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Wedding gift you wish you had received...

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Well, we were poor young students at the time of our wedding, so cold hard cash was our favorite gift. :D And we really did value the thoughtful cards with a personal story of early married life or a memory associated with us. :)



for under $40? I need gift ideas as the couple is not registered, live out of town and aren't saying what they might need.... Thanks! Janet
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Darn. I was all set to type 'down payment for a house' and then I saw the whole $40 bit. Hmmmm.....Well, some folks are against cash for gifts....but it has never once offended me. :) Probably depends on how well you know them. I don't usually gift cash only to close friends or relatives.


If I don't know them well, and dont' want to give cash, I find crystal wine glasses are always a hit. Or beautiful picture frames....

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Pitchers (for water, iced tea, etc)

Casual silverware


We registered for china, crystal, nicer silverware -- but we totally forgot to think about everyday silverware or pitchers. So, those thoughtful folks who gave us those items, even though we had neglected to register for them, are remembered to this day. :)

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My parents told folks who asked that we had no furniture and we could use cash. Many didn't ask and we got some things that were really personally chosen, instead of just picked off a list. We very much loved the cash, though. We didn't take a honeymoon, and it was a small wedding. I don't know why cash wouldn't be appreciated. I thought that custom of dancing with the bride for a buck was supposed to raise some cash. Horrid custom, by the way, :rolleyes: , but the need for money is real, and it certainly is the easiest thing.

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Candlesticks. Pretty candles.


I had a friend tell everyone to get me things of beauty; she told them I would get what I needed for myself but that I wouldn't buy beautiful things. I was so glad for her telling them that. I've been married 26 years now, and when I pull out one of the beautiful things I got, I think of the person who gave it. But I've long-ago tossed the measuring cups and slotted spoons.


Excellent advice! And very true. I have some candlesticks that just thrill me to death when I have a chance to use the. Same with a pair of ridiculously expensive wine goblets what we use 2-3 times a year. There is much to be said for beauty - even when it doesn't seem practical.

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Candlesticks. Pretty candles.


I had a friend tell everyone to get me things of beauty; she told them I would get what I needed for myself but that I wouldn't buy beautiful things. I was so glad for her telling them that. I've been married 26 years now, and when I pull out one of the beautiful things I got, I think of the person who gave it. But I've long-ago tossed the measuring cups and slotted spoons.


I was all set for agreeing with the measuring spoons, cookbooks, etc. However, this is a very good point. My crystal pieces that I received as a wedding gift are things I still own and I *do* think about those people, some of whom are no longer with us. Of course, I bought my best friend a fish cookie jar that she still owns but I knew she would love it. So, yes, things that are lasting that will make a connection, I love that idea.

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One of my friends got married about 2 years after I did.


I got her a clothes hamper filled with:

paper towels, dish soap, laundry detergent... there was more but this was a long time ago :)


Stuff like that. Things you don't normally get and NEED to buy.

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for under $40? I need gift ideas as the couple is not registered, lives out of town and aren't saying what they might need.... Thanks! Janet


One thing I have loved for years has been a "Christmas Memory" book. It had pages on which to record 20 Christmases - who was there, how we celebrated, what we ate, special presents, a family photo, the card we sent out. I love it.

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My mom is attending a bridal shower this week and is giving a good stick blender. I think it was around $50, but she had the 20% off coupon for Linens and Things (which is always floating around somewhere online or in the mailbox). So it was right around that $40 mark. She is big fan of these recently - awesome for making soups and such, making smoothies, mixing sauces, etc. She bought me one for my birthday and I really like it!


I also second any other kitchen gagetry! We've been married 10 years and there's so many things we've picked up for ourselves along the way that would have made life easier right from the start - 15"x10" baking pan with lid (use it all the time!), 2 crock pots, bundt cake pan and round cake carrier, tons of utensils like bread knives, measuring cups/spoons, etc. Hey, maybe a Pampered Chef gift or certificate? Let me know if you want the name a PC person - my friend sells it.


Anyway, have fun and GL! Let us know what you decide on! :-) - Stacey in MA

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We received an ice chest with blue "freezer thingies", and a few picnic items (plastic containers that fit in the ice chest, 2 bamboo plate holders to put the paper plates in, 2 plastic cups). We used that for years.


We received a lovely photo album. The person happened to be a one of my wedding showers, so she filled the first few pages with photos from that shower.


We received a lovely glass pitcher (from the potteries near Williamsburg).


28 years later, I still use 2 of these, and remember the person who gave them.


What I give now (dh works at a college, and we get invited to everyone's wedding) - a set of 11 X 13 casserole (Pyrex type) dishes with some of my favorite recipes on recipe cards for the young bride to make. Usually if we go to a wedding, the kids have been to our home for several visits and know some of my favorites are worth trying.

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I think what you give depends on teh couple. We were literally starting from scratch, both of us lived at home until we got married....We got some crystal vases, candlesticks and beautiful Picture Frames, and 7 electic skillets (we did not register for one at all!). While the stuff was nice, at that time we had NO use for it at all. We returned it and finished out our flatware and every day dish set, and bought some other needed items. (curtains, bed pillows, knife set, etc). But again, we were 22, young and naive (and really didn't have refined taste!)


I do have a couple of friends who were older when they got married. They had lived on their own and were not in the survival mode that we were in. They received some crystal, picture frames and such, and displayed them beautifully. (I still don't know what I would do with candelsticks, I've tried different types a couple of times and it just doesn't work for us!!)

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Well, if the people getting married have lived alone, or are older than 'still living at home' age, I would get them something beautiful, like crystal, china, or a nice wall hanging. If the couple is young or they have been living at home, I would get a gift card to Target, Wal-Mart, Linens n' Things, etc.


The reason I say this is because I was 18 and dh was 24 when we got married, and we had both been living at home. There were tons of basic things we needed and didn't have...we actually had to go to Wal-Mart and buy shower curtains, trash cans, bath mats, etc. the night we came home from our honeymoon, because we hadn't even considered needing them. Young people often find out they need things through trial and error, and starting out from scratch can be very expensive when you're both young and in college.

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I received a "completed scrapbook" no pictures but highlighted holidays and events of the year so all I had to do was add pictures. We loved that.


I also received a ton of various shapes, sizes and styles of picture frames...it was super cool.


A large crockpot with recipes for slow cooker meals....IMO, Everyone could use a crockpot and if they didn't register they may not get one.


You could do a laundry basket with laundry detergent, stain remover, softener, bleach, etc.


A mixer with baking items.


A big vase with beautiful flowers and maybe a gift card to a florist for another bouquet of flowers.


A cleaning basket with household cleaners. Or a pail with items in it.


My sister always cross stitches a sampler with the last name on it...it is always appreciated.


Good luck,


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I've given a few couples a picnic set - it comes in a basket or backpack and has the plates, cups, silverware, etc already inside. Some even include a picnic blanket. You can find them at places like Target or Bed Bath & Beyond, but they're seasonal so I'm not sure exactly when they're out.


Or if they like coffee, you could put together a basket with mugs, a grinder & a few packages of really good coffee (or tea). A small fondue set and fondue cookbook was one of my favorite gifts, even though we rarely use it.

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Nice windchime for outside.


Galileo thermometer -- these used to be super-expensive, but I think you can get a nice one these days for $30-$40.


One of the most unique things we got as a wedding gift was an assortment of movie videos (from a movie-buff coworker) -- kind of fun & unique. Or, you could send some music cds as a variation on this.


I'd say no on picture frames & vases too. We just got way too many of them.


Someone mentioned a very basic cookbook -- Fannie Farmer's cookbook is great for that (my mom gave me one, lol). I won't admit how many times I had to look up how long to boil an egg before I finally remembered! Anyway, it's been useful (but I still don't like to cook).


If they have a fireplace or live somewhere where it has cooler weather, maybe a nice mantle box w/ long matches, etc... (?)


Another thing we got (but never used) was a backpack picnic set. Could be a nice idea for the right couple.

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