians have a better sense of humor. :D


Here's a bit of the Wiki article:

On many occasions, the statue is dressed in a costume. His wardrobe now consists of several hundred different costumes. The costumes are changed according to a schedule managed by the non-profit association The Friends of Manneken-Pis, in ceremonies that are often accompanied by brass band music. Also on occasion, the statue is hooked up to a keg of beer. Cups will be filled up with the beer flowing from the statue and given out to people passing by.

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I agree. The officials should get over the "defacing public property" thing and embrace the clothing. In a suburb of Seattle, we have a statue (not nude) called Waiting for the Interurban. It's a bunch of people waiting for the bus, basically. Not only is it decorated regularly but it's embraced by the city. It's part of the fun. If you go visit the statue, you never know what you'll get.




About a block away, we also have a giant troll under a bridge, complete with a full size VW bug that he swiped from the road above. Kids love climbing on him.




dog with human face = unsinkable scared


troll under bridge = unsinkable real scared

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Buffalo has a copy of David that was frequently dressed. It appears that nude public statues are not uncommon nor is the overwhelming desire to dress them.


Yes, ma'am. I thought of David right away.


I don't remember the last time he was dressed but I do remember some fluorescent spray paint --- which is bad, very bad.

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Aw, come on ! We still miss Vulcan. (Beautiful little park there ! ) We would check to see what colour his "popsicle" was (red/green), if we were in town at night. Does the city still keep up that practice ?


It's a good thing they don't live near me. . . .


Vulcan in Birmingham, AL



(now you know it's time to go to bed when you start posting these kind of links. .. . . :D)

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It appears that nude public statues are not uncommon nor is the overwhelming desire to dress them.


This is why i would never support the use of city funds or property to pay for or display nude artwork, except as displayed IN A MUSEUM. There's so much other GREAT art, why pick something that has a history of pissing off the very people that helped pay for it?:glare:

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This is why i would never support the use of city funds or property to pay for or display nude artwork, except as displayed IN A MUSEUM. There's so much other GREAT art, why pick something that has a history of pissing off the very people that helped pay for it?:glare:


If we ban everything that pisses off some people, there would be nothing left to do. :001_huh:

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If we ban everything that pisses off some people, there would be nothing left to do. :001_huh:


yeah, but this is one that is pretty big and ALWAYS pisses off LOTS of people. Leave it to the private sector, not public funds. I'll apply that to commissioning religious art with taxpayer money too --just as discourteous.

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