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After Home Schooling?

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We were doing some projections the other day on college costs for my 10 year old daughter and I realized that I would be an obsolete homeschool teacher in 8 years. Which will go by pretty quick Has any one thought about retooling themselves to earn some money when the home schooling ride is over? I worked in sales mostly in the computer technology field before this gig and I would guess things have changed a bit and I'd probably like to do something else.


Two industries that are doing well during this recession are education and alcoholic beverages. So people are either going back to school or going to the bar!


Anyone taking a look out there?

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I have. I'll probably stay in the teaching field, but I think I'd like to do more curriculum development or advising homeschoolers from my vast experience (TIC!).

Or maybe just not have a career after all, and volunteer as a bible study leader or open my home more or pet sit or just enjoy my grandchildren...

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We are older (not old!) parents. I have seven more years before college. I hope my dh can be semi-retired, he wants to fish and I want to write full time. We'd also like to have an RV and travel more. Ideally we want to do that before ds leaves home too.

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I expect to be a lawyer employed in some gainful capacity before we're done homeschooling. Once all the kids are grown and out of the house, I want to do what I couldn't when I graduated college because I had a toddler: join the Peace Corps!

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Two industries that are doing well during this recession are education and alcoholic beverages.


Funny, my husband and I were just talking about the fact that even in a recession, folks still seem to have enough money to buy a six-pack.


The subject came up because a local beverage distributor, a client of our small photography company, retained us again this year to photograph an event for which they flew in a NASCAR driver. They are our only client who has asked for an increase in our services this year.

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I will be done hs'ing sometime within seven years, but I also teach art part time at a private classical school and have art students that I teach privately as well. This helps me keep things in balance at home while also having a connection to what I want to do up ahead.


I love to teach, whether its just my daughter at home or a whole class. My hope is that eventually I'll have more hours at the school and more private students. (The private students are mostly homeschool kids that we know in the area, so that is cool.)


Our hope is that DH will semi-retire in seven years and I will increase the teaching for hire.




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This coming year will be my last year for homeschooling. I am working part time in social work, and have for 17 years, but the particular field I am in is not doing well. So I am not sure if I will be able to continue in it or branch out some. Then again, at first, I think I want to rest - lol!



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We've been thinking about this a lot lately...


Our oldest leaves for college after next year. Our youngest will head out 4 years after that (with a middle one in between). Once they all leave (or maybe once they are all finished with college and associated bills), then we're thinking of heading out to third world countries to use hubby's skills as a Civil Engineer where they might be needed there - short term from 1 month to 6 months or so - and traveling in between assignments - either by RV or sailboat.


If I need to work to pay college bills first, I'll go from part time to full time in our local high school.

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Well I guess I'm not alone in contemplating the next stage but the answers are certainly varied. We've talked about finding some part time work in different parts of the country but we really enjoy our community. It's nice having a local support group.


Perhaps a small business or maybe a different career. I think we'll be looking at a very different world in 8 years. If I knew what it is going to look like I'd tell you!

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I've thought about this, too. I've gone to college in bits and pieces, but have never finished my degree, so that would probably be my first priority. I might get a job, if it's something I love . . . and WAY down the road, when hubby retires, I want to travel lots!!! :001_smile:

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Mine are still young so I have a loooooooooooong time, but I am keeping up my massage therapy license and am a VERY part time practicing doula and childbirth educator..... Once my kids are older, I might go back and start getting the requirements to become a lactation consultant and may eventually decide to persue midwifery.

I just try and stay active and involved in things so that I won't have huge gaps in personal enrichment activities :)

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I already am "post hsing" although I have one yet to graduate (she is at the CC, pretty much fulltime). So, I am teaching in a classical Christian school, 6-8 math and science. It's a lovely transition from hsing. Small class sizes, classical model, and a great staff of coworkers who encourage me to read, study, think and learn, as well as be a great teacher. I will be the 8th grade homeroom teacher this year--and have a tiny little class of five students. It's amazing, actually. :)

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I've still got 15 years left before I'll be done homeschooling. My previous job was in publishing, but I've been home already for 9 years.


I'd like to work at a bookstore. I've got to get a few more hours to work before I can collect the pennies from Social Security, so while I don't plan on ever having a career, I do want to do something I would enjoy to get those hours.

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I have 9 years left and am also an older (not old) mom. I hope to travel with my dh and enjoy grandchildren once I am through homeschooling.


My future daughter-in-law (she and my son are getting married next August) was helping me make copies for school next year and someone asked her if she was going to homeschool her kids. She said, "No, she is" pointing to me. :001_smile: We'll see.

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I have 16 years before my current youngest graduates, and who knows if I will have more kids or not in that time. That said, I think that if I do not have more children that by the time she is in middle school I will have returned to work at least p/t in a hospital or LTC setting in some capacity(I have schooled to be a unit clerk, but have experience in other areas), and then once all the kids are graduated will beef it up into fulltime work.

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Dh and I started having our children young and may continue having children, in which case we won't be done homeschooling until we're in our late 40's or early 50's. I've always wanted to be a nurse or a midwife, so that is what I will pursue if the need/opportunity comes up. People will always be having babies or getting sick, so the medical field is a good one to go into. ;)


I think homeschooling grandchildren would also be great!

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