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I Turned a *Half Century* Old Today~

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Happy Happy Birthday to you!

You'll have a great day to!


Pardon the Blue's Clues song. I can't remember the rest of it - probably because I am almost 1/2 century too:001_smile:


It is amazing to think about - isn't it!? I hope middle age has been a smooth transition for you. It can be pretty rough.


Enjoy your special day and rejoice you made it to such a landmark!!


Happy Birthday and many more!!!

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Happy Birthday! :party::party::party:

50's aren't much different than 40's ... so far. I'm 53, don't wear glasses, only a stray gray hair or two, feel great. You'll be fine, I imagine.


The way I see it we're only at the halfway point when we hit 50 these days. Just think what you can do with 50 more years, knowing what you know now! ;)




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Your smilies are too hilarious! I'm only about 3 years behind you! :eek: I'm shocked at my age on an almost daily basis! I only feel about 25!


Here's a hug for consolation





And best wishes for a Happy Birthday!:party::party:

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Happy Birthday!!





You are not alone. I, along with some other older (not old) moms are here on the board to hold your hand if you need it.


Hey, the best is yet to come! Just remember, every age has its perks!!




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I wanted to thank you all so much for your inspiring well-wishes! I actually had a nice, peaceful day...took my daughters out for a Mexican lunch and they even brought us a huge taco salad shell full of ice cream and cherries and whipped cream...so we ate our dessert first! In the afternoon I painted my toenails a lovely cherry red, and acted like a queen the rest of the day. :D Now that the *official* day is behind me, I can get on with living. Thanks again for the support!

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