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I am *never* going to make progress until I get over my cheese addiction.

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Hmmm, if I just don't buy cheese at the grocery, and manage to stay out of Mexican restaurants, it gets a lot easier....!!!


Honestly, it was only recently that I realized how much cheese I consumed. Great dairy, but too much goes to my hips!

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Mmmmmmmmmmmm, Cheeeese.


Oh. That's probably not very helpful, is it? (:lol:)


Seriously, maybe you can cut back but not cut it all out? Or are you an all or nothing kinda gal? I have my own foodie addictions (mostly emotional eating) that are not healthy--I'm in the "precontemplation" stage, getting to the contemplation stage, so I do understand. If you truly want to give it up, I salute you. Hang in there.

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That is all.

(vent over)


Friend to friend, drop the cheese.


I never ever ever would have thought I could or would want to. But since I recently started eliminating all meat and dairy products from my diet, and CAN NOT TELL YOU how much better I feel. I'm not even trying to diet - I think I eat all kinds of fattening things (healthy fats only!) and I am losing weight. I don't crave them at all, and somehow I've sort of lost my taste for some of the other junk - refined carbs - that I used to eat. I wasn't even really trying to do that, but it just happened.


I started eating just fruit for breakfast - nothing else until lunch. I feel better all morning - smarter, quicker, brighter and more in control of myself. Then I eat whatever I want for lunch, but I am finding that more and more, I want the salad and vegetables, the legumes and avocados and all the "good stuff" that I used to think about eating before I gave into the grilled cheese.


It's strange, but in the last couple of weeks, I have pretty much eliminated all dairy and meat and I don't even miss it. I also eliminated diet sodas, and I do sort of miss them:)


Take the plunge. Try two weeks with no cheese or dairy at all and just see how it makes you feel. I honestly believe that we are all different and the diet that feels right for me may not feel right for anyone else, but I'm amazed and just how "right" I feel on a plant based diet.

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I recently started eliminating all meat and dairy products from my diet,

Did you notice my sig line?

I'm a dairy farmer's wife!! No kidding...I could not possibly live a life less conducive to dropping dairy and meat. I have beef like crazy in my freezer, and all the milk a person could possibly drink (though milk itself is not my thing). I might have less of a health/weight problem, but then I'd have a family/marriage/relational problem, kwim? ;)


BTW, I'm not brushing off the idea--I'll think it over. :001_smile:

Thank you!

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I knew that you were the dessert queen but somehow I forgot that you were a dairy farmer's wife. I was sort of glad Colleen wouldn't be here to read me put down milk, lol. I have nothing against it, it just seems like I feel better without it, surprisingly.


(((Julie))) You look great in your photo.

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I knew that you were the dessert queen but somehow I forgot that you were a dairy farmer's wife. I was sort of glad Colleen wouldn't be here to read me put down milk, lol. I have nothing against it, it just seems like I feel better without it, surprisingly.


(((Julie))) You look great in your photo.

Well, ya know, what's funny about the dessert thing is that I create lovely desserts almost daily, but have almost *no desire* to eat them! Truly, dessert is not my thing. :D


While I wish I could say that my dh would not care if I dropped dairy and meat, as long as I was healthy, the fact is that he would care. I think he might even be hurt. And a bit angry...just a bit. I know that lots of people feel better without dairy, and I don't take it personally when people decide to do without it, but my dh does. I still really value your advice and the sharing of your experience with changing your dietary lifestyle. I'm impressed that you took the plunge! :001_smile:


ETA: Thanks for the ((hugs)) too! And for the really nice comment about my photo. I don't look like a huge hippo-sized woman binging on cheese in that one...

Edited by Julie in CA
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I love cheese too. I do have a low-fat cheese stick almost daily. From time to time I will have some shredded cheddar or something on Mexican food. Sometimes I even have Cabot's Seriously Charp cheddar cheese. I stopped eating cheese on sandwiches, though. :)

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I don't know if it's true, but my naturopath told me that I crave cheese because of the salt in it. She said that is why I especially crave cheddar.


What I've done is to switch to those types of cheese that I like less. So I avoid the sharp cheddar and havarti (which I could just inhale) and get the provolone and munster instead. The kids like those kinds on their sandwiches but I don't "need" them on mine and so we're all happy.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I knew that you were the dessert queen but somehow I forgot that you were a dairy farmer's wife. I was sort of glad Colleen wouldn't be here to read me put down milk, lol.
Did I hear my name?;)
I am finding that more and more, I want the salad and vegetables, the legumes and avocados and all the "good stuff" that I used to think about eating before I gave into the grilled cheese...I have pretty much eliminated all dairy and meat and I don't even miss it. I also eliminated diet sodas, and I do sort of miss them...I'm amazed and just how "right" I feel on a plant based diet.
That doesn't surprise me. I believe we were originally created to consume plant-based diets, so it stands to reason we feel better when we orient ourselves in that direction. I also believe eliminating diet sodas is a significant reason why you feel better. I honestly can not fathom consuming soda ~ diet or otherwise ~ on a regular basis. Or a semi-regular basis. Or at all, come to think of it. I congratulate you for turning your back on that. As for cheese, well...There are some simple, lovely aspects of life with which I'm not willing to part. Cheese, chocolate, and wine are three of those.:)
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I do have a low-fat cheese stick almost daily.


*howls* NOOOooooOOO! Cheese must be full fat!


I used to be a serious cheese lover too, but the more we do this mostly vegan thing, the less appealing it seems. If you want to get over it, you'll get over it. Again, if you really want cheese, go to a deli and buy expensive stuff. Snobbery is very good for addictions. You'll turn your nose up at all inferior products and that's most of what you run into because *good* stuff requires effort to search out.





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Did you notice my sig line?

I'm a dairy farmer's wife!! No kidding...I could not possibly live a life less conducive to dropping dairy and meat. I have beef like crazy in my freezer, and all the milk a person could possibly drink (though milk itself is not my thing). I might have less of a health/weight problem, but then I'd have a family/marriage/relational problem, kwim? ;)


BTW, I'm not brushing off the idea--I'll think it over. :001_smile:

Thank you!


But can't the five kids more than make up your share? :D


That's how I explained my new vegan diet to the Schwan man anyway. I still buy the ice cream for the other five people in the family and the berries, broccoli etc. for me. (Schwan's triple berry blend mixed with fresh peaches, milled flaxseed, vanilla soy milk and walnuts is an awesome breakfast by the way. I'm going to have to get two bags next time.).

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*howls* NOOOooooOOO! Cheese must be full fat!


I used to be a serious cheese lover too, but the more we do this mostly vegan thing, the less appealing it seems. If you want to get over it, you'll get over it. Again, if you really want cheese, go to a deli and buy expensive stuff. Snobbery is very good for addictions. You'll turn your nose up at all inferior products and that's most of what you run into because *good* stuff requires effort to search out.






But I like these. :crying:


Moz. cheese sticks are also the only cheese Nathan will eat by itself. He loves these things.


Now, I also love Cabot Seriously Sharp Cheese. But, I try not to eat it more than once a week.


Really, I think the Alice White Red wine needs to go. :tongue_smilie:

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