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What kind of cell phone do you use?

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We are in the market. Our phones are ancient.


Everyone we know has an iphone- we're just not sure we need that much stuff on our phone. I get it, really. They are fun, fun, fun. But do I really need to Crazy 8 or pop bubbles when I'm out and about? :D


So my big decision is whether to get a "data" phone (online capability, right?) or just a plain ol' calling phone.


I think having a GPS would be cool. And being able to look up something online would be helpful at times, but I'm not sure I need it. It would be great to send an email while waiting at the doctor's office. But I am generally annoyed with people who are constantly looking down at their phones, oblivious to those around them, including their children, and I don't want to become like that.


I don't do my planning on a PDA, but I've seen some cool reminder options on these new phones.


The fact is, I think it is the way of the future. I don't want to be anti-technology.




Thanks for your input.



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I have a Samsung Highnote, which I like, but it is more of a music phone than a data phone.


My dh just got a Palm pre, which he likes very much. He's a tech guy and uses it for business. He's still discovering all the gadgets on it. You can put personal reminders that show up when that person calls. Like when my ds calls him a reminder of ds' birthday pops up.


We have Sprint for a provider. Both phones are internet capable and dh's pulls up real web pages, not just the phone versions.

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Is there any reason to get an iPhone if you aren't going to pay for internet service? What kinds of things could I do with it? My contract is up and I wouldn't mind upgrading my phone.


I don't think you can get the iphone without paying for the data service unless you buy it without a contract or an unlocked one. AT&T required me to sign up for a data plan when I got mine last year.


And sorry Jo, I'm not much help as I have an iphone and love it. Prior to getting my iphone, I had an Audiovox smart phone which I liked as I could sync it up with my Outlook. I think if I was looking to get a new phone and didn't want an iphone, I would look at some of the smart phones/pda type.

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so I don't want to bring it with me, LOL! I have a 2 1/2 year old phone....and LOVE IT. It was the first cellphone I purchased (Samsung flip phone SCH-A850) I really do not care for the slim phones.....too easy to lose, LOL.

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i'd love an iPhone but the requirement of having a $30 a month data plan is a deal breaker for my budget. i am quite fond of my sony ericsson z750a. it is my go-to device for alarm clock, watch, quick calendar check, timer, stopwatch, quick pictures and videos, and FM radio. oh, it's also a phone. for more detailed needs i have a Palm TX that has wifi capability if i'm in a free wifi spot. an iPhone would eliminate a device in my pocket but it's just not going to happen.

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I've taught IT at local community colleges for over ten years, have a side business updating web pages for people, and have owned various cell phones for 20 years and worked with computers for 30 years. I bought a new phone in April when my old one died and it has a few more bells-and-whistles, but I bought a mid-range one only because I liked the display better and found it easier to use. And I have no interest in a Blackberry or iPhone.


I decided probably a decade ago that I would choose when to use technology, not the other way around. When I am talking to someone in person, I don't want my cell phone ringing unless it's truly urgent. I really don't need to constantly monitor my emails/IM's, and the reality is that I don't need constant internet access either. I realize that some people do need or like all of that, but I've managed to be a mom and keep up with a part-time IT career without being constantly at the call of technology. :001_smile:


Call me a luddite...

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I have a Palm Centro, dh has a Treo.



We love the Palm format. My favorite is the ability to keep my calendar with me at all times. It is wonderful!


Same here. My dh and I both have the Centro and I love it!! I got one two years ago because I had three calendars, none of which were synced, and none with me when I needed them. LOL. I sync my calendar and I am never mixed up anymore, which is saying alot. I think the ability to have my calendar and email come to me when I am away is worth the expense and the extra features.


I'll probably get a Palm Pre soon, but I just love a new gadget. We are a cell phone family and I like being free to roam without having to wait for a call, email, etc. I think you have to look at your lifestyle and get something that works for you, not you having to work for it. For me, I can still hold down a part-time job from home, home educate and go on a field trip if I am assessable. It all depends on your lifestyle.

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We are in the market. Our phones are ancient.


Everyone we know has an iphone- we're just not sure we need that much stuff on our phone. I get it, really. They are fun, fun, fun. But do I really need to Crazy 8 or pop bubbles when I'm out and about? :D


So my big decision is whether to get a "data" phone (online capability, right?) or just a plain ol' calling phone.


I think having a GPS would be cool. And being able to look up something online would be helpful at times, but I'm not sure I need it. It would be great to send an email while waiting at the doctor's office. But I am generally annoyed with people who are constantly looking down at their phones, oblivious to those around them, including their children, and I don't want to become like that.


I don't do my planning on a PDA, but I've seen some cool reminder options on these new phones.


The fact is, I think it is the way of the future. I don't want to be anti-technology.




Thanks for your input.




I have a BlackBerry Storm. I only have it because my work gave it to me. It does phone, email, text, internet, sms, and has GPS and several cool apps including Google maps (very helpful when I'm on the road) and it sychs with my Outlook, has a voice memo and plays mp3s, takes very good pictures, all that cool stuff and more.


I do love it because it basically lets me take my office with me anywhere. I also hate it for the same reason (anyone can get hold of me no matter where I am). I've been quite spoiled by it now. It helps me keep my personal and business life coordinated.


Oh, and I am the LAST person anyone would think would have a BlackBerry and even remotely like it.

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Dh bought me the new iPhone 3Gs. It's the first time in forever that I have a form of technology that is not A) dh's hand-me-down or B) El Cheapo. It's bigger than my bare-bones cell phone I replaced, but otherwise it's great! Since we recently moved, the maps are really helpful. I'm anxiously awaiting the GPS app that will give the turn-by-turn directions. I also keep my friends/family's contact info on it. It also has a built in iPod. Dh likes to read books on his, kinda like a Kindle.


I vote that you should get the iPhone.

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I looked at an iPhone a few months ago. The monthly data fee kept me from getting one.


I do have an LG Shine (ATT provider.) It is a 3G phone, but I choose not to add the ten dollar a month internet access fee. I just wait until I'm home to hit the boards or update my Facebook status.


I wanted a lightweight, reliable phone with a QWERTY keyboard for the small amount of texting I do. The shine does it all well. I've used the camera. The phone also has MP3 capabilities that I still need to explore.

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I currently have a BlackJack II and I like it - however, the middle button breaks easily, but I can still use it because I just hit the enter button on the keyboard. For my next phone, I will pick one with a heartier main button - I love the raised ball ones that they have on the Blackberry.


That being said - my plan is expensive. We have AT&T and pay between $200 and $210 per month for unlimited text/data plus 1400 minutes that my son and I share. He only has a crappy phone that doesn't have internet that he can only call and text from, but the only option is "media" which includes internet, so it is kind of a waste for him.


I LOVE having internet access, as well as utilizing google maps on the fly. And checking email, etc. However, I am considering going back to Virgin Mobile when my contract is up, because I am trying to save money. It all depends on how my new job goes. I think I would have an easier time giving up my car than my cell phone haha.

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BlackBerry Curve 8310 LOVE LOVE LOVE it.

Data package is awesome, and the GPS is just SO helpful. I work three part-time jobs (teach adult ed. in two districts and do consulting work for the state dept. of ed) and I find the calendar/planner to be indespensible.


Happy shopping!


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BlackBerry Storm, here, too. And I love it. And I fall into the group of people least likely to want/love one.


I don't play games and I'm really not into the apps (though there are some that I can see would be really awesome to have if they would be the sort of thing you'd use on your pc), but I love the Google apps (gmail, calendar synch, maps), the MP3 player, being able to answer emails on the fly... I was even surfing here, earlier. (I may have a little problem :tongue_smilie:)


eta: Oh, and you can check Library Thing while you're in the bookstore for your wishlist or to see if you already own what you're about to buy. It's a homeschooling tool!! (I take friends to piano with us for their lesson and email their assignments to mom while I'm sitting there, too.)

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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My friend just got an iphone and it's pretty cool...but there is no way I'd pay for the additional service on top of phone service (my mom has a blackberry and I wouldn't do that either).


BTW, my Vu and my children's Propels (and whatever my hubby has) is faster on the web than my mom's blackberry. We do pay for unlimited data as it's cheaper than what my hubby used practically accidentally.


Anyway, I like having teh ability to take pics. I use my phone's alarm regularly. I sometimes use the stopwatch. I like playing with the world clock. I text OFTEN. I sometimes use the CV to watch episodes of this or that while waiting in the car for people.


Oh, btw, I hate my phone. It's a touch phone and I would much prefer the propel. I generally think I would like hubby's phone but it is nice to have a full keyboard like the propel (and mine will allow me to use the full keyboard also though it's all on the screen and I regularly hit the space instead of the b or n).


Anyway, I would just think about what you do and get a phone that makes that easy. And I'd think carefully about a phone that requires additional service.

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Here's a link to a recent thread I started about Google Android. It is the open source community's answer to the iPhone. If you are on T-Mobile already, there are great deals available. MomsintheGarden has one of these phones with unlimited voice, unlimited data and 400 text messages each month for $70.00/month. This is slightly more than half of what she would pay for a similarly-equipped iPhone.

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