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Ha ha... I just got declined for membership on a homeschool mothers' forum!

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Hello Ladies,



I am sorry you were declined membership on THL, we have a few folks on our team approving members so I can not tell you exactly why you were declined but I can tell you we have had some , to put it nicely "freaks" trying to get on the site so we have all been very weary.If you did not fill out every question that might have been it. We figure if folks don't want to take the time to fill out the form then they don't really want to be there.:D



We don't discriminate in any way! If you are a homeschool mom, you are always more then welcome on The Lounge! All are welcome, we have groups for everyone! Liberal or not!


We are NOT affiliated with any group or site whatsoever! My husband and I thought a site like the Lounge was needed in the HS community and so a year ago we started researching to see how we could make our vision a reality and on Feb. 14th we launched the site! We are not just a forum, more of a community.


We have to have advertisers and sponsors to make up the costs for the Lounge to keep it FREE to our members.


As for the lady with the coffee, well that could be me any given day of the week, and as for the lovey dovey feel of the site I guess I am a lovey dovey kinda girl but I am also many other things like a rough and tumble mama of 4 boys, I love pink, I love black and I love how you all talk so freely and honestly on this forum! Thats a good thing.


Well ladies its been fun reading but my arm is numb as well as the one finger I have typed this post with (holding a sick, sleeping baby)


If The Lounge looks appealing to you we would love to have you join if you have anymore questions , ask away!






excellent response!! You make me want to go check it out, but I really don't need another place to spend time on the internet!! Thanks for responding in such a classy way!!

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This probably goes without saying and you probably really don't feel the need to be at The Lounge but I feel that I should tell you that you are more then welcome to tinker around the The Homeschool Lounge, slow computer and all. If you do choose to apply again you can fill out your name and TWTM under referral, I promise to zip your application right through!;)


I would hate for any legit HS mom to feel that they are not welcome over there, you are! We would love to have ya! :D




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This probably goes without saying and you probably really don't feel the need to be at The Lounge but I feel that I should tell you that you are more then welcome to tinker around the The Homeschool Lounge, slow computer and all. If you do choose to apply again you can fill out your name and TWTM under referral, I promise to zip your application right through!;)


I would hate for any legit HS mom to feel that they are not welcome over there, you are! We would love to have ya! :D





I hope you come back here on occasion, as well.

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You know you're really a fifty-year-old man, sitting at the computer in your underwear, pretending to be a homeschool mom!


I have to say...you've done a good job here, of protecting your cover. ;-)


LOL Jiiiiill...c'mon! I thought Abbeyej was the 50yo man (with rooms full of cats, no less). ;)








(And TOTALLY kidding btw! :D)

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This probably goes without saying and you probably really don't feel the need to be at The Lounge but I feel that I should tell you that you are more then welcome to tinker around the The Homeschool Lounge, slow computer and all. If you do choose to apply again you can fill out your name and TWTM under referral, I promise to zip your application right through!;)


I would hate for any legit HS mom to feel that they are not welcome over there, you are! We would love to have ya! :D





I may do that sometime. :001_cool:

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  • 2 years later...
Well, bless their hearts.


I'm always reluctant to share too much information with groups like that. I want to see what I'm signing up for before I actually sign up. That's why I don't bother with a lot of the Yahoo! groups anymore. I understand that they're trying to keep spammers out, but the ones that want to know why I want to join? Well -- I don't *know* if I want to join, I want to see what you have to offer so I can decide if I want to join!


I was denied membership in our local Freecycle group because I couldn't think of what to say. I'm not going to beg!


You're better off here anyway. ;-)


Then I would just say that :lol: when you do join a yahoo group. They are keeping the spammers out and let me tell you from experience its very annoying when they get into your group.

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Yes, sometimes I've actually forgotten to specifically say that I homeschool or have adopted or have allergies, which is the one piece of information they are looking for so am rejected. When I try again I've always been approved.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest WrestlerMom

I wonder if they have a home school DADS forum that my husband can join? He's the stay-at-home teacher, I do the extra-curricular stuff (like taking our daughter to wrestling tournaments).

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This is what they said:


Thank you for your interest in The Homeschool Lounge. It is with regret that we must decline your application at this time. If you think you've been declined in error, you can contact the administrator at administrator@thehomeschoollounge.com


If your membership was declined it was most likely for one or more of the following reasons...


• An incomplete profile, you did not fill out all of the required application questions.

• You are not a Homeschool Mom, our site is for Homeschooling moms or soon to be Homeschooling moms only, no men allowed, we do not allow the curious or those contemplating homeschooling at this time. We have these guidelines set in place for the safety and comfort of our members.

If you are contemplating homeschooling and need information there is a vast amount of information by simply searching "Homeschool Helps" or "Homeschool Starting Out" in any search engine.



If you have a family member on the site (such as your Daughter and you are the homeschooling grandmother) please send us the member name of your relative and we will approve your membership.




THL Admin


I wonder what I said to make them think I wasn't a homeschooling mom?!? :eek:


I find this very, very amusing. I think I may have answered some of the questions tongue-in-cheek. Maybe that was it? :rolleyes:


never mind, old post

Edited by Lizzie in Ma
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This is what they said:


Thank you for your interest in The Homeschool Lounge. It is with regret that we must decline your application at this time. If you think you've been declined in error, you can contact the administrator at administrator@thehomeschoollounge.com


If your membership was declined it was most likely for one or more of the following reasons...


• An incomplete profile, you did not fill out all of the required application questions.

• You are not a Homeschool Mom, our site is for Homeschooling moms or soon to be Homeschooling moms only, no men allowed, we do not allow the curious or those contemplating homeschooling at this time. We have these guidelines set in place for the safety and comfort of our members.

If you are contemplating homeschooling and need information there is a vast amount of information by simply searching "Homeschool Helps" or "Homeschool Starting Out" in any search engine.



If you have a family member on the site (such as your Daughter and you are the homeschooling grandmother) please send us the member name of your relative and we will approve your membership.




THL Admin


I wonder what I said to make them think I wasn't a homeschooling mom?!? :eek:


I find this very, very amusing. I think I may have answered some of the questions tongue-in-cheek. Maybe that was it? :rolleyes:


Sounds like you got standard form letter treatment. I had a similar experience with a hobby group but I did not pursue it further. Hope you get accepted without further hazing if you really want in the group.

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