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I must NOT get seasick! Please help :)

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I had never been seasick, airsick and I was occasionally carsick at a certain around 12 - 13yrs old. However, about 3 years ago we were in Hawaii and several friends joined us in renting a good size boat (yacht?). We had the owner take us out to enjoying the view and watch the sunset. I was sick from soon after we pulled out until we got back. Ugh! I actually threw up from not long after we cleared the bay until just as we were coming back in.


This time I've found out we are invited to join another group that I definitely do NOT want to miss. One man has renting a catamaran and we are taking it out and snorkeling, playing, cooking out on a beach, watching the sunset, etc It's going to be an all day thing. I can NOT get sick this time! Oh, it is in Hawaii again and it's in about 3 - 4 weeks.


I'm at least moderately sensitive to medicines. The rare occasions I've needed true prescription pain meds we have to make it child's dose and I'm still often out like a light soon. :) I'm about 100 lbs.


ALSO, on this same trip we are taking a 3 hour helicopter tour over the volcanoes. It'll be close quarters with another couple we are friends with. With all that swooping and moving, I'm worried. I don't want to make a fool of myself. :) But, I don't want to be passed out either.


PLEASE HELP ME!! Thoughts?? Suggestions?? Please??


Thank you!

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Can you try non-drowsy dramamine? I would also look into those sea-bands, I keep those handy and use them in combo in dramamine. They will work on the road okay for me but I have to fly while medicated.


I have terrible motion sickness and even got nauseous while trying to boogie board in Costa Rica, that was loads of fun. :glare:

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I am very sensitive to motion and I always get sick in anything that moves. The only thing that I have found to work are those pressure point bracelets. Also I would try to get some natural anti nasea pills, for example ginger pills. They helped me alot when I had morning sickness. Good luck and have fun.

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I am THE QUEEN of motion sickness. I even get car sick when I'm driving myself!


I highly recommend Bonine. It is an over the counter, similar to Dramamine but with a different active ingredient. It doesn't make me drowsy at all, and both of my children have taken it, too, as there are recommended doses for children on the box. So, your tiny body should do fine with it, should you choose to try. :-)


I know other people swear by the sea sickness watch that sends electrical impulses into a pressure point on your wrist, but I've never tried it because the good ones are pricey ($100+) and the Bonine has always worked fine for me. The one memorable time I forgot to take it was in Hawaii, on a chartered boat. MAN was I sick!!!!!!

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Well, I guess you know about Dramamine, but you are right, that can make you very sleepy. I think there's another one for motion sickness these days, but I can't remember the name of it. There are also sea bands for the wrists which you can usually pick up in a health food store or dive shop. They apply a gentle accupuncture-like pressure to the proper point on the inner wrists that is supposed to supress motion sickness. I have heard mixed results, but if they work for you, it's money well spent.


Skip anything acidic for breakfast (no coffee, oj or bacon). Do eat a balance of carbs and protein so your stomach will not be empty. Have some good snacks on hand, like graham crackers with peanut butter, granola, and my own personal out-on-a-boat favorite combination, fresh plums and chocolate chip kudos bars.


I don't know what do say about the helicopter, but when you are on the catamaran, getting off the boat and into the water should ease any symptoms of sea sickness. Don't forget that sunscreen when snorkeling, it is soooo easy to get a nasty burn on your back and back of legs when you are face down in the cool water. SPF 10 gazillion (or dive skin).


Most of all, if you do feel queasy, don't talk about it. Nothing will make your stomach feel worse than sitting around dishing with a gang of people about how nauseated you feel. It is possible to toss breakfast over the railing with grace, just have your space scoped out, and if the need arises, quickly & quietly make your way there and take care of business. I would be surprised if the skipper had never seen such a thing before.


Bring along a little hotel bottle of mouthwash and some gum, just in case.


I think you are going to have a marvelous time!


ETA: Bonine!That's it! Preferred by many scuba divers I've cruised with.... lots of folks were replying all at once!

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You have plenty of suggestions for what to do about the motion sickness, but I just wanted to warn you about the helicopter.


Riding in a helicopter is the ONLY time I have ever been motion sick. It is so different from an airplane, even a small airplane. It feels like you are suspended and swinging from a "string" above the helicopter. I will never ride in a helicopter again. Just an FYI.

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Actually, I did get sick right toward of the beginning of the trip. However, it wasn't until I went down into the boat to check it out. It hit me within a minute of being downstairs. My husband was the same way. He went down later but was fine until he did. I'll remember that. :)


Sounds like I'm going to find a dr (don't have one) one maybe a light prescription, find this Bonine, find this non-drowsy Benendryl, and get some ginger tablets.


I should have my bases covered. :) I'll try the ones I can before I go and see how they affect me in the sleepiness category. Thank you all so much for your thoughts and suggestions! I'm still nervous at least I have things to try!




Stay outside, where you can see the water. Barefoot if possible. Stay cold, strip off extra layers. Don't eat anything really rich, but don't let yourself get hungry.


Have fun!

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but the one time I did, I was on a launch in a storm and could not see the horizon because the windows were covered with raindrops and steam.


I find for me the key is to be able to look out a long way--toward the horizon--on either boats or planes. Also, eating soda crackers just beforehand is perfect as they are bland but not sickening. Having Tums along is good--I prefer the chalky white ones. I have heard that chewing on spearmint leaves is also helpful, but have never tried it. It's really, really important not to think about throwing up, and not to watch anyone else do it.

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I've suffered from every kind of motion sickness there is my entire life. Dramamine works but can make you drowsy and have other side effects. Sea bands have never worked. The only thing that works for me every time (car, air, sea) is ginger. I now use ginger capsules for everything motion related and never get sick any more. I can even read in the car on very long rides without a problem. I just take two about half an hour before we leave and every four hours.

Edited by joannqn
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