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Would you remarry your husband now?

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We have only been married 12 years, but I can't say I'd want to do this again. Given some of the issues we are working through at the moment, I find it difficult to see myself choosing this again.


Maybe I'm not answering the question properly. Since we began counseling together on what was the thirteenth anniversary of our first date (yesterday) I can't see past the ol', "If I knew then what I know now..."

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We have really grown up together (we met when I was 13 and he was 12), so I can not imagine where my life would have taken us if we had not met each other. But yes, I love my husband more than I did when I was a 19 year old bride. He is a wonderful man who I would marry again in a heartbeat:001_wub:

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I'm with you and Jill in OK on this one. I've been trying to figure out how to even *think* about the question. But the problem I keep coming up against is that I am what I am today in large part *because* I married dh. Who would I have been if I hadn't married him? Would I have the same inclinations, desires, etc? I don't think so. He certainly would not be the same person either. I don't have the same expectations of marriage today as I had when I married at 21, neither does he. So...I find that I simply cannot answer the question.


But I will say that the idea of breaking in a new dh is one of the most frightening ideas I ever have.:D

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Absolutely!! In fact, we are way better suited for each other now than we were when we married 20 years ago!


I find him incredibly attractive, brilliant, hysterical, etc. He is my very best friend and our physical life sizzles.


I'd marry him all over again!:001_wub:

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Absolutely, positively marry him!! In a much shorter time!! Who needs a year for engagement?? :) Now if I were 25 again, I'd say give it a year to be engaged, but at 42...jump and enjoy!! I've got the perfect partner...we all have our ups and downs but there's no one I'd rather spend my life with.



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I thought of it this way... if I were still single, and met my husband now, was introduced to him at church as a new single man in the congregation, for example, and I observed him, got to know him, etc, would he be the kind of man I would be interested in?


Of course, I am still interested in the same qualities and things that I was looking for when I did meet him for the first time, and he still possesses those qualities, so that makes it easier. If my priorities had changed a great deal since then, or if dh had changed a great deal,it might be harder to compare.


Ultimately, it's not a scenario that any of us probably need to dwell on much, because we have the situation that we have, and that's that. But I have thought about it before, just out of curiosity.

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Yes, but that's one advantage of getting married older. I was pretty sure of what I wanted at that point--in a mature, not gaga over someone who wasn't appropriate for me sort of way.


However, I'm the sort of person who could easily live alone too. But, I could never imagine not having my kids.



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I thought of it this way... if I were still single, and met my husband now, was introduced to him at church as a new single man in the congregation, for example, and I observed him, got to know him, etc, would he be the kind of man I would be interested in?


Of course, I am still interested in the same qualities and things that I was looking for when I did meet him for the first time, and he still possesses those qualities, so that makes it easier. If my priorities had changed a great deal since then, or if dh had changed a great deal,it might be harder to compare.


Ultimately, it's not a scenario that any of us probably need to dwell on much, because we have the situation that we have, and that's that. But I have thought about it before, just out of curiosity.


Since I'm in the middle of a divorce I can answer this and not feel guilty now. Except for the birth of our son I would NEVER be interested in him now. I was 15 when he first began pursuing me and I was to young to comprehend the kind of person he really is.

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I don't think so. We married at 18 and are coming up on 23 years together.


I don't think I would be attracted to the man he's become and I don't think he'd be attracted to me (setting aside the fact that we'd be different people simply because we hadn't married each other). What was attractive and desirable at 18 isn't at all on my list at 40.

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We just celebrated 10 yrs in June, so maybe my answer will change in 5 more, & you can throw it out.




s1659568015_4906.jpg look at this guy. He'd buckle any girl's knees.


And as far as who he is? Well, he'd barely turned 20 when we married, & 10 yrs later, he has the same ideals but less...bachelorishness. I mean, he understands that some things are gross, he's smarter, makes more $.


Gosh, I was lucky enough *then* that I lost friends over marrying him. Now? Can you imagine how other women in this age bracket would be beating down his door? He cooks dinner, cleans house (not well), takes all 4 dc by himself, & would be *thrilled* to have as many dc as I wanted, if $ were no object, even if it meant less of the things he wants for himself.


There just aren't words for a man like this. I try not to talk about him much, because I hate to make other women feel bad. He's really that great. My only issue w/ remarrying him would be making sure I was first in line.


That is about the sweetest thing I have ever heard anyone say about their husband. He is as lucky as you are!

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Yes, I would!


Dh and I met in college, dated for a while, and stayed friends when we stopped dating.


We knew each other for a long time and were in our 30's when we got married. Although I wouldn't recommend to our children that they fall into a date/break-up pattern, maturity in both dh and dw does have benefits. :)


It is encouraging to read so many couples who married young still happily married!

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YES!!!! Marry him again in a heartbeat!! We've had our share of ups and downs -- but am so blessed to have hubby in my life!!


I married at the age of 19... he was 24. Back in 1987! However, I would like to change my wedding to a simple vows -- our wedding was a bit much. I wasn't a bridezilla... I had a MIL in charge of the wedding. No say in the matter. LOL

Edited by tex-mex
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