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How often do you eat beef or pork compared to chicken/poultry

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Concerning meat, we eat probably 80% chicken, and 10% turkey. I have to remind myself to get in some beef for the iron, and we occasionally eat pork.


The reason I'm asking is because there's so much negative talk about pork, and so many warnings about eating too much beef, that we've defaulted to chicken. We eat organically, but I'm referring here to health effects from the saturated fat.


How do the ratios work out in your house?

Edited by Blessedfamily
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I am not sure but we eat more beef and pork, I think. We eat chicken or turkey meals probably twice a week. About once a week we may eat vegetarian like mushroom pizza. I would like to be eating more fish but since it is expensive and two out of three children don't like it at all, we don't eat much. Once they leave, I plan to eat fish twice a week, chicken or turkey twice a week, and pork or beef three times a week.

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We rotate poultry, beef, pork (not ham, bacon, or sausage), bison, and occasionally lamb. (Very rarely do we have fish since neither ds nor I really like it.) I think the health risks of red meat are exaggerated, and I believe that many people need it more than the "experts" realize.

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We rotate poultry, beef, pork (not ham, bacon, or sausage), bison, and occasionally lamb. I think the health risks of red meat are exaggerated, and I believe that many people need it more than the "experts" realize.


This is a concern of mine, and one more thing on a long list of healthy eating questions.



I've never eaten lamb. I'd like more variety, but I'm squimish about trying new meats. My dh has eaten deer and rabbit, which I couldn't do.

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We eat too much hamburger--I'd say 2 meals a week, on average (less in the summer). We only eat pork roast or pork chops about once a month--only my husband really likes them. Other than those, we eat chicken, or have pasta salad, which has veggies, cheese and pasta, or have pizza.

Oh, and we eat salmon or other fish about 2ce a month--used to be more, but the troops mutinied.

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We raise our own beef, pork, goat and sometimes rabbit. We may purchase a lamb to butcher at the fair in september.


Our beef and pork is VERY lean. Sometimes, I have no fat to drain when I cook it ground. I trim all visible fat when cooking steaks, chops or roasts. There isn't that much.


Home raised domestic meat rabbit is delicious! and very nutrition. Our children love it. It really does taste like chicken and it's ALL white meat.


Goat meat is, pound for pound, the most comsumed meat in the world. It is also lean and nutritious. We are adding it to our diet this fall as we butcher our first market goat along with the lamb.


We have raised our own chicken in the past. We no longer do this because it is just not cost effective. The cost and labor to do it is just more then we feel is worth it considering how inexpensive chicken is.


We raise all our animals without hormones but do not buy organic feed.


In the fall, we will be having chicken about 2 X week, goat or lamb 1X week and beef or pork 4 X week with an occational rabbit thrown in there. We also don't eat fish because of the cost and health concerns.

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We eat organically raised beef or poultry 1 to 2 x's a week. I don't believe that either is healthier than the other, you can read up on that. There are lots of plant sources of iron. In fact eating a more vegetarian based diet helps in absorbing the iron.

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Our beef and pork is VERY lean. Sometimes, I have no fat to drain when I cook it ground. I trim all visible fat when cooking steaks, chops or roasts. There isn't that much.


Home raised domestic meat rabbit is delicious! and very nutrition. Our children love it. It really does taste like chicken and it's ALL white meat.




We buy our pork and beef from a local farmer. It is indeed lean and and fresh tasting! But since we aren't accustomed to eating them, we only need to buy once a month. I'm considering changing that.


Now, I cannot eat Brer Rabbit or Bambi. Just can't work it out mentally, no matter what DH says about how good it is.

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we eat 2 nights beef, 1 chx, 1 pork, 1 left overs (anything) 1 vegetarian....I only eat a tiny bit of whatever the meat is, about 2 oz, then veg, veg, veg


I give the little kids a 4oz portion and the older ones and dh about 6 oz...always make 2 veg. and serve salad with every meal (mostly)


ps I love pork! Just need to avoid all meat fat products :)

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We eat beef or chicken regularly. I grew up on a cattle farm. Meat is essential to a meal and beef was always prefered (plus, it was cheap for us & readily available). We tend to split the week about 50/50 with the 2... but do add pork (mostly at breakfast).


We have pork chops when on sale and we eat bacon several mornings a week. We MUST have bacon! Don't touch turkey unless as deli meat & never eat lamb or goat meat (they are just foreign foods to us).


Lots & lots of eggs & milk too!

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I live in Iowa and my SO works at a pork processing plant LOL so we definetely eat pork here. We roughly eat 2-3 chicken meals and 3-4 pork meals a week. We eat beef roughly once a week (my son eats lamb instead as beef doesn't agree with his stomach). I LOVE fish but I haven't really found fish that I want to buy since moving here. If I do, I'll add in one meal of fish as well. I really don't do meatless dinners. This is only taking consideration of dinner though. We do bacon or sausage for breakfast occasionally, deli meat for lunch, etc.

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For my meat-eating family members:


Ground beef (96% lean, grassfed), maybe once every two weeks (during meat-allowed seasons).


Chicken breast or ground turkey breast, maybe three times per week (during meat-allowed seasons). Occasionally they eat "badly" and enjoy chicken sausage with their pancakes !


Pork = never


Lamb = only at Pascha, if somebody is serving it where we happen to be.

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For my meat-eating family members:


Ground beef (96% lean, grassfed), maybe once every two weeks (during meat-allowed seasons).


Chicken breast or ground turkey breast, maybe three times per week (during meat-allowed seasons). Occasionally they eat "badly" and enjoy chicken sausage with their pancakes !


Pork = never


Lamb = only at Pascha, if somebody is serving it where we happen to be.


I've seen you comment several times about not eating meat during some times of the year, and wanted to ask more about it. Is this for religious reasons? If so, would you mind explaining more?


Oh, we eat beef 2 to 1 over all other meats combined. We raise beef cattle. Our cattle are finished on a high forage diet, but we don't fatten them heavily. Our ground beef will not stick to a pan, but there will not be any fat to drain. Steaks & roasts are marbled, but very little to trim off the outside. Our skinny 10 year old GS thinks the cooked fat is as good as a treat as he can get, all things in moderation!

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*sigh* It used to be about 3:1 chicken to beef around here. Now, because I'm actually intolerant to chicken, it's a lot tougher. Each week we probably have 2 vegetarian meals, 2 beef, 1 pork, and 2 of whatever else I happen to be fixing (fish or any of the other categories). Once in a while I can throw in chicken, and turkey is fine but does have a different flavor which makes it harder to use. When my dad goes hunting in the fall, sometimes he'll let us go in on the processing and we'll get some venison, but that doesn't happen every year. He's gotta get more than one animal for that to be an option.

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Concerning meat, we eat probably 80% chicken, and 10% turkey. I have to remind myself to get in some beef for the iron, and we occasionally eat pork.


The reason I'm asking is because there's so much negative talk about pork, and so many warnings about eating too much beef, that we've defaulted to chicken. We eat organically, but I'm referring here to health effects from the saturated fat.


How do the ratios work out in your house?



Definitely more beef and pork (from our own animals). I can't stand eating chicken, unless it's really, really, really well disguised, and I'm allergic to fish and shellfish.


But, as a ratio for meals... in an average week, about 2/3 of meals have some quantity of beef and pork, about 1/3 will be meatless, with a smattering of poultry (maybe) in there somewhere just to appease the guys.

Edited by Audrey
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I'd say on average we eat organic beef, chicken and pork once each per week. The rest is fish, seafood, or meatless (beans, lentils). I tend to choose either pork sausage to add to tomato sauce for spaghetti or pork tenderloin in some kind of sauce. Beef is either stewing beef or flank steak for burritos. We eat a lot of salmon, trout, and shrimp, depending on what's on sale.

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We eat about equal amounts of all three (Dh and the kids do anyway, I've been vegan for about a month.). We rarely eat fish and when we do it's usually wild caught salmon.


According to my Fitday software, 1 oz of lean roast beef has about 56 calories and 2 g fat. Chicken breast (skinless) has 55 calories and 2 g fat per ounce. They both have 1 g saturated fat. That gives them both about 32% calories from fat. All things being equal, chicken is usually cheaper, but it's just not significantly healthier.

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We don't eat a lot of meat. Usually chicken, pork, and salmon once a week, and beef once a month. The kids also eat some meat for their lunches - uncured hot dogs, chicken taquitos or chicken tamales from Trader Joe's. We have a lot of vegetarian meals, though.

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I occasionally order something in a restaurant with meat, and when I do, I am more fond of beef and sea food than of chicken. Since I eat very little meat, when I do eat it, I eat exactly what I want. I like how good beef tastes. I am trying to keep my animal protein intake at lower than 10%. I think I went over that this week, but I try.


I never really thought about iron content but I don't think iron is a problem for me. I do eat a lot of beans and soy products. I just googled "iron rich foods" and it looks like I am reasonably covered.

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Probably about 75% beef, 15% chicken and 10% pork (usually as bacon or sausage).


I will add that I've had delicious lamb, and I've had very dry, not-so-good lamb (different people made it). I don't like fish, so I don't eat that. I've had elk sausage once, and that was sooo good! I've also enjoyed venison sausage, but only get it rarely from a relative now. My parents raised rabbits for a while, and I remember the rabbit meat being very tough, but I'm sure it depends on how it's cooked. I'm sure it could be good. I'm not much of a fan of pork chops but like other parts of the pig. :-)


I'd love to try other meats.

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