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Raise your hand if you are planning to use HOD this fall! :)

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Also, which program(s) are you using and with what age child? Also, have you done any scheduling of all the subjects? Care to share?





This is our first time using HOD and we will be doing Beyond with Emerging Readers for my 6 year old son and Bigger Hearts with Extensions for my 10 year old son. We are using CLE for LA, Math, and Bible right now (though my older will use the HOD Bible once he finishes his CLE this year). :)


I have played with the scheduling some...here is what I am coming up with thus far (but I have a feeling it is really going to change for my older ds...too teacher intensive the way it is). Obviously, ? will be filled in after summer. :)


Older ds - Bigger:




Younger ds - Beyond



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Hand raised! I am doing Beyond with my DDs who will be 6 yo and 8 yo in the fall. I am adding in things for the 8 yo, but she has a late birthday, and she really hovers between 2nd and 3rd grade, so I think Beyond is a good choice for us for next year. My 6 yo will probably start the emerging readers in January (another late birthday), and my 8yo should be at the end of them and ready to start DITHR in January. I went with R&S English and both girls will be doing WWE next year also.


I am still figuring out my schedule. I just placed my order yesterday, so I am really looking forward to getting the guide and digging in.

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We'll be finishing LHFHG and Beyond this fall-we started in January. Then we'll either start Bigger in the new year or do something in between so I can start combining ds with dd. I'm trying to decide if ds will do Beyond at all. We may just do a "filler" year with something else for both of them and then do Bigger history together. We'll see when we get done with our current work.

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We're moving in to Preparing for dd (9) for 4th and LHTH for ds (4) for pre-k. I LOVE HoD and feel so grateful to have found it!


I'm not going to schedule things in that way, but I am going to a workbox system and will schedule her assignments that go into the workboxes. Then ds will work with me while she works independently.

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Me too!


We started but are going at a slower pace this summer.



My 11, 10, and 8 year olds

11 and 10 year olds are reading extentions from Bigger


Little Hearts:

My soon-to-be 5 year old little girl


We will either be doing Queen's Language Lessons/ DGP grammar (4 year old is only doing Queen's for phonics).


Math is MUS and Systematic Mathematics


The other things we are adding are typing, Simply Music (piano) and First Form/Prima Latina Latin.

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Me, me, me!


My youngest son will be a second grader next year. He has already started Little Hearts for His Glory. He'll also be using the Emerging Readers set, First Language Lessons 2, Writing With Ease (finishing up 1, and then will start 2), and Singapore Math 2A & 2B.


My oldest son will be a fifth grader. He has already started Drawn Into the Heart of Reading. In August, he will start Preparing Hearts for His Glory w/ some, but not all, of the Extension Books. He'll be using Rod & Staff 4, MathUSee Delta, Singapore's Challenging Word Problems 3 and Hey Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek.


I love all of the HOD materials and the guides. I am so thankful I found HOD. I've never had a summer when I could just rest and enjoy some free time without stressing over curricula.


As for a schedule, I'm just following the boxes in the guides, saving projects for the end of the day.

Edited by Donna T.
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LHTH with ds2 (3 in Sept)


LHFHG K with ds5, Reading Made Easy w/workbooks


Bigger with 3rd grade DD8 (8 next week!) plus she's reading some extensions


All our extras are listed in my siggy except Conversation With Character...oh, we're NOT going to do DITHOR this year but she will still read the books.


We're TRYING to get the workboxes set up...never done it before and trying to figure it out. She's a lover of independent work and I need her to be!

We're starting, well...now and working over the summer while it's hot (been off for almost 3 months while it's been cool) so we can break when baby #4 gets here around Thanksgiving.


I'd love to hear how to make the workboxes work! I put one task in each one and they were all full with no room for fun stuff. So I'm trying to figure out how to group them.

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My 3 year old, come 4 year old this August was so excited when our package arrived with our first ever home school materials, so we decided to start a few months early. We are doing Little Hearts for His Glory and so far she loves loves loves it. The history portion (Little Pilgrams book) is a bit much for a 3 year old to understand, so we mostly discuss what it says instead of me just reading it aloud to her. She loves verse memorization (who knew!) and the hands on math applications. The hands on science sections are also a huge hit. Overall it is awesome and she loves it to bits. Just today she begged to do some math with the soup cans, haha! We love it and I thank you all for recommending it to me a few weeks back. What a great program!


As an aside, we are going to introduce Horizons Math in the Fall as the supplement, and for phonics, we are just reading books--nothing fancy. :)

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Those of you doing Bigger w/extensions I am thinking of doing these for my 10 yr. old, whicle my 8 yr. old does as written. Do you read First American History with everyone, and then the oldest branches off and does their own reading? Also, do you require oral and written narrations for the extension books? Do you think I need to add more advanced mapping for an older student? It looks good but I just don't want her to be doing extra reading, I want her accountable for it as well.




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Those of you doing Bigger w/extensions I am thinking of doing these for my 10 yr. old, whicle my 8 yr. old does as written. Do you read First American History with everyone, and then the oldest branches off and does their own reading? Also, do you require oral and written narrations for the extension books? Do you think I need to add more advanced mapping for an older student? It looks good but I just don't want her to be doing extra reading, I want her accountable for it as well.





Shannon, your questions come up very frequently on the HOD board. There is currently an active thread there about prereading the extension package books in which Carrie posts how she uses the books with her children. It should be easy to find. In short, yes, a child who is doing the Extension Package should listen in to all of the reading, plus do both oral and written narrations with their own books, plus one notebooking page a week.



Here is the thread:


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Well, I haven't started yet, obviously, but I plan on having my dd sit in on all the history/storytime readings, and the extension books she will read to herself *in addition* to what she does aloud with us. There are some great ideas in the Bigger guide about ways to keep dc accountable in the Ext. readings. For example, you might require an oral/written narration or a drawing based on the readings.


I am going to try to preread some of the extension books this summer just so I will feel more comfortable discussing them with dd, but I don't think it's absolutely necessary.

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I'm doing Bigger with my 7 and 9 yo dd's. The 9 yo will use the extensions as well. I will probably use LHTH with my 4 yo and pull from it for the preschool class at our co-op. Haven't started on schedules yet!


Edited to add that I'm going to add the kindergarten reading and math to LHTH b/c she's already using them. I love how it's going to set her up for the future guides. I know she'll get so much more out of the history and science if I wait another year.

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Hand raised here.


I'm probably an oddball, but we are combining a 10, 8, and 6 yr old with Beyond right now. I'm moving fairly quickly thinking I'll get Bigger and do some of it also.


My goal is to start ancients next year for my oldest who will be entering 5th grade. I'll probably fold the other two in with them listening in on the storytime, Bible, and poetry. They can do what science will fit their age and also I might have them listen to SOTW ancients and possibly do some mapwork from SOTW.


For my family, I agree with SWB when it comes to doing the lessons for the oldest and bringing the youngers in...when my oldest is totally independent I may not do this. However, I really don't like the idea of being on two or three diff. history cycles. So for now (and I could always change my mind) I want to go through a 4 year history cycle with my oldest before he hits high school, so I plan on using all of the upcoming HOD packages.



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I'm planning to use LHFHG with my just turned 4yo. We may take some of it a little slower since she's still pretty young, but we opted out of doing LHTH since she's already reading, writing, and doing kindergarten level math. I love the idea of LHTH for it's biblical content, but felt dd would get bored with it since it seems to focus on letters/sounds. I can't wait to do LHTH with my son when he gets a bit older though!

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I'm planning to use LHFHG with my just turned 4yo. We may take some of it a little slower since she's still pretty young, but we opted out of doing LHTH since she's already reading, writing, and doing kindergarten level math. I love the idea of LHTH for it's biblical content, but felt dd would get bored with it since it seems to focus on letters/sounds. I can't wait to do LHTH with my son when he gets a bit older though!


This is pretty close to where we are at. My lo is board by LHTH now. She wants me to read at least 5 days worth of material in one setting, and she is not all that fond of finger plays anymore. However she is not sitting still for the read aloud time in LHFHG since there are almost no pics. She is almost there though, and I am quite excited! She wanted to start the History for Lil Pilgrims book, but the first few pages about what history is put her off. I may skip those and come back to them later as it is very important. She just needs a little more concrete right now. ;) She is also reading cvc, and doing kinder math and writing. So it won't be long before we are doing LHFHG half speed. :D

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Okay, I'll raise my hand, slowly, and just half way. :P I've owned HOD's Little Hands for over a year. Um, I think we finished week two. So, I'll use this thread as a motivator to get prepared for the fall. I'll be using it, lightly, with my 2.5yo, 4yo, & I'm sure the 5yo will listen in as well. :)

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This is pretty close to where we are at. My lo is board by LHTH now. She wants me to read at least 5 days worth of material in one setting, and she is not all that fond of finger plays anymore. However she is not sitting still for the read aloud time in LHFHG since there are almost no pics. She is almost there though, and I am quite excited! She wanted to start the History for Lil Pilgrims book, but the first few pages about what history is put her off. I may skip those and come back to them later as it is very important. She just needs a little more concrete right now. ;) She is also reading cvc, and doing kinder math and writing. So it won't be long before we are doing LHFHG half speed. :D


Thanks for this. It helped confirm that I made the right decision in choosing LHFHG if your dd is getting bored with LHTH and is at the same level as my dd.

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We'll be using 3 HOD's. My soon to be first grader will use LHFHG, my soon to be 3rd will use Bigger, and my soon to be 5th and 6th graders are going to use the new Hearts Through Time (with extensions for 6th grader). I am a little nervous using 3, but found a helper! Many of the older books are free online with audio through the Gutenburg Project and the Baldwin Project. I will have some things that I read to them each on a daily basis; but I just can't do it all.

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I saw your post and am curious how you are planning on using LHFHG for first grade. I definitely want to do the history portion of LH, but am thinking of doing some of the beyond as well. What are you doing for math and science??







My soon to be 1st grader will be using Little Hearts.

I really like your schedules...

Hmmm...I may need to play around on Open Office today - LOL.

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I saw your post and am curious how you are planning on using LHFHG for first grade. I definitely want to do the history portion of LH, but am thinking of doing some of the beyond as well. What are you doing for math and science??




I'm not mom2jjka but wanted to point out that Little Hearts is written for 5 to 7 year olds. My son is 7, so he's on the older side for the guide. Little Hearts is perfect for a first grader! It schedules Singapore's Earlybird 2A/2B as the main text but it also includes a schedule for Singapore's Primary Math 1A/1B in the appendix. I'll be using it with Singapore's Primary Math 2A/2B with the lessons in the Bigger Hearts guide. Also, you have a choice of three science texts with Little Hearts. I'll be using both the K and 1st grade texts, saving the 2nd grade one in case we do Beyond next (and the 2nd grade text is the main text in Beyond).


Well, you probably already knew all that but just wanted to make sure! You really won't need to adapt it unless you just want to. Each of the HOD guides can be used with a range of ages because of the supplemental schedules in the appendixes. I love that.

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I will be using three HOD programs this fall. I'm doing LHTH with my 4yo son, Beyond with my 2nd grader and Preparing with extensions with my 6th grader. I can't wait to get started! All of the guides and books look wonderful.:001_smile:





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I'm using Beyond with a 6yo. I've opted to go with FLL, WWE and SWO instead of the HOD LA. Also, I bought the Singapore textbooks and HIG's. I think I'd like to switch to R&S grammar for 3rd, but right now I like the oral/scripted aspect of FLL and the ease of the WWE workbooks.


Last year we "sort of" used LHFHG. I didn't want to do 170 days for K, and I didn't want to use the devotional, history, or science, so it became pointless to try to keep to the schedule. I really just wanted the basics last year and now I want to add science and history in. I do like the resources HOD uses, even if the schedules never work for me!

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